The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 54 Undersea City

In the palace deep under the sea.

The old sea god Aegir has been very strange recently, because in the ocean he dominates, some strange sea monsters have been appearing frequently recently.

Marine monsters are common to him, such as the octopus whose arms and legs are as thick as a house and as big as a hill; the sea turtle which is so huge that it is often mistaken for an island when it surfaces; the octopus which is no less than a hundred meters long and has swallowed countless creatures Sea snakes...these sea monsters are numerous in his sea.

In fact, in this ocean, there are many creatures that even the old sea god Egil has never seen before, because many species often only have one, and it is difficult to identify them all. The old sea god Egil doesn't care about unknown sea monsters. Only those sea monsters that have become large-scale will be noticed by him.

However, this time the sea monster surprised him.

"Is this the sea monster?"

Staring at the creature in front of him, the old Poseidon with gray hair and beard said.

"Yes, my father."

Beside him, a goddess of waves, whose upper body was a beautiful woman but whose lower body was transparent water, spoke softly to him.

The nine sisters of the waves often appear in the form of waves and patrol the entire ocean. They are the right-hand assistants of the old sea god Egil in managing the entire ocean. The nine sisters of the waves often assist their father in many things.

Egil is old after all.

In this world, gods are not immortal, and gods can also age.

But most of the time, the aging of gods is because they have seen too many things, so their mentality gradually and irreversibly begins to age, causing the external appearance to also age with their own souls.

It’s not that God is old, it’s that God’s mentality is old.

The same is naturally true for Egil. From the time he was born in the era of chaos to the present, he has lived for too many long years and no longer has so much energy to take care of the ocean. In many cases, he can only let his daughter take care of the ocean. They come to help him.

But looking at the creature in front of him, old Egil, who had experienced countless things, also frowned.

"Ho ho..."

In front of him, the half-human, half-fish monster was struggling hard. Its shape looked a bit like a dwarf human with a stooped body, with claws covered with tapered and pointed claws and scales, and lower limbs with webs and mucous membranes. The head seems to be some kind of ferocious deep-sea fish, but it has eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

It struggled to break free from the seawater rope that bound it, and kept making hoarse sounds in its mouth, which seemed to be some kind of unknown language.

Clearly, this sea monster possesses intelligence.

In fact, these sea monsters not only have intelligence, they even have the concept of civilization.

In various places, the nine sisters of the waves have seen these beings tame sharks and whales as mounts, and hunt in the ocean through the rough bone weapons held in their hands.

There is no doubt that this is a civilization of considerable magnitude.

Civilizations composed of marine life like this are not uncommon in the ocean, but the strange thing is that these sea monsters seem to appear out of thin air. They were quite civilized when they first appeared. This is very strange. .

As the nine sisters of Lang Lang patrolled, they discovered more of this sea monster in more and more days. The nine sisters of Lang Lang, who were deeply surprised, caught one of these fish-man sea monsters and tried to let it go. His father makes the decision.

Old Egil pondered and asked after a long time.

"Where was the first time you saw this kind of sea monster?"

"Netherlands Sea."

The goddess of waves replied from the side.

After the old Poseidon asked a few more questions, and after the Wave Goddess answered them in detail, old Egil nodded, and then looked at the sea monster in front of him, with deep contemplation on his face.

In front of him, this fish-man monster did not show the slightest awe. Instead, it restlessly tried to break free and roared at him.

This is not normal.

As the God of the Sea, the ocean itself was almost born with him. All the creatures born from the ocean will instinctively fear him. It is impossible to be like this sea monster, who not only has no awe for himself, but instead roars. threaten.

"This is definitely not something that should exist in the ocean!"

In an instant, the old Poseidon's gaze became as sharp as an arrow.

Are the Asaph clan finally ready to snatch his power? Or is the Warner Protoss dissatisfied with his monopoly on such a vast sea? In other words, those giants are preparing to do something...

In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts had already passed through Old Poseidon's mind. His deep vigilance against intruders made him think of countless possible masterminds in an instant.

He stretched his hand towards the fish-man's head.

Looking at this ordinary hand, the fishman realized that he was uneasy and began to scream and struggle instinctively. However, he was unable to struggle to open the seawater rope, so he still let him stretch his hand to his head...


As if corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid, as the fish-man screamed, the places where the old Poseidon's hand came into contact would melt. He didn't even scream for a few more seconds before the fish-man was gone. angry.

Feeling the still trembling fish-man brain in his hand, the vague memories contained in it, and the faint but familiar power of the fish-man, the old Poseidon's pupils were filled with astonishment. No matter how much he guessed, He never thought that it would be...


Deep in the ocean, a ferocious-looking sea monster holds a metal harpoon in its hand, accompanied by numerous sharks and huge whales, including many other kinds of humanoid life forms.

And in the center of this mighty and huge army, as the commander-in-chief of this huge army of unknown size, the old Poseidon with gray hair and beard was wearing armor, holding a halberd that had not been used for a long time, standing. On the chariot, there was an invisible sense of oppression in the silence.

Under the restraint of the old Poseidon's will, this huge undersea march moved in a certain direction. Along the way, countless undersea monsters joined obediently, turning this already huge army into a new one. Got bigger.

This is the huge strength that Old Poseidon has accumulated over tens of millions of years.

With those marine races with thick armor and weapons as the main force, and those irrational but amazingly powerful underwater giants as the servant army, a huge army numbering in the millions or tens of millions, even the Asaph clan would not be willing to do so. Confront this huge army in an environment like the ocean.

Giants and gods, it is precisely for this reason that they are very afraid of the old Poseidon and dare not act rashly.

But leading this seemingly invincible army, the face of the old sea god Egil did not show any joy, but became more and more calm.

He knew that if it was as he thought, even this seemingly powerful and invincible army might not be able to win...

Along the way, some strange fish-men swimming in the seabed, turtle-men with thick turtle shells...all kinds of new and strange creatures were eaten mercilessly by this huge army as rations. Clean it up.

As long as necessary, this huge army will even feed on the sea monsters in its own army, and these huge sea monsters have the dual role of servants and rations at the same time. Anyway, there are not many things in the ocean, just this kind of There are countless sea monsters, but it doesn't matter at all.

Looking along the way, the scene under the sea made the eyes of the old sea god Egil become colder.

Deep sea canyons, dead submarine volcanoes, submarine deserts, coral forests...

All places, although there are not many, seem to have these weird species everywhere.

Mermaids whose upper body is human and whose lower body is fish, weird murlocs who look like humans but not humans, fishes but not fishes, half-human, half-snake snake-men with eight arms, and those shark-shaped murlocs with shark heads...

All kinds of strange species made the old sea god Egil almost turn pale.

When had there been so many strange and weird things in his ocean!

And at this point, after he saw something, the anger in his heart reached its peak.

A city located on a majestic mountain range, with many mermaids, fishmen, and snakemen living in it. In that simple stone city, the fishmen held harpoons in their hands, vigilantly observing the surroundings as guards. The mermaid wearing a garland on her head swims freely in the sea, singing with her natural sweet voice. The majestic snake man wearing exquisite clothes and a crown rules this underwater kingdom.

However, in the eyes of the old sea god Egil, this city is not located on some mountain range, but it is clearly located on the scales of a huge giant snake. This giant snake that should have been sealed has already appeared on its body. One, or perhaps more, cities, and in these cities, the snake priests devoutly sang praises to their gods.

Clutching the halberd tightly in his hand, the veins on the forehead of the old sea god Egil popped out, and he was so angry that he finally couldn't help roaring.


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