The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 74 Black Dragon Nidhogg

God King Odin, who was sitting on the Supreme Throne, was also shocked. Over the past thousands of years, his eyebrows had gained a bit of age, and his originally gray beard had become almost completely white. He opened his one eye in astonishment. The one eye that could see through everything looked down from the throne of the God King at the top of the nine worlds towards the source of the vibration below him.

I saw that in Niflheim, the country of fog in the north, that place is shrouded in thick fog all year round, and is as silent as the underworld. It is considered that there is no life in the world. At this moment, the entire World Tree is tilting. , the impenetrable fog gradually dissipated, revealing the huge black dragon with huge wings in the Kingdom of Mist.

The black dragon was ferocious and terrifying, and its skeleton-like body revealed a deep evil aura. Under the black dragon's body was an extremely huge thing that looked like a continent. This thing was so huge that it could As for it being difficult to see the whole thing clearly at a glance, one could only vaguely make out what seemed to be the roots of a tree.

However, what tree can have such a huge root, as strong as a continent, as vast as the sea?

That is the World Tree.

And Odin even knows this black dragon...

"The black dragon Nidhogg."

Odin looked at the black dragon with a livid face and gritted his teeth.

In the hundreds of thousands of years since the birth of heaven and earth, the signs of world destruction that once alarmed Odin have occurred more than once, just like the unprecedented battle between the Asaph and the Vanir. It's like the fire giant ancestor Surtur, Loki's three children, or even the confrontation between the frost giants and the gods, and...

This is the venomous black dragon Nidhogg.

In order to conquer this black dragon, Odin once joined forces with Loki, Thor and even other gods to knock this evil black dragon directly into the underworld. He thought that this black dragon would forever be with those ancient dead people. The gods screamed unwillingly in the underworld. Unexpectedly, this black dragon actually crawled back from the underworld, and even secretly hid in the Kingdom of Mist to gnaw the roots of the World Tree, intending to take revenge on the gods.

At this moment, the black dragon was roaring wildly at the broken root of the world tree in front of him, showing his joy to the entire universe.

No matter how huge and tough the roots of the World Tree are, under the continuous gnawing by this black dragon for tens of thousands of years, and under the erosion of the poisonous saliva in the mouth of the poisonous dragon, even the roots of the World Tree that can regenerate quickly will finally be able to regenerate. It was completely broken.

One of the three roots of the World Tree that supports the universe broke, and the World Tree inevitably began to tilt.

And under the root of the tree, the black dragon immediately raised its head and roared.


The high-pitched and huge roar of the black dragon resounded throughout the universe and spread throughout the nine worlds, allowing all monsters and giants who were dissatisfied with the gods and even all evil forces to hear it.

This roar is like a trumpet, announcing to the entire universe that the end of the world is coming.

God King Odin's face was ashen. He knew that this time would be the biggest crisis among all the crises the gods had ever faced.

The high-pitched roar of the black dragon spread throughout the nine worlds, so much so that even the frost giants in Jotunheim knew about it.

Those restless and eager frost giants who were trying to take revenge on the gods realized that this was a rare opportunity they had never had before. They roared, and under the leadership of a frost giant leader named Yosso Lugana, they marched to the crowd. God started the first and last war after the four divine wars.

The final battle begins.

This time, these mountain-like giants walked with roaring footsteps, forming a huge army unprecedented since the birth of the universe. Wherever they went, winter fell, rivers dried up, and rivers and seas froze. Sealed, a bone-chilling cold enveloped the entire world.

The terrible winter came to this world along with the biting cold north wind. Snow kept falling and ice covered the entire ground.

The giants roared loudly, lifted the mountains on the earth, and smashed those majestic mountains towards Asgard, the kingdom of gods in the sky. These fearless frost giants looked at those who looked down from above. Gods throughout the universe announced the coming of war.

In the iron forest of the underworld, the three wolf cubs were secretly hidden by Angelboda, the giantess who gave birth to three brothers and sisters. The three wolf cubs, fed by the bones of those who killed and evil people, have also grown up.

Skoll (disgust), Hati (hate) and Managarm (gluttony), their father the demon wolf Fenrir was imprisoned by the faithless gods and endured the sharp sword for tens of thousands of years. Suffering from the pain of piercing their throats and the torture of being wrapped in iron chains, the young ones at that time could only hide in the underworld of the god of death, Hela, to avoid being discovered by the gods. Now, its offspring will take the lead in avenging their father. .

The three ferocious giant wolves were no less violent than their father, the demon wolf Fenrir. They roared and ran all the way to the sky. Skull chased the Sun Goddess Sur's chariot, and Hattie While chasing the moon chariot of Manny, the moon god, Managalm was even more greedy than its two brothers. It opened its bloody mouth unscrupulously, intending to devour the stars in the sky.

Sun Goddess Sur did not dare to fight with the demonic wolf behind him and just ran for his life. Moon Godman Manny also lost the smile on his face and drove the moon chariot across the sky with trembling, looking back from time to time to look at the man behind him who was about to catch up with him. The demon wolf Hattie.

Many ancient monsters also awakened. The chains and seals that the gods once used to lock them could not suppress their desire to seek revenge from the gods. Deep in the earth, they struggled and roared, intending to participate in this war. In the unprecedented final battle.

At the same time, the big snake, which had been sleeping in the depths of the sea for a long time, and whose body had long been integrated with the deep seabed, finally woke up.

Listening to the roar of the black dragon beside his ears, the big snake raised its head. The screams of countless creatures could be heard faintly in Nano City above it. Looking at this restless universe, its cold, upright snake eyes revealed a deep expression. Deep ferocity and unconcealable ecstasy.

Tens of thousands of years.

It has been sealed in the depths of the sea by the gods for more than 10,000 years. The opportunity it has been waiting for for so many years has finally arrived!

On its body, those pure gold chains are still firmly locked on its body, preventing it from moving. But for more than ten thousand years, this big snake has never stopped growing. Now, how powerful is it? It's so huge that no one can even imagine it.


The serpent's heavy breath caused huge turmoil in the sea water, causing turmoil in the underwater palace of the old Poseidon Egil, who was thousands of miles away. The alarmed old Poseidon hurried over, but he could only see what was happening in his own body. In front of him, the giant snake that had not moved for tens of thousands of years began to struggle.

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