The sun is high

Chapter 5 Pungent

Shuge finally fulfilled his promise to "show Schubert the manuscript in advance."

People from all walks of life are prone to some quirks of their own.

Take Xiuge himself as an example. He likes to shut himself in a small space, whether it is writing or thinking. In short, he hates having someone standing next to him to inspect the fruits of his labor while he is immersed in work.

This habit had been formed when he was a student. Every time he took a Chinese language test, what he hated most was having a teacher standing behind him and watching him write. Once this happened, he would Immediately, my fingers became stiff, my mind went blank, and I felt restless. I wanted to pluck out the eyes that were spying on me and stomp on them.

At the same time, he also hates having others examine his work in front of him.

Especially when he clearly knows that there are some uncertain contents in his works.

So when Shuge watched the wretched-looking tavern owner Schubert and the excited Putlin holding beer glasses while reading his manuscript with red eyes, he inevitably began to become irritated. .

If he wasn't worried that they would do some unspeakable weird thing with his manuscript on a whim, Shuge would have chosen to leave long ago.

After a while, the two guys finally separated without any hesitation. Under the lights of the tavern, two big men with red faces huddled together could easily create bad associations.

"It's... it's... it's awesome."

Schubert's tongue was already a little knotted, and he tremblingly handed the stack of manuscript papers back to Shuge: "But to be honest, the exciting part seems to have become less, but this is not an important thing. Just the imaginable parts are enough!"

"Enough, enough!"

Putlin acted as a repeater beside him. As a young man, his face was two points redder than that of old Schubert, as if he was about to bleed.

"Your writing seems to be better than before... Ah, I don't know how to describe it. It may be like what some reviewers said, 'the style has changed, but the writing is more attractive'."

Xiuge smiled and accepted the compliments and compliments from the two people. Their comments made him feel a lot better. It seemed that he would not reveal any flaws in his writing and works, and his previous The writing quality isn't unsurpassable either.

There are slightly fewer customers in the tavern. Most of the people who come here at this time are serious drinking customers. These tired and elderly customers will not touch beautiful girls like the young ones, so they are busy. After working all day, Sally finally got a chance to rest and sat next to Shuge and the others.

She placed a plate in front of Shuge.

The dish is simple but well done, two slices of lightly toasted bread, a piece of pan-fried beef drizzled with sauce, and some boiled vegetables stacked next to it.

Very common combination.

The cooking methods of beef and bread come from the Kingdom of Votel, while the fragrant vegetables come from the Kingdom of Deland. The cultural traces of the two have long been integrated in Salem City, and they can be said to complement each other when paired together. .

Xiuge nodded politely to the tired girl: "Thank you."


Sally curled her lips playfully, then took out a cup and poured herself some beer.

It was really just a tiny bit, probably only enough for two mouthfuls. However, even so, Schubert still cast a dissatisfied look: "That's too much! You can't drink so much... Sigh."

Before she finished speaking, Sally had already raised the cup. After drinking the slightly sour cold beer, she put the cup down happily.

"You're too late, uncle. Our family makes a living by brewing beer. As the eldest daughter in the family, how can I not drink?"

"You're too young!"

"Then you still want me to be a maid?"

A very classic quarrel process. Shuge and Putlin didn't want to pay attention to the debate between them, so one of them lowered his head to eat, and the other drank heavily.

The atmosphere at this time was enough to make anyone feel comfortable, but when the delicious and juicy beef entered Xiuge's mouth, it seemed a little dull because of the things on his mind.

He is doing his best to recall and piece together everything about Van En's world.

This is bound to be an extremely difficult process.

"The main story of "The Age of Black Sun" takes place two hundred years later. If I were to face the world two hundred years later, maybe I would be able to find a real breakthrough point soon, but what I know now is just a vague framework. , there are too many details that cannot be speculated on, and now, I can only make inferences through known information and logic."

He forked a piece of vegetable, which is a green plant rhizome. The taste and texture are quite similar to broccoli, but the orderly arrangement of triangular patterns on it shows that this is actually a kind of vegetable that is different from ordinary perceptions. , plants that grow in a world full of magical elements.

Xiuge rolled the vegetables gently in the sauce, and then put them into his mouth.

The outline and settings he had written were rolling rapidly in his mind: "In the original timeline, the disaster in Salem City was regarded as the true origin of the 'Black Sun Era', that is, the destruction of Salem City was the The forty-year war that swept through the entire Vann laid hidden dangers, and in the end, the terrible war was triggered by the irreconcilable contradiction between the two kingdoms of Votel and Deland."

"This "Forty Years' War" led to the collapse of belief in gods in this world and verified the famous prophecy."

Shuge swallowed the vegetables in his mouth, and out of nowhere, he asked: "Putlin, do you still remember what the prophecy said?"

"Prophecy? What did you say?"

"It's the prophecy about the 'Black Sun'."

Putlin looked over strangely. Although he had drunk a lot of wine, he was still conscious. He didn't quite understand why Shuge suddenly asked this question.

Of course he knew what this prophecy was. In fact, this ancient story was spread among all the countries and civilizations in Van En.

The origin of the "Black Sun" prophecy has long been unknown. It has spread extremely widely, from the rugged Luo Wei Plateau to the flat and river-filled Goddess Plains east of the Kingdom of Delan, and then to the other side of the ocean. Variations of this prophecy exist in all the Eastern countries where treasures are stored.

However, among the countless versions that have been circulated, the core of this prophecy itself has not changed much.

"One day, the gods will fall into madness, the knights will be devoured by evil beasts, and there will be laughter on the broken throne."

"The eternal black sun will become the messenger of war. Believers who have lost their miracles and divine grace will fight each other, and nobles who have lost their heirs and crowns will shed blood."

With a little drunkenness, Putlin finally recited the strange and ominous prophecy.

He stared at the ice cubes shaking in the drink and read out the last two sentences of this prophecy.

"People stopped looking up at the sky because there was only a black sun left."

"People often look up at the sky because there's still a black sun there."

Xiuge quietly listened to Putlin's retelling of this prophecy. To be honest, he felt that Putlin had a talent for being a bard, especially after drinking, his tone of voice was ups and downs and full of emotion. At this time, he will appear a little sentimental, completely different from the passionate young man in the day who would fight with others if he disagreed.

"Why do you talk about such weird things? I always thought that only those members of the Black Sun Society who talked about these things all day long."

Sally frowned. She was a little dissatisfied with what her two friends were talking about: "It doesn't matter if we hear it, but don't let the people from the Legal Committee hear it. Be careful they arrest you for questioning!"

Shuge nodded obediently, and then stuffed another piece of beef into his mouth. Of course, he had no way to tell Sally and Putlin that everything in this prophecy would be completely fulfilled in the near future, and the damn instigator was sitting there. in front of them.

Shuge knew quite a bit about the "Black Sun Society" mentioned by Sally.

It's just that the "Black Sun Society" he knew was also active in Van En a hundred years later. In the setting, it was a group of people who worshiped and pursued the "eternal black celestial body".

In the mouth of the Legal Committee, the Black Sun Society is also often called the "Black Sun Sect". However, the eccentric members of the society are often unwilling to refer to themselves as sects and believers.

They are active throughout Van En, committed to expanding the influence of the association, and promoting a set of magic theories and concepts of life based on the "eternal black celestial body" to all parts of Van En.

Therefore, the Black Sun Society and the Legal Committee became direct opponents and enemies.

In the main plot of the game "Age of Black Sun", players need to make a choice between the Legal Committee and the Association, which will determine the faction affiliation of both players...

"The scale of the Black Sun Association at this time should be very limited, and most of the members of the association just blindly believe in the prophecy."

Shuge forked the last piece of bread on the plate and thought seriously: "So, will the Black Sun Society have any connection with the subsequent events in Salem City? Damn... I should have written more details at that time. !”

"Maybe tonight, I should go back to my dreamland again, hoping that I can find more things that can be 'redeemed' cheaply. With the current unstable and weird magic, I simply can't deal with too many things. There is an emergency, and in addition to force, I also need more intelligence and information..."

The plate was empty, so Shuge raised his head.

Old Schubert went to chat with a few hooligans. Shuge judged from their excited and distorted expressions and their glances from time to time that these old hooligans were most likely discussing the manuscript he had just finished.

At this table, Sally was arguing with Putlin. Judging from the reactions of the two, it was probably Putlin who had put forward some of his own dangerous ideas.

"Let me tell you, even if this prophecy comes true one day, I'm afraid such a world won't be any worse than it is now!"

Putlin slapped the table, his face getting redder and redder: "Think about it! The city of Salem is the object of people's attention in the whole Vann. The Votels and the Delans live together here... Facts Everyone should have been indifferent to each other for a long time, but what? For such a long time, the conflict between the two kingdoms has never diminished. However, with every conflict and bloodshed, we, the people of Salem City who have long been integrated into one, have become one. A new gap will be created!”

"Disgusting! I think the celebrations at this time of year are both hypocritical and disgusting... Walter is so strong, he never stops putting pressure on the Delan people in the city, but every time at this time, those damn successors We have to sit hypocritically with the aristocratic gentlemen, telling us that everything is normal, and then wait until the new year to repeat the past!”

"That's enough, Putlin."

Shuge raised his hand and pressed Putlin's shoulder: "I can understand your grievances, but don't forget, Sally and I are from the Votel family. In terms of blood, I am even from the Ernst family. a member of."


Putlin finally calmed down. He sighed feebly, and then put down the glass with some beer still in it.

At the moment when the wine glass collided with the table, a violent tremor and a dull loud noise came from the distance. The glass in Putlin's hand shook violently and fell off the edge of the table.

Shuge instinctively stretched out his hand, and amidst Sally's exclamation, he firmly grasped the handle of the beer glass, preventing it from being shattered into pieces. However, the remaining wine spilled onto Shuge's face. His clothes smelled of alcohol even though he didn't drink.


Sally smiled and took the beer glass. Her eyes narrowed into two beautiful lines in her smile: "It seems that you are not as weak as you appear. At least you are very agile."

"Just good luck."

Although Xiuge was also surprised by the instant reaction he just showed, he still nodded modestly. Then he stood up and patted the red-faced Putlin: "It's getting late, we should also gone."

"I don't know what happened in the city just now, be careful."

"Thank you, Miss Sally."

"You can totally take out the word 'Miss'!"

Amid Sally's dissatisfaction, Shuge and Putlin walked out of the beer hall one after another, so Putlin immediately reached out and said with a smile: "Did you hear that? I've long wanted you to change your name. Listen to me, be bold, maybe we can get a discount for drinking here in the future!”

However, Xiuge ignored him.

Because in the air, he smelled a strange smell. It was not the smell emitted by vehicles burning secondary crystallized minerals. It smelled stronger and more pungent.

It's like...

It was like something exploded.

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