Chirp..." The little cub was dumbfounded.

Ah..." Sigma was also dumbfounded.

The two searched for a long time, but for some reason, they couldn't find the white ball.

The dejected uncles and nephews stared blankly at the sky, and then looked at it. Sigma suddenly raised the little cub: "Look, Ollie!" Are there two stars over there? One blue, one white? "

The little cub nodded.

Well, the white one is your ball, and the blue one is the blue stone that Sigma dropped before, they must have run too far and turned into stars. "

The little cub then laughed out loud.

Sitting on Uncle Sigma's head, the little guy looked carefully at the white and blue stars in the sky, and finally fell asleep.

Sigma took the sleeping little guy off his head and hugged it in his arms, warm and warm, he couldn't feel the cub's softness and temperature, but when holding him, Sigma always felt very peaceful .

Sigma, go home and sleep. "My brother is calling him.

OK Sigma responded, and when he was about to catch up with the others, he looked back at the blue stars in the sky behind him again...

Then he ran towards his family without looking back.

Life will go on for the Mugans.

Whether as ordinary civilians or as the first family of this country, their lives will go on.

They will experience everything that is about to happen in this world together, good or bad, they are always together, maybe one day Mugen and Olivia will die, maybe the robots like Sigma will become the family that is left behind, Maybe the human beings in this world will disappear, maybe the era of robots will come, maybe...

However, they will always be together.

Be part of history, be one of the stars with the memories of the Imperials, and they will be together forever.

Whether it is for Mugen, Olivia, robots, Mr. Sisser and other imperial humans, or even the entire universe, the ending of this family living happily together is countless bad "the only good ending" ending.

Olivia became a good emperor instead of a cruel monarch. The robots became family members of human beings instead of being a weapon to exterminate human beings. Countless people who were destined to die in the catastrophe survived. This time, They will successfully complete their journey in the world and die.

And the reason for all this may be just a stone.

A blue stone.

In a place unknown to everyone, the blue stone that absorbed all the explosive power of the Destroyer and all the energy stored has traveled through time and space, flying towards a remote corner of the empire at an extremely fast speed.

A cataclysmic disaster is taking place in that star field.

Countless stars fell from the sky, it was a rare explosion of stars!

There should have been a greater disaster, but at that moment, a blue stone crashed in.

Carrying the same powerful energy, the blue stone collided with the force that was spreading into the depths of the universe——

boom! ! ! !

The out-of-control universe, unexpectedly, regained its balance.

The damage that has already been done is destined to be unstoppable. The poisonous mist and planetary fragments produced after the explosion filled the entire area. None of the expedition teams going here can explore a little deeper. Gradually, no one is willing to approach this place anymore. up.

This place has since been called the Dead Sea Emperor's Tomb.

Then, after many, many years, the last drop of internal energy was finally exhausted, and the blue stone became an ordinary stone again, floating in the tomb of the Dead Sea emperor.

And then……

Sigma looked out the window for a while, and he noticed a small blue stone on the window sill, and the young robot happily put the stone into the storage space under his belly.

Time and space, Sigma finally caught the only perfect circle inside.

The author has something to say:

It's finally over.

clap clap.

This is the second tree I planted in Jinjiang.

The last paragraph, modified the way, I still put it at the end of the story.

It can be regarded as a kind of paranoia, where you want to write, you must write it out.

Thank you for tolerating my willfulness and giving me serious suggestions to make this story more perfect.

In this story, Mugen and Olivia went to many places and experienced many things, and so did I.

I have been to good places, bad places, experienced unhappy things and happy things.

Thank you for your company, let me finally come here.

Thanks to everyone who collected this story, thanked everyone who left a message in each chapter, thanked everyone who supported the original version, and thanked everyone who read here.

Today, I finally typed the word "end".

So, just like the previous story, only today, climb out and tell everyone

One sentence: Chasing the text is hard work! Everyone who sees this, leave a message to me, let me see your name, and remember her^^

Thank you, bow-

Then, hope we see you in the next story.

together forever~

Address for the next story:

It should be a modern background story, I haven't thought about the content yet~ The date of opening the pit is uncertain, wait for the Weibo notification~

Ollie Chiu can be dragged home now (it’s not the same as the picture, it will be long-haired)


Attachment: This work comes from the Internet, I do not take any responsibility, and the copyright of the content belongs to the author!

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