Even himself...is the same?

So, at the last moment of their lives, several robots dragged the huge unicorn beast back to the original place.

At the same time, Mugen had just finished eating the little tomatoes, and he still felt a little hungry, but he was embarrassed to ask Sigma for food again. While his stomach was still growling, a few robots came back dragging a huge wild animal, and with them was the old robot dragged by Ipsilon.

dad! Regardless of the surprise, Mu Gen's full attention was attracted by the tattered robot.

He just ran out of energy, we gave him a new supplementary energy, which he has never used before, and after a period of adaptation, he will turn on again. "After explaining the robot's situation to the young humans, Alpha felt a strange sense of loss when he realized that the little boy didn't take the initiative to grab his hand this time.

The little hand that he had grasped tightly before touched the crude left palm of the robot on the ground, and when he noticed the letter a engraved on that palm, Alpha suddenly understood why this human being thought he was his father.

This young human must have mistook the alpha in his hand for an a.

The robot on the ground is in tatters. He must often go out to find new body materials. The materials he uses are different each time, and the appearance is also different when he comes back. No wonder this young human uses this symbol to identify his father.

I am an alpha, not an a. "Before leaving, Alpha said such a sentence to the little boy. In fact, he didn't need to explain, but at that moment, he wanted to say something.

Want to tell someone: I am different, want to tell someone, my name.

This kind of feeling is probably the feeling that human beings don't want them to have, right?

After calling Sigma, who was standing blankly, Alpha led a group of robots and turned away. He didn't know how the self-destruction would be carried out, but he didn't want this human being to be harmed.

Carefully placing the few tomatoes and potatoes at the little boy's feet, Sigma quickly crawled towards his companion.

However, at this moment, a small clear voice sounded behind them.

That... you are Dad's brother! "

The book says that parents will give brothers similar names, Alpha, your name is so similar to your father's name, you must be brothers! "

Uh... Alpha said that he is completely unable to understand the thinking of this young human, completely unable to understand!


You're daddy's brother, why are you leaving? "The young human's expectant tone made Alpha stop abruptly.

Sigma says you're homeless, so why don't you live with us? "

Uncle, stay here! "Spontaneously called Alpha with the name of relatives taught in the Children's Literacy Encyclopedia, Mu Gen shouted to retain Alpha and his party who were about to leave.

The self-destruct system that was about to be officially launched in a second came to an abrupt end.


You said that there must be light, so there is light in this world.

When my world is crumbling and about to be destroyed, you are like the sun, bringing me a new light.

From now on, my world is born for you——

The author has something to say: deduction~

The Year of the Goat is here, the author has dropped the first update of the Year of the Goat

(While watching chūn night, the author who is writing code words is also spelling enough)

I wish you all good health and happiness in the new year.

In the new year, in the world of novels, please give me more advice^^

I wish you all a happy Year of the Goat!

☆、Chapter Six

The robots carefully entered all Mugen's pheromone data into the system, and from then on, Mugen became their master.

Oh oh oh~ we will be a family from now on! " Sucking his pricked finger, Mugen said happily.

Alpha told him that the previous step was the "claiming" step, a word Mugen hadn't learned yet, but fortunately he had a children's literacy book, and with the help of this book, he quickly found the word.

Daquan" said that to claim means to identify and receive it, and also noted some exemplary sentences, such as: Xiao Ming went to the school guard to claim "a book; for example, Xiao Mei claimed" from the police uncle to return the lost student For example, Xiaohong's mother went to the corpse collection office to claim "returned Xiaohong's corpse (← it seems that something has mixed in...)

The word "adopt" doesn't feel very good to people~ Mu Gen thought to himself, and then very cleverly found another word that looks very similar to this word - "adopt"!

The explanation on adoption in "Daquan" is as follows: Take the children from other people's families and raise them as your own children.

tiny hand

Baji closed the Daquan, and the light bulb in Mu Gen's little head turned on: That's it~

Dad said that Mugen was not born by him, so Mugen's father was not Mugen's father, and then Mugen picked up his father, brought someone else's father, and let him raise him as his own father, this, this, this is not Is it adoption? ! !

The same reason can be deduced, the situation of uncle and others is the same! Mu Gen picked up an uncle who didn't know whose family it was, and wanted them to live with him and become his uncle. This is also adoption!

After successfully convincing himself, little friend Mu Gen stuffed the children's literacy book back to its original place and hid it contentedly.

I must praise Mu Gen's flexible understanding (≧▽≦)

Then he continued to squat beside his father. The little hand tightly held his father's hand on the ground, and he was curious to see how Etta repaired his father's body.

The robot a filled with new energy has woken up, and Etta is reassembling his body. In Etta's view, a's body is really out of shape! Strange materials are fine, there is also a strange structure, and the oil used is also a completely substandard product. In this case, the fact that the a robot can still operate is beyond the scope of logical calculations!

Only the head of your body is still the original product. After scanning a's body, Etta retrieved the design drawings of the first-generation robot from the database. After careful comparison, he revealed his comparison results.

Yes, a year ago I was attacked by a local unicorn beast, and my body was completely destroyed. "a answered Etta very calmly, beside him, kid Mugen also nodded nervously.

You are a coolie robot, and you don't have the ability to hunt and kill. Hunting A-level fierce beasts is an illogical and wrong behavior for you. "Because there was nothing to do, Beta instinctively stopped next to his new master, Mugen. He saw the scene just now. As a combat robot, he expressed his professional opinion.

It's all Mugen's fault. Dad got hurt when Mugen was hungry and wanted to eat meat. "

It's not your fault, it's dad who is so useless. "The body has been disassembled by Eta into pieces, and only the left arm is still connected to the body. The a robot gently strokes the child's little head with the only movable left arm. Although his voice is still very mechanical, he feels But it was completely different from before.

Kind of like a human being—Etta, who was sitting beside her, tilted her head.

Beta didn't respond, but the flickering of the screen became more peaceful.

Then they went on to overhaul a.

Mugen is very concerned about his father's body, and he would ask a question from time to time. Out of respect for his master, Etta answered him seriously. It was during this question and answer that Etta and the others discovered the original robot a. The daily maintenance is actually done by this child! That is, between such questions and answers, the lives of A and Mugen were also pieced together by Alpha and the others.

Mugen is the child of the Earth immigrants left on this planet. And a is the mining robot that was first brought out from the earth by those immigrants.

The planet called Earth began to fail a long, long time ago. With the help of advanced civilizations, people on Earth began to explore ways to immigrate to alien planets. With the help of the aviation technology of alien systems, they began to send out Exploration teams, some of these exploration teams successfully settled in alien planets, while others disappeared into the vast universe, and no news came back from then on.

This planet is the final stop of an expedition that never heard back from Earth.

The environment here is not suitable for earthlings to settle, and all the offspring they reproduce have genetic defects. In the end, they chose the method of activating the sperm bank and egg bank to make test-tube babies. "

Mugen is a human baby born under these circumstances.

He didn't know who his father was, and he didn't have a mother. Not long after he was born, the last human also died. Before he died, that human entrusted him to the robot at the base.

We had twenty mining robots at the beginning, but now, I am the only one left. "

The companions disappeared one by one, some were broken in order to protect everyone during the process, and some were directly shut down after the end of their service life... until finally only a robot remained.

Before everyone left, they left me all the spare parts they had preserved. Whenever the parts on my body were broken, I would replace them with the parts left by my companions. "A recalled that he had already copied the contents of the hard disk to Alpha and his group of robots. Through the sharing of disk contents, Alpha and the others also saw those companions who originally only existed in A's memory.

They are a group of extremely crude robots, without a humanoid appearance, only a rough metal body, and they have no intelligence. Before the danger comes, they will only use the most stupid way - to sacrifice themselves, to save human beings Give them the final mission objective.

The a robot does not have the function of image projection, so the memory in his hard disk can be held by one person alone, but the Alpha line of robots is different, they can project the scenes in their own brains in front of others vividly in three-dimensional form. When they put a When the images of other robots in the hard drive were projected, Mu Gen jumped up.

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