The villain's side of the novel

47 The shield union purpose

Ten years ago, strange dimensional portals began to appear on the human continent. After examining the strange portals, it was discovered that they were dimensional distortions containing many dangerous monsters within them. In general, the public did not know what these portals were exactly, which spread terror and chaos on the human continent. But some of the few major powers knew that these portals were the dungeons mentioned in the legends, and they also knew what it meant for these dungeons to appear on the human continent because of that. A lot of the human superpowers decided to put together an international team strong enough to tackle the threats of dungeons and the unknown dangers outside the barrier. The team that would later be called the Shield Union.

The idea of this team was simple: gather the best geniuses and talented young people on the continent and train them in the International Academy using the best resources available on the continent for three years. After they graduate, they would gain huge authority and power, and their main objective would be to protect the human continent with the support of the Three Kingdoms, with the hope that they would become the second Shield team.

Thus, after several years of preparation, a new elite class was finally announced at the International Academy, and its objectives were clarified. After this news spread, everyone realized the significance of this class and the impact that the Shield team would have in the future on the human continent. Thus, a test was conducted to select the candidates who would enter the Shield class with one condition: the age of the participant must not exceed twenty years. But despite this condition, hundreds of thousands of applicants took this test, even members of the ancient and royal families. Out of hundreds of thousands of applicants, only twenty-three were selected as students. One of these students was Fray Parada.

Of the twenty-three students who joined the class, only sixteen remained. The other seven left for various personal reasons.

Iskar City

Under the Parada family knights' headquarters

Don was one of these students who didn't graduate. After leaving the academy, he established one of the most powerful pirate groups on the continent. But one day, after entering the waters of Iskar City, he was attacked by the troops of the Parada family. All his forces were eliminated, and he was imprisoned.

"That bastard, I'll surely kill him when I get out of here," Don thought angrily, sitting on a simple wooden chair in a dark, windowless cell. He already knew who was responsible for what happened to him, and he was determined to take revenge as soon as he got the chance.

Dak Dak Dak

Suddenly, Don heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and his expression became cautious. It didn't take long before he could see a young man with red hair and a silly smile heading toward his cell.

"Hello! My name is Casper, and I have orders to bring you to the palace," said the young man with a soft voice.

(Finally, this is a good chance to escape) Don thought optimistically after hearing Casper's words. It seemed that Casper was a young guy, perhaps in his twenties as well. He wouldn't be very strong, at most in the Sixth Kingdom. It wouldn't be difficult to escape from him. He just had to wait for the right opportunity.

"Okay. Let's go," Don replied.

"Oh! You seem to be very obedient, against expectation. Okay," said Casper as he opened the cell door. After opening the door, Casper continued speaking. "Since the master sent me personally, you must be very strong. But I have to warn you, it is impossible for you to escape."

(Sent him personally? Is this someone important?) Don thought with a serious expression. Still, he did not take Casper's

 words seriously. He wouldn't miss this opportunity to escape, even if he had to sacrifice his life.

"Okay, let's go..." Casper said as he opened the way for Don to walk in front of him.

(What? Is he going to let me walk in front of him without handcuffs... Is he crazy or just overconfident?) Don thought with a surprised expression and then took the opportunity to advance in front of Casper.

Thus, Don and Casper climbed the stairs. This jail was dedicated to imprisoning the strongest and most dangerous warriors, and to reduce the chances of prisoners escaping, it was built underground with strong materials. And because the prison was directly under the Knights' Headquarters, it was guarded by many guard knights and elite knights. Even a warrior from the Sixth Kingdom could not escape from this prison.

After a few minutes of walking, Don and Casper left the Knights' Headquarters and began to head towards Parada Palace. So far, Casper hadn't taken any precautions to prevent Don from escaping. He was just walking by his side as if they were going for a normal walk. This made Don doubt Casper's intentions. Nevertheless, after some time of thinking, he decided to take this opportunity to escape. He was a warrior in the Sixth Kingdom, and if he decided to escape, even a warrior from the Seventh Kingdom would find it difficult to stop him. Hence, Don rushed with all his might to get away from Casper.

(Why isn't he trying to chase me?) Don thought after turning around and seeing that Casper hadn't followed him. Casper was just standing there, looking at him with a twisted smile on his face. Suddenly...


Without warning, Don forcefully fell to the ground on his face. Then, he felt a strong pain coming from his legs. When he looked at his legs, he opened his eyes with shock. Both of his legs had been amputated. No matter how he thought, he couldn't understand how this happened, how his legs were cut off without him noticing...

"Ahhhhh!" Don cried out loud, feeling the pain getting stronger and stronger to the point that his thoughts became blurry because of the pain.


The average lifespan of people in this world was one hundred and fifty years. Therefore, a man in his twenties was considered very young in this world.

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