The sun is high

Chapter 1 Hell’s Joke

Lin Xiuge looked at his body, a little confused, a little sad, and at the same time a little funny.

In less than three minutes after his death, his mental journey had gone through countless circles.

He watched his former colleagues gather around his body, constantly trying various first aid methods. However, only Lin Xiuge knew clearly that no matter how hard they tried, they could not change the sad fact in front of him.

He is already dead.

The soul is out of body.

Lin Xiuge turned his head sadly and looked at the wall next to him, where there was a poster.

It was a fantasy poster with a unique style and excellent craftsmanship - above the somewhat dilapidated spire buildings, a huge black sun hung high, and at the bottom of the poster, there was a line of large words written.

"There is only one day left before the launch of "The Age of Black Sun"!"

Looking at the familiar poster in front of him, Lin Xiuge began to wonder if it was because he had seen too many hell jokes that he died like a hell joke.

As the main person in charge of the plot and world view of the game "Age of Black Sun", he died suddenly in the early morning of the day when the game project was launched. Death came so quickly that he did not even have a deep understanding of the concept of death.

He returned to his work station melancholy, looking at the familiar things around him and watching the familiar body that belonged to him being taken to the elevator by the medical staff and colleagues who arrived...

Lin Xiuge instinctively wanted to catch up, but a sense of fatigue and sleepiness gripped him, making it impossible for him to stand up from the office chair underneath him.

"This is the end?"

He muttered to himself helplessly, and then closed his eyes in response to the sleepiness.

The sleep at the soul level did not last long, because in the dark, there seemed to be a sound coming. The sound came from far to near, from weak to loud, and finally completely shattered Lin Xiuge's hard-won sleep. He opened his eyes angrily, wanting to see who the bastard was who had the heart to ruin a dead ghost's sleep quality.

There was still a familiar office scene in front of him. He was still sitting at his most familiar workstation. However, the studio that should have been extremely bright has now become extremely dark and depressing. Everything around him seems to be shrouded in heavy darkness. Make it impossible for people to spy.

He couldn't see anyone.

So Lin Xiuge turned to look out the window. What surprised him was that the world outside the window was also pitch black. The darkness was so uniform, as if someone had covered all the windows with black curtains. Same.

While he was wondering, the sound that woke him up before came again. Lin Xiuge stood up hesitantly and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a faint light in the darkness far away. It was flickering slightly, and it sounded like it was the sound made by a certain fighting game. He could even identify the sound effects when one of the characters released skills and combos.

"What are you doing..."

Lin Xiuge squinted and glanced in the direction of the light, but then his eyes were attracted by the computer screen nearby.

For some reason, there were some strange and unfamiliar words floating on the computer screen. They looked like ink suspended in the air, floating up and down in front of the screen. When Lin Xiuge focused his gaze, When they were on it, their corresponding meanings appeared in Lin Xiuge's mind very naturally.

"Two fangs of a mountain troll."

The moment he understood this line of text, Lin Xiuge froze on the spot.

After coming back to his senses, he immediately turned his gaze to the side, whereupon he saw more black words floating on the computer screens, office lockers, and even the tablets on the desktop.

"Five hundred general gold coins."

"Three vials of Swamp Witch's Back Moss."

"The eyeball of any mage apprentice."

"The left ear of an adult earth dragon."

"A set of accessories for the orthodox female nobles of the Kingdom of Walter."

All kinds of strange words and sentences filled Lin Xiuge's mind.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch these floating words and the things behind them, but his palm seemed to have touched a transparent wall and was unable to do so.

"Universal gold coins, earth dragons, swamp witches, Kingdom of Walter... these are all terms in our own game worldview."

Lin Xiuge carefully came to the dark corridor while thinking. As a plot planner who has rich experience and has been poisoned by all kinds of messy culture, he has been vaguely bold about what is happening in front of him. Guesses and thoughts, but he did not dare to be sure, so he could only explore towards the only place that emitted light and sound.

This corridor is not long. Close to the wall, there are snack racks and drink cabinets provided to the project team. There are also several vending machines next to them. But now, these things also have that weird thing floating on them. The text made it impossible for Lin Xiuge to find out.

At the end of the corridor is a resting corner.

It is also known as the "fishing corner". When he is not too busy at work, Lin Xiuge will occasionally talk about fishing there with his close colleagues, or play arcade games that can show off his skills.

He was sure that was where the light came from.

Soon, Lin Xiuge came to the rest corner. He first saw the glowing screen. Just as he had judged before, this game console was running the latest sequel to the classic fighting game. On the opposite side of the screen, a slender figure was leaning comfortably on a beanbag.

Lin Xiuge couldn't see the person's face clearly, and couldn't even tell the other person's gender. He could only see that the other person was wearing a fitted black suit, and his face was shrouded in a dark mist. At this time, he was concentrating on his hands. Gamepad in .


Familiar game sound effects came from the direction of the screen, and huge and eye-catching fonts popped up on the screen. In the light of the screen, Lin Xiuge stepped forward and wanted to ask something, but no matter how hard he tried, , unable to make any sound.


The strange stranger raised a finger, making a silencing gesture, and then pointed to the wall beside him.

Lin Xiuge looked along and found that two huge doors had appeared on the originally empty wall.

Both doors are made of metal. The door on the left depicts a huge ship. However, there are countless hands around the ship. It seems that these hands are trying to replace and disassemble the ship. Component.

The door on the right is relatively simple. There is no pattern on it, but there is a line of text floating on it.

"Crown of the Black Sun."

As before, this door was isolated by an invisible wall and Lin Xiuge could not touch it.

So he could only come to the door on the left, but before he could test it further, the closed door suddenly opened on its own.

There was nothing behind the door, just pure darkness.

At this moment, an indistinguishable chuckle came from behind. Just as Lin Xiuge was about to look back, he felt a sudden force acting on his body. As a result, he could no longer control his balance, so he In this way, he fell into the abyss ahead in panic and fear.

"In the soft colors woven by the lights, that wonderful curve was once again reflected on the curtains. The young man stopped and held his breath. He could swear that in the past years, he had never been cold. The God of Wind had prayed before, but at this moment, he prayed eagerly to the god who had no exact image, longing for Him to come here, cast his gaze towards the window like himself, and open the curtain on his behalf, It’s so good to see the amazing view behind the curtain.”

"He took out the wine and took a deep sip into his mouth, and then a hot feeling flowed down his throat, igniting the fire in his eyes. At this moment, he was surrounded by countless The God of Cold Wind who called for the first time seemed to be unable to hold back anymore, so a breeze blew and gently rolled open a corner of the curtain..."

Huge Ernst was lying on the table in the corner of the beer hall, writing furiously. However, the sight from beside him made him stop writing very uncomfortably.

"Write! Keep writing!"

A hoarse voice urged from the side. It was the owner of this beer hall. He was obviously a little impatient. He reached out and patted Shuge twice on the shoulder. When he saw the young man in front of him, Still having no idea to continue writing, he changed his mind and said, "Okay, I'll get you a cup of sour beer, old recipe?"

"Yeah, same old thing, add more syrup and ice."

The boss walked away in a hurry, and the blocked sunlight fell again and fell on Sugar Ernst.

Xiuge turned his head, and he saw the face reflected in the glass again.

This is a dark-haired young man with sunken eyes and fair complexion. Perhaps due to long-term malnutrition, the young man's face is thin, giving people the impression of staying up late and seriously lacking sleep.

Black hair and white skin are the most famous symbols of the Ernst family in the Walter Kingdom. However, as a dispensable illegitimate son in the family, Sugar Ernst was kicked to this small border town. I can only rely on writing some "unfamous" things in exchange for royalties.

This is Lin Xiuge's current state.

Of course, if he were just a down-and-out young man, staying alone in a small border town and writing some gaudy literature, he would not find anything unpleasant. This was even very consistent with his job. However, in fact, he was Faced with a huge problem.

After two consecutive days of repeated confirmations, Xiuge was certain that he had indeed entered the world view of the game "Age of Black Sun". However, as the main person in charge of the game's plot and world view, he was not happy at all.

Because the era he is currently living in is a hundred years before the start of the main plot.

And he himself seems to have become a recurring character in the background settings.

In the plot outline created by Shuge himself, "Baron Ernst" plays a very important role - he will serve as a clue character to guide players through the initial main story.

It sounds like this is a "son of destiny" with an extraordinary status.

However, in fact, Baron Ernst was a complete unlucky man.

Shuge remembered clearly that in the setting of the final online version, the life of this illegitimate son of the Ernst family was completely disconnected from happiness and stability.

Although as an illegitimate son, he still incredibly inherited the family name, this did not bring any help to his life.

Baron Ernst's life was accompanied by death, disaster and betrayal. After experiencing pain and torture, the poor illegitimate son eventually inevitably grew into a cruel pervert active around the Kingdom of Walter, and eventually became a mass murderer. He was killed on the spot during the joint crusade, and Baron Ernst's head was even integrated into the statue and erected in the wilderness forever.


A glass of sour beer with ice and extra syrup was placed heavily in front of Shuge. The golden wine swayed with the ice cubes, successfully interrupting Shuge's thoughts.

The wretched old face of the tavern owner Schubert came over from the side and made Shuge feel irritated as soon as he opened his mouth: "You still owe the bill!"

"I know, after I hand in the manuscript tomorrow, I will pay off the bill..."

"Okay, there are two silver coins in total. I remember them all."

Schubert felt very reassured about this young man. He had been like this for the past year. He could live well for two days with royalties. Once he ran out of funds, he would start taking credit everywhere. Although he was embarrassed, he had to pay the money. But it's never less than half.

Schubert glanced at the paper in front of Shuge and saw a few more lines of words on it. He quickly wanted to come over and read it. As an old bachelor, he really loved what Shuge had written and wished he could read it all. I bought a few new books so I could take them back to my room and read them all.

Shuge felt a bit dumbfounded by the tastes and preferences of these "people from another world": "Mr. Schubert, I can't write when others are staring at me... I will submit the manuscript tomorrow, and you will be here at the latest in the morning the day after tomorrow. You can see it completely, so there is no need to rush for a while.”

"You have so many faults!"

The old man stamped his feet hard twice, but the words that kept appearing on the paper were so tempting, so he took two steps and turned back and said: "Hey, boy, can you finish writing today? "


"Then when you've finished writing, just show it to me'll be done in a moment. I'll erase your change from the bill, and today's drink will count as my treat for you. How about it?"

A deal that was not really a deal was negotiated.

Schubert's happy figure disappeared from the door of the kitchen, and the entire beer hall fell into silence again.

It was morning at this time, and except for "special people" like Shuge, almost no one would come in to drink at this time, so in the empty beer hall, all one could hear was Shuge's second-hand magic ink pen and The tiny sound made by the friction of paper.

The sunlight shifted little by little. When the several pieces of manuscript paper in front of Xiuge were filled with words, the time was already approaching noon. Other customers gradually began to walk in the beer hall, and the one with long flaxen hair , a young bartender with a gorgeous face also appeared in the tavern.

She came straight to Shuge.

"Ah, are you working on a manuscript again today?"

The female bartender's attitude towards Xiuge was as gentle as ever. She took away Xiuge's empty wine glass and brought another cup of hot tea with mint over her: "Uncle told me that he can see the latest news from your place." The manuscript...if he goes around bragging about it after reading it, it won’t be good for you.”

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Sally."

Shuge nodded very politely towards the beautiful female bartender: "In fact, as long as Mr. Schubert doesn't brag to the newspaper people, there won't be any trouble."

The two were about to continue talking when Schubert's annoying voice came over again. There were more people in the tavern and Sally had to entertain other guests.

After sending the young female bartender away, Xiuge's eyes involuntarily drifted to the magic calendar and clock on the wall.

Although the calendars and clocks in the tavern are very old, the magic and mechanisms that support them are still intact, so the time they give is very accurate and clear.

In the year 2699 of the Cathar calendar, it is the twenty-first day of the month of Gin and Wine, and there is still a quarter of an hour before noon.

In eight days, Salem City will usher in the annual "Armistice Day". Every year Salem City uses this festival to celebrate the long-lasting peace between the "Kingdom of Votel" and the "Kingdom of Deland". Therefore, in recent times, people in the city always have expressions of joy and joy on their faces.

However, when he thought of this, Xiuge's expression darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this world, I'm afraid no one knows what will happen next in Salem City better than him.

He can be sure that this strange and beautiful small town where he is located will become a real place of death. At that time, there will be no living person within the towering city walls, including the owner of the newspaper, including all the guests in this pub. , naturally including the wretched Schubert and the young and beautiful female bartender Sally.

This is not Xiuge's delusion, but the setting he typed out on the keyboard with his own hands.

But now, this has become a fate that he needs to challenge.

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