Ying Bao stayed in that place for four or five years, being whipped every day, forced to learn jujitsu and singing and dancing tunes, and how to be charming and pleasing to others.

It was there that she and an older sister learned to read and read scripts.

It wasn't until the age of fourteen that his biological father, Chen Changping, passed the examination as a scholar. Han was worried that someone would discover the stain on his third daughter, so he ransomed her back.

After all, Chen Changping was also a man of merit and fame. The imperial court paid great attention to human ethics and filial piety. If someone reported him for selling women into slavery, he would no longer be able to take part in the imperial examination. Even if he passed the exam, he might be banned. In serious cases, he would even be deprived of his reputation as a scholar.

This is the truth, not the book's description of sending her to the countryside.

Haha, it’s okay not to read a book that talks nonsense like a deer is a horse.

Wake up the next day.

Ying Bao looked at her wrist and found that the burnt area had begun to heal and it didn't hurt much anymore.

"Wudingzhi is indeed a natural treasure." She was surprised and delighted.

At this rate of recovery, scabs should form on the injured area in a few days, but I don’t know if the birthmark has been removed.

After thinking about it, Yingbao took out a large handful of Wuding Zhi and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

The entrance is fragrant and slightly sweet. I can’t tell you what the taste is, but it’s not unpleasant to eat anyway.

Maybe she ate too much this time, and Ying Bao felt a warm current flowing through her limbs and bones, making her whole body feel warm.

My head suddenly became clear and my whole body seemed full of strength.

Stretching my legs and feet, I happily put on my clothes and put on my wristbands. I got off the kang and opened the door, only to find that it was snowing outside.

The yard was covered with white snow, which was half knee-deep.

Ying Bao rubbed her face and stepped on the snow with her feet wearing small cotton shoes, but she felt extremely happy.

Yoyou called to her in the newly built hay shed, and the hens also cooed non-stop.

Yingbao ran over and put some straw into Youyou's stone trough, with a few handfuls of green soybean sprouts in it.

The straw is left over from the autumn harvest in the family's paddy field, and the bean sprouts are produced in Dongfu.

Youyou didn't mind the lack of green plants either. She lowered her head and slowly ate straw and bean sprouts.

Yingbao sprinkled some rice grains and a handful of shepherd's purse on the chickens, then went to the chicken coop to pick up four eggs and put them into the egg basket.

After all, the father didn't want to kill the five chickens at home, but bought a few more to replenish his wife's health.

Jiang Sanlang also built a straw shed in the yard for the chickens to squat in, and also built a warm shed for Youyou.

The kitchen is finally much cleaner now. I no longer have to clean up the chicken manure every morning and smell the smell.

"Bao'er, are you up so early?"

Father Jiang Sanlang carried the toilet to the outside of the yard. When he saw his daughter already busy in the chicken shed, he said, "It's cold outside. Don't freeze. Go back to the house quickly. Dad will cook later."

"Hey." Ying Bao clapped her hands and ran back to the east room to see her brother.

The two little guys have woken up, and Chun Niang is feeding them.

Yingbao stood on the edge of the kang and looked at her younger brother in her mother's arms, hoping that they would grow up quickly so that she could take them out to play.

Chun Niang said gently to her daughter: "Come up to the kang, it's cold on the ground."

"Yeah." Yingbao climbed onto the kang and sat next to A Niang.

Now her daily task is to keep an eye on her brother so that she can give her mother more time to rest.

Only if grandma has a good rest and maintains a strong body can this family get better and better.

Yingbao thought of the Wudingzhi in Dongfu again and hesitated whether to give some to her mother-in-law.

But her brothers were still nursing, and she couldn't guarantee whether that thing would affect the baby's normal development.

Forget it, wait until the brothers are weaned before giving it to grandma.

As for father Jiang Sanlang, he was young and strong and did not need any supplements at all.

Jiang Sanlang came in from the outside, feeling cold all over his body. He put the clean toilet in the cubicle, rubbed his hands and said, "Chun Niang, the eldest and second brothers are going to hunt rabbits in Nanshan during the snow. Do you think I can go?"

He asked for advice, but his eyes were looking at his wife unblinkingly, full of expectation.

Chun Niang said angrily: "Isn't it still snowing? Let's wait until it stops."

Jiang Sanlang chuckled, "I know, I'm going to cook right now. What do you and your daughter want to eat?"

Most of yesterday's leftovers were given to the neighbors who helped, and only a little was left at home, which will be enough for the family to eat for one day.

"You can do whatever you want. I don't have enough milk. How about making some fish soup and boiling an egg for Ying Bao." Chun Niang lowered her head to look at her two sons and frowned.

These two little things are so delicious that my own milk supply cannot be supplied at all.

"Okay, let's eat fish soup noodles this morning, and boil an egg for you and my daughter." Jiang Sanlang stretched his head to look at his son, then turned around and went out.

Ying Bao blinked, climbed off the kang and followed him out of the house.

When they came to the kitchen, Yingbao took the initiative to sit behind the stove and help light the fire and said, "Dad, are there no fish in our house?"

Jiang Sanlang searched around and found no fish. He scratched his head and said depressedly: "There are no fish. Why don't you make chicken noodle soup for your mother?"

As he spoke, he began to scoop out the flour and mix it, preparing to roll out the noodles.

The chicken soup is ready-made, and there is some chicken in it, which is barely enough for my wife and daughter.

"Dad, after dinner, let's go fishing by the river, okay?" Ying Bao grabbed a handful of dough, kneaded it in her hands, and asked with a wink.

There are also fish in winter. She once watched others cut through the ice and fish on a Northland glacier lake.

"Okay, I'll go to your uncle's house later and borrow a fishing net." Jiang Sanlang sighed and said, "I guess I won't be able to catch anything."

It's snowing outside and it's very cold. The river should be frozen, and the fish haven't all sunk to the bottom of the river yet.

Ying Bao: "How will you know if you don't try it?" She has Wuding Zhi, and the deer and chickens are rushing to eat it, just in case the fish likes it too.

Jiang Sanlang nodded, "Well, my daughter is right, how will you know if you don't try."

It's freezing and snowing now, so it's impossible to sell fish in the town, and the wife is still waiting for the fish to produce milk. She doesn't want to think of anything, and the two sons are starving.

After breakfast and cleaning up, Jiang Sanlang was about to go out when he saw his little girl following him, "Dad, take me there."

Jiang Sanlang shook his head: "No! It's cold outside, and the river is slippery. What should I do if I fall into the river?"

"I'm going." Ying Bao said firmly, "Maybe I can fish better than dad."

Jiang Sanlang laughed and rubbed his daughter's little head: "You crazy girl, okay! I'll take you there, but you have to be obedient and don't run around."

"Yeah." Yingbao happily rushed over and asked her father to pick her up and put her into the backpack.

Jiang Sanlang looked outside and saw that it was still snowing, so he turned around and took a red and yellow tiger head hat and put it on his daughter's head. He also wore a bamboo hat.

Jiang Sanlang carried the basket on his back, went to his elder brother's house to borrow a net, and then rushed to the Chuan River.

However, there were three tails following behind him.

One is his eldest brother Jiang Dalang, the other is his second brother Jiang Erlang, and the other is his eldest brother's second son Jiang Quan.

Jiang Yuanbao originally wanted to follow, but after being beaten several times by his mother, he ran back to the house crying.

Several people came to the Chuanhe River and saw that the river was covered with snow and fog, and there was some thin ice on the riverside.

"It's not easy to fish." Uncle Jiang said with his hands on his hands: "The fish have all sunk to the bottom of the river, unless you row a boat to fish in the middle of the river."

Jiang Sanlang and Jiang Erlang thought so too.

But Yingbao wanted to give it a try. He picked up the basket on his back and shouted, "Dad, let me down."

Jiang Sanlang had no choice but to put down his daughter.

Just as Ying Bao was about to run to the river, she was grabbed by Jiang Sanlang, "Don't run around, just stand on the bank and take a look."

Yingbao had no choice but to grab the net from her father's hand and beg, "Dad, please take me to the river. I have bait, so just give it a try."

She had already prepared the bait. How could she not give it a try?

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