The wizard in Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 41 Am I the big boss behind Hogwarts?


Snape randomly selected a few books, then dragged his black cloak and left the library like the wind. new

He doesn't care about this!

He came over to take a look, and it was considered that he had completed the task assigned by Dumbledore. If Andy is found to be studying dark magic in private in the future, report it directly to Dumbledore.

Other than that, we just have a simple teacher-student relationship.

After all, Andy was not Harry Potter, nor did he have a pair of green eyes, so he was not worthy of Snape's special attention.

As for Andy’s future…

Even if Andy becomes the Dark Lord in the future, it has nothing to do with Snape.

The reason why he turned to Dumbledore was to protect Lily Evans before, but now it is to protect Lily's children. It has nothing to do with his personal values ​​of good and evil.

Snape thought so, the most he could do was fulfill his duties as a professor...

That's all!

After reading this book that introduced magic theory, and seeing that there was still time left, Andy walked to the bookshelf and picked another magic book that explained curses.

"Curse and Counter-Curse"

"Why did you study the curse?"

Hermione looked at Andy suspiciously, "Are you trying to curse someone else?"

Andy: "?"

Andy was stunned. new

Why would Hermione think that? What image do I have in her eyes?

"Why do you think so?" Andy asked.

"if not?"

Hermione closed the book with a 'snap', "If it's not to curse others, why are you studying curses?"

In the eyes of the little witch, Andy is an out-and-out little bad guy.

Look what Andy did after coming to Hogwarts!

I won’t even mention it to scare people about being sorted. After all, many people have done this.

But Andy has done more bad things than this!

He first told others that Professor McGonagall had a tabby cat.

The results of it? That cat is Professor McGonagall's Animagus transformation.

At the opening dinner, Andy also said that he wanted to explore the corridor on the fourth floor.

The results of it? The ones who went were Harry and Ron.

Including the matter of driving away Professor Quirrell this time, Andy was the one who was behind the plan.

The little witch listed all the bad things Andy had done one by one, and finally concluded: "You haven't done any bad things, but you often trick others into doing bad things."

Co-author, am I still the big boss behind Hogwarts?

Quirrell, whose brain was eaten by Voldemort, is not as old as me?

Andy felt that he was wronged.

Forget about other things, those are indeed related to Andy.

But what does Harry and Ron's night out have to do with me?

"Harry and Ron went out at night because they agreed to a duel with Malfoy. Xinᴄᴏᴍ and the others broke into the restricted area on the fourth floor because they were in a panic and took the wrong route when escaping."

Andy decided to restore his image in the mind of the little witch, "What does this have to do with me? I didn't let them go!"

Hearing this, the little witch put her hands on her hips and said, "So, everything else has to do with you?"

She almost touched Professor McGonagall's cat head.


Andy quickly made a silence gesture, "Stop talking now, or Mrs. Pingsi will kick us out."

The little witch immediately pretended to read a book, but her little eyes still stared at Andy from time to time.

Apparently this is not over yet!

Andy felt a little guilty. It was still more than an hour before lunch time. This little girl shouldn't remember that long, right?

An hour flew by.



Andy was sitting at the long table in Ravenclaw, rubbing his waist with his right hand and hissing from time to time.

He obviously suffered a lot.

The little witch has been remembering this for four or five days, and it is obviously not something that can be forgotten in just an hour.

Andy had always blamed George and Fred for this, and Hermione had always taken it seriously.

Until today, Andy was finally exposed.

"I was just kidding!"

Andy explained miserably: "Besides, when you were going to touch Professor McGonagall, didn't I stop you?"


The little witch snorted arrogantly and glanced at Andy coldly, "Why don't you say that George and Fred told you now?"

Andy defended: "Didn't I do that to let Professor McGonagall deal with them both?"

"Okay! So you still have such thoughts." The little witch felt that Andy was too bad.

Andy slapped his forehead.

He decided to return the "Curse and Counter-Curse" in the afternoon.

If Andy hadn't been cursed by this book, wouldn't Andy think he could deal with a little witch easily? If he hadn't been cursed with his brain, how could Andy be in this embarrassing situation?

This book must have tricked me!

After lunch, Andy and Hermione went to the abandoned classroom on the sixth floor to practice magic as usual.

After these few days of practice, Hermione has become more and more proficient in using magic spells. In terms of transfiguration, he can also quickly turn matches into silver needles.

I can't say how much progress has been made, but at least she already looks like a little witch.

As for Andy…

It can only be said that there is progress, but the progress is not obvious.

Take the petrification spell as an example. The difference in the increase in magic power is petrification for five minutes, ten minutes, or half an hour.

It cannot allow you to permanently petrify a person.

Andy has seen dueling competitions in the wizarding world and has a rough assessment of the magic level of those dueling masters.

The more Andy studies magic, the more he feels that there is an upper limit to the magic in this world.

The fundamental reason for all this is that the magic power of wizards is innate.

In the world of "Harry Potter", wizards' magic is not obtained through meditation or other cultivation methods.

It is innate, and it improves as the wizard grows.

And when the wizard's body grows to its limit, the growth of magic power will naturally reach its limit.

Because there is an upper limit to magic power, the wizards in this world have developed all kinds of magic, allowing magic to flourish.

Hmm... It's a bit like the Earth in the "Dragon Ball" world.

"Fortunately, I don't have this problem!"

Andy can solve the problem of scarcity of magic power by adding points to the system, but the question now is: can increasing magic power really increase the power of spells?

Maybe it will have some effect.

But the relationship between magic and magic is a bit like gunpowder and guns.

Even if you have a warehouse of gunpowder and bullets, if you only have a gun from centuries ago, you can't beat a Gatling with enough ammunition.

"Not only does this world have an upper limit on magic power, but there is also an upper limit on magic?"

Andy frowned slightly.

"Or is it that the current magic...has actually gone astray?"

The advantage of modern magic is that it is simple, convenient, and easy to learn and master.

And ancient magic…

Andy has read some books introducing ancient magic, but they are just introductions. Over time, ancient magic has been largely lost.

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