"How did this happen? Four stars?" Ned questioned, his brow furrowed.

Lucas pondered for a moment before responding. "I believe the increase in the number of monsters inside must be the cause," he speculated.

Ned was taken aback. "But a four-star dungeon possesses energy that's a hundred times more powerful than a three-star dungeon. That means..."

Lucas interrupted, completing Ned's thought. "Yes, it suggests that the number of monsters within this dungeon must be enormous. We need to request backup immediately to handle this situation. We can't afford to let it explode under any circumstances."


In Rockys City, within the Rohan family mansion's head office, Kamal, the head of the family, sat behind a large desk. A man in a servant uniform approached, expressing concern about their plans.

"Sir, are you sure about this? Despite the decline in their power, the Parada family still holds significant influence as one of the six great families," the servant cautiously pointed out.

Kamal's gaze remained fixed as he responded firmly, "The Parada family may be one of the oldest, but it won't stand a chance against the united strength of five cities, especially with ten of their most powerful knights, including their leader Elisa, out of commission."

The Somod Alliance, comprised of seven cities in the northwestern region of the continent, was led by Iskar City, known as the Parada family. However, after the mysterious demise of the former Parada family head, the remaining six cities, including Rockys City, decided to sever ties with the alliance.

Now, sensing the weakening power of the Parada family, the five out of six families, including the Rohan family, aimed to join forces and eliminate the Parada family, seizing control of Iskar City.

A knock echoed through the room, and Kamal permitted the entry of the guest.

"Come in," Kamal beckoned.

A man wearing a peculiar mask entered the room, emanating an air of arrogance.

"Welcome, sir," Kamal greeted the masked man courteously as he took a seat in front of him.

The masked man wasted no time and stated his accomplishment. "I have managed to gather three thousand men ranging in strength from the second kingdom to the fourth kingdom."

Kamal's expression brightened. "Excellent! With our ten thousand soldiers and your additional forces, we'll have more than enough to face Iskar City's elite knights."

The masked man inquired about the attack plans. "Have you decided when you will strike?"

Kamal's voice turned cold as he replied, "Yes, we will launch the attack in eight days."


Meanwhile, in Iskar City, within the Parada Family Palace, Fray and Montaser occupied a room known as the "treatment room." Fray sat on a chair, while Montaser stood dutifully behind him. Across from them sat a man with long white hair, a large beard, and adorned in a flowing white cape.

Fray extended a warm welcome. "Welcome back to the family, Mr. Adam," he greeted.

Adam, wearing an air of mockery, responded disdainfully. "Who said I'd return to the family? I refuse to work for a foolish kid like you, even if you managed to heal me."

Montaser, filled with anger, interjected. "Adam, remember whom you're addressing. He is the head of the Parada family."

Adam, speaking coldly to Montaser, made his stance clear. "Montaser, the only reason you were able

 to bring me here is because you relentlessly pestered me. But you won't be able to earn my respect for this kid." Turning his attention

 back to Fray, he continued, "Respect must be earned."

Acknowledging Adam's sentiment, Fray responded earnestly. "Mr. Adam, you're absolutely right. I promise you that I will earn your respect very soon."


Very few individuals in the world deserved to have Fray prove himself to them, and Adam Parada undeniably fell into that category. Before Adam retired due to grave internal injuries, he stood on par with Montaser, a seventh kingdom magician at the pinnacle of his craft. Adam was a member of the Parada family council and one of the ten strongest magicians on the human continent. He wielded power that extended nationally, with even the Three Kingdoms treating him as a VIP during his visits. Such a formidable figure truly deserved Fray's utmost efforts to earn his respect.

"And Mr. Adam. While treating you, my goal is not to coerce you into returning to the family. It is merely an expression of gratitude for your long and dedicated service to the Parada family," Fray assured.

Adam, still skeptical, challenged Fray's intentions. "Do you really expect me to believe this nonsense? Do you take me for a fool, boy?"

Fray leaned forward, his eyes earnest and understanding. "I assure you, Mr. Adam, I am not deceiving you. I'm just well aware that retirement does not actually suit someone who has experienced the battlefield as intimately as you have. The idea of meeting one's end confined to a bed is not one that can easily be accepted, isn't that right, Mr. Adam?" Fray's words hung in the air, waiting for a response.

"...." Adam remained silent, deep in thought, weighing the implications of Fray's statement. The weight of his legacy as a bearer of the Parada title bore down upon him, reminding him of the responsibility he carried, not just to himself, but to his family and their honor.

Breaking the silence, Fray's voice resonated with solemnity. "Moreover, Mr. Adam, you bear the weight of the Parada name. You cannot allow your family to be dismantled by the very cities that once pledged their allegiance to the Parada family. We must stand united against those who seek to undermine us."

Adam, his voice cold, inquired further. "What cities are you referring to? Explain yourself."


The following day, at the Niram Empire's Shield Union Headquarters, a meeting took place around a large table. Six individuals occupied seats, while ten others remained empty.

"The Parada family has yet to respond to our letters. We can't proceed without their permission," one of the attendees expressed, highlighting the challenge they faced.

"We can no longer afford to wait for permission from the Prada family. The dungeon's monstrous inhabitants likely possess an alarming ability to reproduce. Allowing the dungeon to explode could pose a significant threat to the entire continent, even if only a single one of those monsters managed to escape," another person added.

" Rashid, how much time is left before it explodes " the man seated at the head of the table said, with calm voice.

Rashid, responsible for providing information, responded, "As you know, Commander, due to the dungeon's re-ranking, the explosion date has been reset. It is now set for two and a half months from today."

Understanding the urgency, the commander addressed three individuals by name. "Gus, Aslan, and Ashraf, travel to Iskar City and join forces with Ned and Lucas. Your mission is to find a way to clean the dungeon without engaging in a direct conflict with the Prada family."

Suddenly, someone else spoke up. "Commander, may I replace Ashraf and join the team heading to Iskar City?"

The commander hesitated but ultimately rejected the request. "Luke, you know I can't allow you to do that," he said, firmly declining.

Luke persisted, presenting his case. "Commander, I believe I have an idea to persuade Fray to grant us permission."

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