The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 49 Conversation between two monsters

The cold snake eyes stared at the tiny figure in front of him, while the other person also looked down at the huge beast with the same inhuman cold eyes.

Even people who don’t know the relationship between the two will be amazed when they see it:

"so similar."

Although they look very different in size and shape, the eyes of the two are surprisingly similar. They have the same arrogance, the same arrogance and arrogance, and the same... lack of any humanity. It can be said.

These three children of Loki, a demon wolf, a giant snake, and a half-dead man, although their appearances are very different, they all have the same characteristics...

That's the monster.

The devil wolf likes to devour all things, and the gods are not looked down upon by it; while the big snake is so huge that it can wrap the entire human world in its arms; the half-living and half-dead Hela is naturally arrogant, self-admiring, Odin and Frost Giants, fire giants and other creatures jointly control all the living, but she alone controls all the dead.

The three arrogant and arrogant monsters all scorned those mediocre people, so much so that they felt it was unnecessary to even talk. Only a very few people could be recognized by them.

In this universe, Thor, God of Thunder, counts as one, God King Odin counts as one, and the unknown ancestor of the Fire Giant may also count as one, but in addition, even their father, Loki, may not be able to Being looked down upon by them.

Of course, these three arrogant and arrogant monsters will not have any recognition of the human nature formulated by those insignificant dust particles.

The love between brothers and sisters is nothing in the eyes of these three monsters. Only strength is real.

Hela could clearly feel that even now, the big snake opposite her was still looking at her with eager eyes, full of greed and crazy appetite. As long as she seizes a chance and is a little careless, this snake will The giant snake will take the opportunity to swallow it directly into its belly without hesitation.

There was a deep sense of alertness in the depths of her cold pupils as she spoke.

"My brother, I have come this time to say something to you."

Beside her, a seemingly ordinary cute puppy popped up from her feet, looking warily at the giant beast below her from the carriage.

The puppy looked ordinary, but the faintly visible skeleton on its body proved that it was extraordinary, so much so that it was not afraid even when faced with such a huge creature.

The giant snake beneath her body, whose flesh, flesh and even bones were deeply strangled by countless chains, just stared at her coldly. Its upright pupils slowly expanded, revealing the invisible magic power that captivates the soul. Even if an ordinary person just stares at this pupil They will all fall into deep fear, and even become servants of the giant snake, turning into snake people who will only sing and worship the giant snake crazily from then on.

Immediately, deep laughter sounded.

"I don't think there's anything to talk about between us."

The inhuman erect pupils were suddenly full of ferocious color, and the body began to move vaguely. The thick chains bound to the giant snake made a loud roaring sound, and were tightened tightly, accompanied by the giant snake. As the snake struggled, violent undersea whirlpools began to roll up on the sea floor.

It was so hungry that it had no intention of chatting with its nominal and physical sister anymore, and would rather swallow her directly into its belly.

Following the giant snake's actions, Hela's body immediately felt an instinctive coldness brought about by a strong sense of crisis.

Compared with her two extremely powerful brothers, she is better at using wisdom rather than combat power. The result of a head-on conflict is probably to be swallowed directly, and then her soul will fall back to the Kingdom of Hades, waiting for resurrection after a long dormancy. .

And just then...


The puppy at her feet suddenly jumped out of the carriage. In a flash, its small body suddenly grew a thousand times larger. The terrifying body seemed to have been skinned and had only bright red flesh. It was intimidating. Its size It was a bit bigger than an elephant, and a ferocious and terrifying aura gushed out from this bloody giant dog.

Garm, Hela's beloved dog, guards the entrance to the underworld of Helm and is extremely loyal to Hela. Any undead soul that disobeys Hela will be devoured by this evil dog.

Although it looks extremely small in front of the giant snake, its grinning, fierce and fierce aura is as vicious as a bulldog. Regardless of the huge difference in strength, it intends to fight with the giant snake in front of it in order to protect its master. And fight.

Seeing that the battle between the two was about to break out, Hela, who did not want to see the two fighting, frowned and then spoke.

"Father wants me to tell you...he will find a way to get you out."

Hearing this, the giant snake's movements froze, he stopped, and then a deep voice sounded.

"Loki? What's wrong with that guy? He actually wants to rescue me. Is he planning to be openly hostile to Odin?"

The voice was full of mockery.

It was obvious that the giant snake had no respect for Loki.

Hela's face darkened. She was obviously unhappy with the giant snake's tone. Not all of the three brothers and sisters had no respect for Loki, their nominal father. Hela, who thought most like a human, had no respect for Loki. Very unexpected respect.

"No matter how you say it, Loki is your and my father after all. To insult him is to be contemptuous of you and me."

Her voice became dissatisfied.

The giant snake sneered indifferently.


The dissatisfaction between Hela's brows became more and more intense, and the hostility stemming from her nature was almost uncontrollable. She almost wanted to let her have a good fight with this giant snake to let him know about her "sister" After all, it is a monster, and it is not something to be trifled with. It is not one of those "ants" it can treat at will.

However, the reason why Hela was able to become the King of the Kingdom of Heim was precisely because she was calmer than her two brothers and was better able to suppress the eager nature and anger in her heart, so as to make rational judgments. .

Therefore, even though she was dissatisfied, she did not do anything special.

"Father has not yet planned to be hostile to Odin. He told me that he will try to find a way to rescue you and Fenrir together, but the premise is... you must be patient first."

Hela's cold voice reached the ears of the giant snake. Its pupils stared at the small figure in front of it, as if it was thinking about something, and it did not respond for a long time.

After a long time, the towering head like a mountain raised its head and slowly approached Hela.

The huge vortex formed by its breath made the giant dog Garm feel deeply uneasy. It exposed its long fangs and let out a deep roar, intending to intimidate the giant snake in front of it.

However, the giant snake did not pay attention to this vicious dog, which was extremely terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people, and the little bug in its eyes.

The huge pupil as smooth as a lake overlooks Hela in front of it. Hela's slender figure is clearly reflected in its green pupils. In the green pupils as deep as the abyss, invisible murmurs are heard in dreams, which are both illusion and reality. It seemed as if Hela was going to be swallowed whole into the depths of this huge pupil.

Hela didn't shy away, just looking up at her brother without fear.

Immediately, a low and loud cold voice sounded in Hela's ears.

"I can endure it...but if Loki fails to save me, the day I break free of this chain, the entire universe will be destroyed by the wrath of I, Jormungandr."

Hela left. Although it was a little unpleasant, this first contact still allowed Hela to get something she thought was valuable.

The giant snake lay back down in the depths of the sea.

The sea water is silent, the quiet and lightless deep sea bottom, except for the dead silence, only a pair of green vertical pupils are shining with an inexplicable brilliance.

If hunger for more than a hundred years has taught the giant snake something, it is probably to stay calm and sober amidst the endless hunger and madness.

The chains that were deeply embedded in its flesh and bones, and the carnivores in the deep sea that had eaten away every inch of its body were all forcing it to calm down.

Every time it goes crazy with hunger, becomes so hungry that it struggles crazily because of irrationality, causing those chains to sink deeper and deeper into its texture, it will be forced to feel the feeling of the scales breaking, The endless pain of exposed flesh and blood being eaten by predators.

For this reason, it had to learn how to work hard to restrain its hunger and restrain its behavior to avoid this kind of pain. Only after long-term torture and difficulties did it manage to control itself and not go crazy.

However, it will never thank the gods who trapped it in the endless deep sea for this. On the contrary, the arrogance and arrogance on its body are gradually being washed away, while the ferocity and violence originating from its nature are increasing day by day. .

Every day, the rage in the giant snake's heart increased day by day, and this rage eventually twisted into a deep and pure murderous intention.

"The day I come back will be the day you die!!!"

However, the giant snake understands that relying on its own strength alone is not enough to deal with this dilemma. It has already experienced and understood this personally.

Even though he is powerful, he will never be able to compete with all the gods. Only with the help of other people can he have a chance to realize what he wants.

He originally thought that the only person who could help it was Fenrir, the demon wolf who had the same experience. But this time, Hela's arrival made him keenly aware of something.

"'Father has no plans to be hostile to Odin yet'... No plans yet... This sentence is very interesting..."

The giant snake's pupils flickered, seeming to be a bit playful and interesting.

"Hela, is your respect and obedience to Odin just a disguise? Or is it because you think it is impossible for me to leak out, so you don't hide your dissatisfaction with Odin..."

"Interesting... really interesting..."

With this thought in mind, he immediately raised his head, and through the deep and dark seabed, he could see the sun chariot galloping in the sky on the sea.

For more than a hundred years, the old Poseidon, the Sun God, the Moon God, and many gods have not forgotten this fierce giant snake and have always paid attention to him, but in the end, they all followed it and it did not have any special and weird behavior. , and gradually neglected to monitor him, so that Hela was able to secretly see it, which was simply unimaginable more than a hundred years ago.

And Hela's arrival finally made this giant snake realize...

"Have these guys ignored my existence... Just in time, it seems I can finally do something."

Its pupils were flickering at that time, and the giant snake's incredible spiritual power spread along with a prayer that had been murmuring in its ears for hundreds of years...

The giant snake will not wait in vain for others to save itself. This absolutely solitary giant snake never only believes in itself.

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