It took several days to complete all the design drawings of the 'Type 78' heavy machine gun.

Liu Tao left Panshan Machinery Factory in the factory's 212 jeep and headed for the provincial capital.

This 212 Jeep was specially equipped by the factory director. Apart from this, no one else from Panshan Machinery Factory equipped the car.

This year, China's automobile production capacity is frighteningly low. Last year, the country's total automobile output was only 149,000 units, of which the annual output of cars was only 2,640 units, 96,100 trucks, and 21,900 motorcycles.

Yes, in this era, motorcycles are counted as cars and not listed separately.

You can imagine how rare cars are.

And this is because the former director of the factory was Wang Tiezhu, who enjoyed the treatment of a deputy department-level cadre, so there were 212 jeeps, otherwise there would not have been any.

Liu Tao was thanks to Wang Tiezhu.

The mountain road has eighteen bends. Along the road, we encountered transport trucks heading to Panshan Machinery Factory many times, either transporting weapons and ammunition to Panshan Machinery Factory, or transporting construction materials to Panshan Machinery Factory.

There were stops and starts along the way, and we met cars many times.

With the previous road widening, this mountain road is much easier to walk than before.

It took a full two and a half hours to arrive at the Provincial Defense Management Office.

After registering and verifying his identity, Liu Tao was released and he arrived at the director's office with ease.

In the office at this time, Wang Tiezhu was wearing reading glasses and looking at the documents attentively.

When he reached this position, he no longer managed a factory as before, but managed the military industry system of the entire province.

Liu Tao waited for a while and saw that Wang Tiezhu had already read the document, then Liu Tao knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong~~"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Wang Tiezhu's voice sounded. He slowly raised his head and saw Liu Tao walking into the office. Wang Tiezhu was stunned for a moment, and then said happily, "Comrade Liu Tao, why did you come here without calling in advance?"

Liu Tao smiled and said: "Director, didn't I come here specially to give you a surprise?"

"Oh? What surprise?" Wang Tiezhu said with a smile, "You have given me enough surprises. In a meeting held a few days ago, superior leaders and military leaders specially praised you and called on everyone to learn from you."

Now Liu Tao's name is not only in the military industry system, but also spilling out of the system.

Provincial leaders and military leaders all remember Liu Tao's name and regard Liu Tao as a treasure.

Being able to independently develop several types of weapons and equipment is simply amazing. Talents are extremely rare in the country.

"I have developed a heavy machine gun during this period. Its performance is much higher than the Type 53 heavy machine gun and the Type 67 light and heavy dual-purpose machine gun. Now the heavy machine gun sample has been manufactured." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Wang Tiezhu's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Ever since Xiaomi added rifles, the military has suffered from a psychological disease called "Phobia of Insufficient Firepower." Especially when they crossed the Yalu River and faced the United Nations Army with the most advanced equipment in the world, this "Phobia of Insufficient Firepower" It has reached its peak.

After all, they are rich and powerful, throwing bombs from the sky, indestructible tanks on the ground, logistical supplies created through cheating, and mindless firepower.

It was also at that time that the Chinese army learned what the superior firepower theory was and what the ‘Van Fleet ammunition quantity’ was!

Since then, the Chinese military has been treating "fear of insufficient firepower."

Wang Tiezhu asked impatiently: "How is the performance?"

"The total weight is 26.5 kilograms, the gun body weighs 17.5 kilograms, and the gun frame weighs 8.5 kilograms. Soldiers can carry the machine gun while walking. As for the effective range, it can reach 2,000 meters. It can use 12.7 mm bullets, armor-piercing bullets, armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets, and armor-piercing bullets. "Explosive incendiary bombs." Liu Tao said: "It's so powerful that even light armor can't stop it. It can also be used as an anti-aircraft machine gun when facing low-flying armed helicopters or fighter jets."

"Okay! Great!" Wang Tiezhu became excited.

It had already appeared in his mind that on the battlefield, such a heavy machine gun would become a weapon on the battlefield and a nightmare for the enemy.

It can greatly enhance the infantry firepower.

"Such a heavy machine gun can also be installed on a vehicle or on a ship to serve as a firepower point," Liu Tao said.

After Liu Tao's continuous optimization and improvement, the performance of the '78' heavy machine gun is extremely outstanding and has definitely reached the world's advanced level.

"When you said that, I couldn't help but want to see it with my own eyes!" Wang Tiezhu's face was full of excitement. "If the army is equipped with such advanced heavy machine guns, it can kill more monkeys and less monkeys." Many people died."

Although the "Red Dragon's Roar" operation was successful this time, the casualties were also very high, and during the battle, the unit commander discovered that the enemy's weapons and equipment were much more advanced.

In terms of light weapons, heavy weapons, and air force, our side is actually inferior to the other side!

This is simply a huge irony.

The most outstanding light weapons on the battlefield are the 'Type 78' pistol, the 'Type 78' automatic rifle and the 'Type 78' heavy sniper rifle.

Especially the 'Type 78' heavy sniper rifle, which can even destroy the opponent's main battle tank, shocked commanders at all levels.

The only thing that bothers the military is that the 'Type 78' heavy sniper rifle is too expensive. The gun is expensive, and so are the bullets!

"Director, organize an expert review team and see for yourself when the time comes." Liu Tao smiled: "I come to you this time, director, for another matter."

"Oh? What is it? As long as it doesn't violate the principles, you will definitely help me if you can." Wang Tiezhu said.

Only then did Liu Tao talk about the real purpose of his visit. If it was just the 'Type 78' heavy machine gun, he only needed to make a phone call and report it. There was no need to come all the way.

"Didn't the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China last year adopt the policy of domestic reform and opening up to the outside world? I am ready to respond to the call of the party and the country and sell the weapons and equipment in the factory to earn foreign exchange." Liu Tao looked at Wang Tiezhu .

Wang Tiezhu frowned, "Isn't this nonsense? The top priority of Panshan Machinery Factory now is to produce the '78 Type' gun family as much as possible, and the troops are still waiting to change their equipment."

Now both the Eastern and Western Front troops are waiting to replace the Type 78 gun family, and Panshan Machinery Factory cannot produce it in three shifts.

The Fifth Machinery Department is also coordinating the production of the '78 Type' gun family by other military factories. However, production line debugging and trial production will take time.

The quality of some currently produced is far different from that produced by Panshan Machinery Factory, and the troops are very dissatisfied.

Now all the pressure is on Panshan Machinery Factory, but Liu Tao actually wants to export weapons abroad.

"Director, if you don't think about the long term, you will have immediate worries!" Liu Tao said, "I am also looking at the long term and make plans first."

"The number of troops in the country is now almost 6 million. Judging from various news, superiors will definitely reduce the number of troops, and the scale of the reduction will not be small." Liu Taoyi pointed out.

News about disarmament often appears on radio and newspapers.

After all, the problems exposed by the 'Red Dragon's Roar' this time are shocking.

Although the number of troops is large, only part of them maintain training.

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