The villain's side of the novel

42 The massacre begins

"Let's go, surround them, and don't let anyone escape," commanded Norman.

Under the influence 9f Montaser's skill, each team member swiftly ascended into the sky, dispersing in different directions to encircle the opposing army from all sides. Meanwhile, Fray strategically descended to higher ground, positioning himself at a safe distance from the impending battlefield.

As the southwestern side of the army came into view, Casper soared through the air, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. But then, an unexpected turn of events unfolded.

With a thunderous impact, Casper crashed forcefully into the heart of the soldiers' ranks, creating a colossal crater upon landing. The ground trembled, and the soldiers' attention was immediately drawn to the enigmatic figure before them.

"What is this?" exclaimed a bewildered soldier, astounded by Casper's sudden and mysterious appearance.

"He's one of the enemy's soldiers! Destroy him!"


The soldiers roared with fury, their faces contorted with aggression as they charged towards Casper, driven by a desire for vengeance.

"Hallucinations spirit Axelius," Casper muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, Casper's shadow began to move unnaturally, as if attempting to detach itself from his body. It contorted and shifted until it morphed into a horrifying beast. Its reptilian body stretched long and thin, with two-meter-long arms adorned with razor-sharp claws. A human-like face, its eyes and mouth sewn shut with deep beads, completed the eerie visage.

The soldiers, witnessing the emergence of this terrifying beast and the repugnant aura that surrounded it, were filled with horror. Nevertheless, their fear did not deter them from advancing towards their enemy, until...

"The right eye," Casper whispered. In response, the shadow monster forcibly opened its right eye, causing the beads to rupture and reveal a repulsive sight—an eye with three grotesque purple pupils.

"Ahhhh! What is this?"

"Get away from me!"

"Where am I? Where did these monsters come from?"

As soon as the eye opened, hundreds of soldiers halted their attack. Their expressions turned from aggression to dread, and they began to scream and attack each other in a savage frenzy.

"This is the price of your disrespect for the Parada family," Casper declared, observing the blood-soaked scene with his trademark twisted smile.

On the northeast side:

Norman, a well-built man in his forties and an archer hailing from the Seventh Kingdom, gripped his bow tightly. He unleashed a barrage of energy arrows at a relentless pace, obliterating the thousands of soldiers hurtling toward him. In a matter of minutes, each arrow released resulted in a thousand corpses.

Norman continued firing incessantly, his assault causing the pool of blood around him to expand, until...


Suddenly, a formidable energy attack materialized and hurtled towards Norman. Observing the impending threat, Norman shot dozens of arrows in an attempt to intercept it, but his efforts were in vain. And then...

*Space Piercing Arrow!*

Norman unleashed his most powerful attack—a black arrow radiating a terrifying aura. The arrow collided with the incoming attack, obliterating it. However, the black arrow continued its trajectory, crashing into the mass of soldiers. A colossal black explosion ensued, accompanied by anomalous spatial distortions. Hundreds of soldiers perished in the aftermath of the devastating explosion.

"You managed to stop a beta formation; you are strong," one of the three men with imposing auras declared, emerging from the soldier ranks.

"Are you the Darken mercenaries?" Roman questioned, recognizing the distinct emblem adorning their attire.

"Yes, we are the sub-leaders of the Darken mercenary squad. But who are you? We had no information about your existence," inquired one of the men.

"You will soon meet your demise. Knowing who we are is irrelevant," Norman responded nonchalantly.

"We shall see,"

 retorted the man. He produced a piece of paper with peculiar inscriptions and tore it apart. His companions followed suit. As the torn pieces of paper fell, an ominous energy enveloped the three men.

Subsequently, the men, who moments ago belonged to the Sixth Kingdom, underwent a transformation, now aligning with the Seventh Kingdom.

(So this is the power of formations that a legendary weapon can unleash. It surpasses my expectations.) Norman pondered, observing the sinister energy emanating from the trio.

"Kanshu Bow," Norman muttered, securing his bow on his back. In a low voice, he summoned forth a black bow with an imposing presence. Without wasting a moment, he aimed his arrows at the three men, firing projectiles larger and more potent than the ones before, with a tremendous difference in power.

A few moments earlier, on the front side:

Adam slowly descended, his gaze filled with anger as he surveyed the vast army before him. He found it difficult to comprehend how these erstwhile faithful allies could turn against them when the Parada family needed them the most. These six cities had thrived for over ten thousand years, thanks to the protection provided by the Parada family. They shielded the cities from monster attacks, famine, economic crises, and various perils that could have erased them from the map. And this was how they chose to repay their debt—by becoming adversaries.

"Attack!" commanded an army general. He and his troops charged towards the old man. Deep down, the general hesitated to engage this man in battle. He knew that their assault was unjust and would result in significant losses among the innocent residents of the neighboring city of Iskar. The guilt within him intensified upon seeing the old man's furious countenance. However, despite acknowledging the wrongness of his actions, he felt compelled to follow orders. After all, he was merely a soldier fulfilling his duty. With this realization, the general, a warrior from the Fourth Kingdom, hastened towards the old man, and then...

"..." The old man's lips moved slightly as if uttering something. However, due to the distance and the clamor emanating from the army, the general could not discern his words. Yet, he gleaned a rough idea of the old man's intention when a massive portal materialized behind him. Suddenly, black creatures poured forth from the portal, their forms so swift that even the Fourth Kingdom warrior could not ascertain their exact shapes.

(What? Why do I see the sky?) The general's mind reeled, astonished by the abrupt shift in perspective from the colossal portal to the blue expanse above... It took him several seconds to comprehend that his head was no longer connected to his body.

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