The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 66 Wang Tiezhu’s plan is ringing

Kun City, airport!

A plane landed, and passengers lined up to get off the plane with their luggage.

Liu Tao's ears were still buzzing as he held his luggage.

The planes of this era were quite noisy and not comfortable at all.

But compared to taking a train for three days and three nights, this discomfort was nothing unacceptable.

After getting off the plane, he took a deep breath to relax himself.

Then, he met up with his driver and went to the Yunnan Provincial Defense Management Office.

In the office, Wang Tiezhu was drinking water with an enamel cup.

"Comrade Liu Tao went to Beijing and made such a big deal. Heroes come out of the young, a big order of nearly 100 million US dollars!" Wang Tiezhu exclaimed.

Yesterday he received a call from the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building, informing him of the relevant situation and asking him to fully cooperate with Panshan Machinery Factory to complete the order in time.

When he heard the news at that time, Wang Tiezhu was shocked beyond words.

After all, it was a big order of nearly 100 million US dollars, which was even more amazing than the last time.

And all this was done by Liu Tao.

"Now that military orders are decreasing, other military factories are having a hard time. Panshan Machinery Factory can find a unique way to open up a road of export trade, which can also alleviate the difficulties of the province." Wang Tiezhu thought.

He had attended a meeting in Beijing before and knew that military-to-civilian conversion was the general trend.

After all, if the production quota is reduced, the factory's revenue will decrease.

Wang Tiezhu's life was slightly better after dumping three third-line factories to Panshan Machinery Factory. After all, the three third-line factories were taken over by Panshan Machinery Factory, and the wages were naturally paid by Panshan Machinery Factory. No one would call him every day to complain about production quotas and funds.

But you have to know that there are more than just these three military factories in Yun Province!

As the situation eased, these factories had a reduced production quota and their days were not easy.

After all, the materials prepared before the launch of the "Red Dragon's Roar" were consumed by only one-sixth of the "Red Dragon's Roar" in just one month, and the rest had not been used. Even if there were further actions, they would not be used that much.

Naturally, there would not be as many production quotas as last year.

Except for Panshan Machinery Factory, the higher authorities did not give specific production targets, but set no upper limit.

The last completed order was completed on the premise of ensuring delivery to the troops.

It can be said that among the military factories in the entire Yunnan Province, or the entire southwest region, Panshan Machinery Factory is the most prosperous.

"According to the current situation, I think Panshan Machinery Factory can digest three third-line factories this year. Let's see if we can take over a few more factories." Wang Tiezhu thought to himself.

He didn't feel ashamed at all. The more capable, the more work.

He is old. At most, he will have to retire in one or two years. His body is getting more and more unresponsive. It is already difficult to make more use of his remaining heat.

He only hopes to solve the difficulties as much as possible so that his successor can go into battle lightly.

Suddenly, seeing Liu Tao coming over, Wang Tiezhu smiled.

"Comrade Liu Tao, you have launched another big satellite when you returned to Beijing this time. Comrade Baoguo called me. I can't believe it!" Wang Tiezhu walked over and shook Liu Tao's hand vigorously.

An order worth nearly 100 million US dollars is incredible to think about.

Although converted into RMB, it is almost 150 million, and Panshan Machinery Factory produces and delivers to the troops every year, but the account is not calculated in this way. You have to know that it is US dollars!

US dollars, US dollars!

The entire Yunnan Provincial Defense Management Office wants to apply for 100,000 US dollars in foreign exchange every year, but it cannot apply for it.

Although the foreign exchange is settled by the Fifth Ministry of Machinery and does not flow to Yunnan Province, let alone the Yunnan Provincial Defense Management Office.

But it will be settled in RMB when the time comes.

With extra money, Panshan Machinery Factory can accept more third-line factories.

"Director, we are lucky this time, otherwise there would not be so many orders." Liu Tao smiled, "Next, the director will help coordinate the materials so that the brother units can supply our factory in time."

It is a good thing to have orders, but we also need materials to ensure production.

Without raw materials, Liu Tao will be at a loss.

Production is a system, which cannot be completed by a single factory. There must be related supporting factories.

For example, steel plants, copper plants, etc.

"We have already held a meeting this morning. The planned indicators have been listed and given to each factory. There will be no delays. If anyone dares to delay, I will shoot him." Wang Tiezhu said loudly.

After receiving the call, Wang Tiezhu convened a meeting as soon as possible and reported to the leader. After making a list, the factory directors of each factory held a meeting in the morning and issued the planned indicators directly.

This is the planned economy now. Once the planned indicators are issued, production must be completed within the specified time. The whole process is a chess game.

Especially for enterprises in the military industry, it is like a military order.

Many factories have not disbanded their militia companies and battalions until now.

Wang Tiezhu said to Liu Tao: "Don't go back today. Stay here for two days. The provincial leaders will meet you in person and commend you."

As one of the 33 national advanced science and technology workers this year, and the only one in the entire Yunnan Province, Liu Tao can be said to have won honor for the province.

After the award ceremony, Wang Tiezhu received a call from the leader.

"The provincial leaders will meet me in person? And commend me?" Liu Tao was a little surprised.

Although he had met provincial leaders before, the number of times was very small. He had only met them twice so far.

Leaders like this were not something that could be met whenever one wanted to.

After all, at this level, it can be said that there are many things to deal with every day, and there are many things to deal with every day.

"This time you brought glory to the province and won the honor. The leader is very happy and wants to reward you with ten thousand yuan." Wang Tiezhu said, "If you have any difficulties then, you can mention it to the leader, and maybe the leader will help you solve it! "

"This time you have won another large order of nearly 100 million U.S. dollars. The leader will be very happy when he knows about it. As long as you don't ask too much, the leader should agree." Wang Tiezhu knew very well that the leader attached great importance to this matter.

Other third-tier factories are in business crisis, but Panshan Machinery Factory is developing better and better.

It can be said that Panshan Machinery Factory is not short of money at all now!

Among all the state-owned factories in Yun Province, Panshan Machinery Factory is the richest. It can be said that it is extremely rich.

Now the province is even studying Panshan Machinery Factory to see if it can come up with useful strategies to help other third-tier factories get out of trouble.

Wang Tiezhu received no fewer than ten calls from his leadership in the past two days, and even reported three times in person.

"Okay, then I will stay in Kunshi for two more days." Liu Tao nodded.

Later, Liu Tao formally reported to Wang Tiezhu about the work related to this trip to the capital. After all, Wang Tiezhu was Liu Tao's immediate boss.

Even when the Fifth Machinery Department wanted to send workers to Panshan Machinery Factory at the end of the year, Liu Tao did not hide it from Wang Tiezhu.

Once Panshan Machinery Factory is upgraded to a large-scale military factory, it will definitely no longer be under the jurisdiction of the Yun Provincial Defense Management Office, but will be directly under the management of the Fifth Machinery Department.

Wang Tiezhu has to be sure of all this.

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