The villain's side of the novel

29 Fray VS The seventh-ranked monster

The realization dawned on the horned beast as it witnessed Fray's peculiar movements and quickly recognized what he had just done. It understood that this human, or rather the monstrous creature before it, posed a grave threat to the kingdom of monsters. The beast knew it had to eliminate Fray swiftly, or he would become a formidable threat not just to him but to the whole monster kingdom.

Thus without wasting any time, with a sudden burst of speed, the beast charged toward Fray with all its might.

*meteor punch*

Closing the distance, it unleashed a powerful right hook aimed at Fray's head.

Fray swiftly evaded the monster's punch, gracefully slipping to his right side. Seizing the opportunity, he countered with a powerful right uppercut aimed at the beast's face. Ignoring the force of the monster's punch which left behind a path of destruction in its wake.



Fray's fist connected with the monster's chin, sending it hurtling through the air, soaring to a height exceeding 100 meters. The impact of the blow was devastating, causing a powerful air wave and cracking the ground beneath Fray.

Narod's weight skill was not the only ability at Fray's disposal. He could also tap into the Nameless skill from the first phase, harnessing its full power. This meant that his strength, speed, agility, and senses were all amplified a hundredfold.

Bending down into a squatting position, Fray gathered immense power and leaped into the sky, surpassing a height of two hundred meters. With a combination of his weight and strength, he descended upon the monster, which was still airborne.

"..." The horned Monster, still under The punch's impact looked at Fray's cold expression with a pale face as he realized that he can't dodge the upcoming move.


Fray struck the beast with a flying kick, " Ugh.." As a pained sound escaped from the monster's lips, the impact sent it hurtling toward the ground at a horrifying speed. The monster crashed into the earth like a falling meteor, creating a crater over a hundred meters in diameter and more than ten meters deep.

After the monster's descent, Fray landed gracefully by the edge of the massive hole, patiently awaiting the creature's recovery, As he sensed the gradual strengthening of the monster's aura.

"What the hell are you?" gasped the monster as it emerged from the pit, with a different appearance, resembling a huge goat walking on two legs with enormous horns.

"...." Ignoring the Monster's words Fray remained silent, not because he doesn't want to answer but because he was incapable of providing an answer even if he desired to. In truth, this creature was not Fray himself. Fray refrained from fully merging with Narod's soul due to the uncontrollable consciousness their merge created. While the fused soul shared the desires of both Fray and Narod, providing aid and rescue in times of need, Fray could not predict its actions. The last time Fray used this power things didn't end up very well.




*Capricorn steps* *Void arbitration punch* *Meteor punch*

Once more without giving Fray a chance to react, the monster closed the distance and assaulted him with three devastating punches, each infused with a different skill. The impact of the strikes was so immense that the hole that the Monster's fall create grew larger and more catastrophic. Nevertheless, the monster didn't relent and continued its assault without giving Fray a chance to defend himself.

The monster delivered a powerful leg kick, causing Fray to lose his balance. Seizing the opportunity, it followed up with a head kick, disorienting Fray and blurring his vision.

*Teep blast*


The beast unleashed a forceful teep kick directly at Fray's stomach, causing him to spew blood and forcefully pushing him back twenty meters until he fell to the ground with powerfulll impact.

Had it not been for the Phase Two skill that made Fray's body denser and harder than metal due to the concentrated weight distributed within, Fray would have perished under the impact of the attack. However, after a brief moment, he managed to rise to his feet, his blank face fixed on the beast.

"...?"The beast's eyes widened in shock at the sight of Fray standing once again. It had been nearly certain that the previous attack would have killed him or, at the very least, inflicted some fatal injuries. Yet, the monster had no time to complain as it utilized the Capricorn steps skill once more, charging toward Fray.

With a swift motion, the monster launched a straight right-hand punch filled with devastating energy toward Fray's face. However, just before it could connect, Fray swiftly grabbed the monster's wrist, halting the punch in its tracks.

"Ugh og," the monster grunted, struggling to free its arm from Fray's powerful grip to no avail.

Fray maintained control of the monster's wrist, manipulating its body and positioning it against his own hips.

And then, with a swift motion, Fray executed a Judo throw, hurling the beast to the ground. Fray still held tightly onto the monster's wrist, raising one leg slightly above the creature's head.


Fray brought his leg down with all his might, striking the monster's head with tremendous force. The impact created a resounding explosion, further widening the already massive hole. However, contrary to Fray's expectations, the monster's head remained intact, albeit with a few wounds.


Fray's blank eyes locked onto the monster as he raised his leg once more, but to Fray's surprise the monster was actually still alive, then with his same empty look, Fray lowered his feet once more. 


"Ahhhh" The monster screamed in agony.


"ghaaaahhh.."The monster cried out louder.


The monster's screams continued. while Fray relentlessly attacked the monster's head, striking it repeatedly until the hole expanded to over four square kilometers. Until the monster's resistance and cries ceased. Then when Fray observed the monster's head, now reduced to a mangled mess of blood and shattered bones, just then when Fray unleashed the Monster's lifeless hand.

Once Fray confirmed the monster's demise, he turned his expressionless gaze into another direction, then without opening his mouth he started following the direction, with tick-killing intent surrounding him

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