The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by creating your own Water Bear Gu

Chapter 66 Obtaining the best spiritual insect

Everyone rested for a while, took out food to replenish their strength, and then hit the road again.

However, we walked intermittently along the way, stopping to rest every half a day. It took us five days to reach the edge of Shiwanda Mountain.

As soon as he entered Shiwanda Mountain, Long Xuan saw patches of ancient trees in front of him. The trunks were thick and tall, and the branches were luxuriant. They weaved into a sea of ​​green. When the wind blew by, he could smell the scent of grass and trees, and the tangy scent of the trees. of spiritual power.

The intensity of spiritual energy here is much higher than that in Fangshi, and it is definitely an excellent environment for cultivation.

But no family dares to settle here. Although the cultivation environment is good, they will be the first to bear the brunt of the beast tide if there is a beast wave.

You must know that Shiwandashan is really huge. Why is this place called Shiwandashan?

It is because there are more than 100,000 mountains here, and the mountains are connected with the mountains continuously, and the area can be imagined.

It is said that the Hundred Thousand Mountains span an unknown number of areas, and the extreme west is just a relatively small part of the border.

In the vast forest, there are countless powerful spiritual beasts hidden and countless unknown mysteries hidden.

It is no exaggeration to say that the overall strength of spiritual beasts is much stronger than that of humans.

After all, most human beings are born as mortals who cannot cultivate, and the small part that can cultivate can only grow through acquired efforts.

But spirit beasts are different. They are all capable of fighting when they are born, and all their abilities are inherited from innateness. They do not need to be learned through learning like humans do. They are also particularly capable of giving birth to more than ten children in a litter.

If the world of spiritual beasts were not in disarray and had low intelligence, humans would never be the masters of this world.

Under such circumstances, no family dared to settle in Shiwanda Mountain.

As soon as they entered the edge of Shiwanda Mountain, the group finally slowed down and began to save their spiritual energy instead of using it to rush.

Entering here is already considered a dangerous zone, and a battle may break out at any time. They are not allowed to waste their spiritual energy as unscrupulously as they are rushing.

Everyone became cautious and looked around with vigilant eyes from time to time.

Mr. Ma was the most cautious. At this time, he warned: "Everyone, be careful. The danger in Shiwanda Mountain comes not only from spiritual beasts. Many times, various bugs are more dangerous than spiritual beasts, and they are even more difficult to guard against."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Compared with spiritual beasts, insects may not be that strong. The main reason is that they are too small and difficult to detect. If you are not careful, you will be attacked, so they are stronger than the huge spiritual beasts. Much more difficult.

However, the lethality of this thing is not proportional to its size. Once it is hit, there is a real danger of death.

"Mr. Ma, we would be careful if you didn't tell us, but why are you so pale? If you feel unwell, it's still too late to go back now."

"When you reach the depths, it will be too late to go back. We can't send you back." Li Laodao looked at Mr. Ma's pale face and reminded him kindly.

Hearing this, Long Xuan also subconsciously looked at Mr. Ma's face. Sure enough, his face was now frighteningly white and bloodless, as if he was about to die.

This is definitely not a normal person's face. There is definitely something wrong with Mr. Ma's body.

He was apparently fine just now, but suddenly turned into such a ghostly appearance. Long Xuan felt that it was definitely not caused by any disease, but that there must be some sudden cause, and it was probably related to this forest.

"Really? I feel good?"

Seeing everyone looking at him in surprise, Mr. Ma touched his face, suddenly felt dizzy, and then fell to the ground uncontrollably.

It was precisely because he suddenly fell that everyone discovered that there was a big mosquito lying on Mr. Ma's back. It had six extremely long legs and the needle in its mouth was inserted straight into his vest. My stomach was already so full, it felt like it was going to explode.

Han Mei, the old woman who was closest to him, was actually a needle player. She shot down the big mosquito with one needle in time, allowing Mr. Ma to save his life.

Seeing the big mosquito falling from his back, Mr. Ma turned pale and murmured in disbelief: "How is that possible? I've obviously been very careful."

Thinking that he had just sounded like an elder to remind others, but in turn he had been tricked, his pale face instantly turned red. This time he was very embarrassed.

"You're just reminding others these two times?" Zhang Ling covered her mouth and chuckled.

Long Xuan did not smile, but showed a look of surprise at this time. This time he truly realized the horror of insects in this world.

In his previous life, he believed that the last thing to evolve was mosquitoes.

If it hadn't evolved a toxin that could make people itchy like crazy, would humans have killed it?

Even if it bites someone and causes itching, can it be sucked in one place and flown away? It doesn't. A mosquito has to bite ten bags before it stops. It would be strange if humans don't swat it to death.

But it also evolved to make a buzzing sound when flying, and it was born with a tracker, for fear that others would not know where it was.

If mosquitoes didn't evolve these characteristics, humans wouldn't pay attention to them at all. Who would miss the blood? Mosquitoes can literally survive.

The mosquitoes in this world are very evolved. They fly without making any sound, and no one knows when they land on the old horse's back.

Moreover, the bite is neither painful nor itchy, making people unaware of it, and only opens a needle opening to drink until full.

However, it is precisely because the mosquitoes in this world are so evolved that it is difficult for people to detect them, so that even a cautious person like Mr. Ma was caught by the mosquitoes and almost died.

Long Xuan was shocked and hurriedly reached out his hand to his back and scanned it. After he didn't find anything, he quietly moved to the middle of the team.

In this way, if a mosquito attacks his back, his teammates behind him can detect it in time.

No, a slightly smarter mosquito will bite the person walking at the back first. How can it fly to the center of the crowd? Aren't they waiting to be exposed?

Thinking of this, Long Xuan felt more secure.

Not only Long Xuan, but also Ma Lao's situation made everyone subconsciously check their bodies.

It would be okay if I didn't check it, but I found a lot of problems when I checked it.

For example, Zhang Ling just finished taunting Mr. Ma, but when she lowered her head, she saw a grass crawler lying on the bare part of her feet, with its mouth deeply embedded in her skin without knowing it. She was so frightened that she screamed: There was a scream of 800 decibels, and then he blushed with embarrassment.

The little medicine boy also had a leech lying on his leg at some point. He was discovered in time and stepped on it several times, but he didn't stomp him to death. This is also a leech in nature that is not easy to kill.

They were all inexperienced, and it was their first time to catch a duck on the shelf. Even though they were careful enough, they still missed the mark.

At this time, Long Xuan finally understood why the casual cultivators were so poor. Even if the forest was full of treasures, not many casual cultivators dared to enter!

He glanced at the young man named Ma Wu in the team. At this time, he was the only one standing there calmly, with his hands on his chest, looking at several people with disdain, without any intention of checking his body, and he was very confident.

Long Xuan looked at him thoughtfully. Although this young man was in simple clothes, he seemed to be very experienced here. Mr. Ma and Mr. Li were older than him for who knows how many rounds. How could they still be less experienced than him?

The young man's words and deeds were not like a normal casual cultivator, so Long Xuan had to be wary of him.

"Mr. Ma, are you okay?"

Li Laodao helped him up and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I just lost too much blood. I can make up for it by taking a blood-replenishing pill."

Mr. Ma took out a pill bottle from his storage bag, poured a red pill pill out of it, and then slowly put it into his mouth. Before long, blood started to appear on his face.

"Is everything okay? Just leave if nothing happens!"

“These little things are not fatal, but it’s different when you go deep.”

"When you reach the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you should go back immediately. That is not a place where you can continue to move forward."

Long Qilin looked at several casual cultivators with serious eyes, and then continued to move forward.

A group of casual cultivators also hurriedly followed...

This was just a small episode. Another day passed, and Long Xuan and others finally saw their prey.

They were not wolves or jackals, but a group of white rabbits. They looked cute, their fur was white and soft, and there were quite a few of them.

Seeing everyone's lack of interest, Long Qilin had to explain: "If you want to hunt large spiritual beasts, you will be disappointed."

"You must know that this place is on the edge of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The large spiritual beasts on the edge have long been hunted down by Gu cultivators, leaving only rabbits and mice that no one wants..."

"After the rabbits lost their natural enemies here, they relied on their strong fertility to multiply more and more, and soon completely occupied the marginal area."

"Now there are rabbits everywhere here. There are so many rabbits all over the mountains and plains that you can't kill them all."

"If we want to hunt down a large spiritual beast, it will take us several days to travel at full speed."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly fell, and they actually had to go for several days.

Although rabbits are also spiritual animals, there is a reason why some species remain at the bottom of the food chain.

The only reason is because they are weak. This kind of spiritual beast has no powerful abilities, and the ancestral beast is not strong either, so its descendants can only become prey for generations.

There really aren't any good spiritual insects on rabbits, otherwise there wouldn't be so many of them here and no one would care about them.

Long Xuan immediately used his golden finger ability to check the progress of the group of spirit rabbits.

In addition to the progress on the head of the spiritual rabbit, which represents its growth, the spiritual insects in the body will also show its progress.

But most of them are in the spiritual core. The spiritual core is where the spiritual beast stores its spiritual power. The spiritual core of the spiritual beast is equivalent to the spiritual sea of ​​Gu cultivator.

Some spiritual cores can parasitize spiritual insects and are harmless to spiritual beasts. But the vast majority of spiritual cores do not have spiritual insects, so the explosion rate can be said to be extremely low.

Even if spiritual insects were lucky enough to burst out, they would almost always be low-grade spiritual insects, with very few middle-grade spiritual insects.

For Gu cultivators who like to hunt, spiritual rabbits don’t have much good stuff but they run very fast. The time consumed in hunting spiritual rabbits is not proportional to the harvest. It can be said that the price/performance ratio is extremely low, which is why there are more and more spiritual rabbits here. .

After Long Xuan glanced around and found no satisfactory target, he casually killed a rabbit carrying a medium-grade spiritual insect and prepared to eat it.

Anyway, Long Qilin also said that this place is full of rabbits and there are no large carnivorous spiritual beasts, so the smell of his barbecue will not attract danger.

It was just a middle-grade spiritual worm, and it was not of much value even in the eyes of a poor casual cultivator, so Long Xuan generously dug out the spiritual core and the spiritual worm.

But he was the first one to open the door. Seeing him harvesting a mid-grade spiritual insect when he came up, everyone was shocked and their interest was high.

"Hey! You're lucky. Just after hunting the first spiritual beast, a mid-grade spiritual insect burst out. What a good sign!" Long Qilin laughed.

"No way! He's a good person!" Long Xuan joked and said, "Since there are so many rabbits here, let's rest for a while before rushing on."

"I've been walking for so long and haven't eaten fresh meat. I'm almost like a bird!"

"That's fine!" Long Qilin agreed: "That's exactly what I meant. Although the spiritual rabbit is not a good product, the quality of the meat is pretty good."

"And no matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat, aren't they? If you are lucky enough to catch a few middle-grade spiritual insects, you can make a small fortune."

Since Long Qilin nodded in agreement, the other casual cultivators had nothing to say. They all went to hunt rabbits with high enthusiasm and looked very excited.

As soon as Long Xuan killed the first spiritual rabbit, he exploded a mid-grade spiritual insect, which gave them the illusion that the explosion rate of mid-grade spiritual insects was very high. It also stimulated them and made them all enthusiastic.

However, reality soon gave them a blow. They had killed a bunch of spiritual rabbits, and they were all panting from exhaustion, but they only managed to kill a few low-grade spiritual insects.

Especially Mr. Ma, his eyesight is still as bad as ever, and he cleverly avoids all the correct options. Others still have one or two low-grade spiritual insects, but he is stunned that not a single spiritual insect has exploded. At this time, he is beginning to doubt his life. .

The next few people no longer had any interest in hunting spiritual rabbits. After eating the barbecue, they were on their way in a hurry.

The reward of hunting spiritual rabbits is seriously out of proportion to the effort. Who would be willing to risk such a big risk and come to the Hundred Thousand Mountains once to only harvest a few low-grade spiritual insects, which is not enough for the return trip.

So in the anxious psychology of everyone, another two days passed.

On this day, after Long Xuan used the Life-Destroying Palm to destroy the life of a pink rabbit, he grabbed its two big ears and held it in the air, laughing non-stop.

"You actually have the leisure to kill rabbits. What's the point of killing them? There's nothing in their stomachs. Killing them is a waste of time. It's better to save some energy."

After seeing his actions, Mr. Ma spoke up.

Long Xuan's smile did not diminish. After putting the pink rabbit into the storage bag, he said casually: "Nothing, I just used this little thing to practice my palm skills. How was the palm I just used? Did it surprise you?" "

He secretly laughed in his heart at this moment, how could this group of people know that this mediocre pink-haired rabbit with negative combat power actually had a top-grade spiritual insect hidden in his body, which really gave him a huge surprise.

Logically speaking, the rabbits here should not be able to produce the best spiritual insects, but this pink-furred rabbit may be of a different breed. The other rabbits are all white, but it is surprisingly pink, or it may be a mutated breed.

In short, he actually found a top-quality spiritual insect among this group of rabbits fighting against the five scum. Who would have thought of this.

I'm afraid this group of teammates wouldn't even think of such a thing.

Before Ma Lao could reply, Long Qilin interjected: "The palm you just struck was good. It obviously didn't cause any skin trauma to the prey, but it was able to kill it with one blow."

"It's really a powerful ability suitable for hunting. There is no need to damage the hide. The value of a complete hide will be higher."

Long Qilin showed a slightly solemn look. From his perspective, this spiritual technique was very powerful, and it killed people without blood. This was another spiritual technique that he had never seen before and didn't even know its name.

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