A road was deliberately arranged so that only one person could survive. Originally, only one person could survive on this road.

Assistant Professor, just go and partner with Hollande. "

During the grouping, when Hollande had no partner, a student suddenly said this. It was because of his words that Sumergue finally set off with Hollande.

Now that I think about it, who was the first student to say this?

Closing his eyes, the scene at that time reappeared clearly in Sumerg's memory——

In his memory, he went back to that morning when he was grouped before the mission.

Assistant Professor, just go and partner with Hollande. "In the corner, the tall Brontosaurus boy Todd suddenly said this. After he finished speaking, the students next to him agreed.

Behind their tall figures, Olivia had been standing there quietly, a ray of sunlight shining on his silver-white hair, making his hair look a bit like gold.

As if he noticed his sight, Sumerg saw Olivia suddenly turn her head and slowly smile at him across the layers of crowds and a long distance away.


Sir Olivia, I heard that Hollande died accidentally during the mission. "Microraptor Diandian, who has positioned himself as a scout, came back to inform Olivia.

oh. "As if hearing something unnecessary, Olivia didn't even raise her head.

So, only Gaia is left? "Todd, who had been standing beside him, suddenly spoke. After speaking, he carefully observed Olivia's next reaction.

To his surprise, Olivia slowly shook her head.

Just pretend he doesn't exist. "

Olivia only said this lightly.

Suspicious in his heart, Todd really followed Olivia's words and never interfered in Gaia's affairs. Then, a week after Hollande died unexpectedly, Gaia committed suicide in her dormitory.

It is said that he committed suicide because he couldn't stand the bullying from others. "

This is the last news about Gaia.

When he heard the news, Todd felt a sense of meaning rushing up from the soles of his feet!

Thinking of Olivia's expression at that time, he couldn't help but straighten his back and stand more respectfully.

Todd is very good at multiple choice questions.

Growing up, his academic performance was not good, but his test scores have always been very high. The reason is that there are always many multiple-choice questions in the exams. If you don't know the questions, you have to guess. Todd can always get it right.

It turns out that he is really good at doing multiple-choice questions:

Two months later, after methodically defeating three other chief candidates, Olivia successfully became the chief of this session.

At the same time, Mugen was also unanimously elected as the dean of the Department of Cooking at Imperial University.

Reason for election——

It's embarrassing that he is the only candidate for election.

☆、Chapter 69

Due to the strict review mechanism of the Imperial Military Academy, letters sent by Mugen often have to wait several months to be delivered to Olivia.

Therefore, Mugen actually became the chairman much earlier than Olivia became the chief~\\(≧▽≦)/~

Of course, this is nothing to be proud of orz

Passed unanimously! Then Mugen-kun will be the chairman of this year’s cooking department! "

When the voting results appeared on the screen, there was silence in the classroom. Finally, Professor Kurno took the lead in clapping, and then sparse applause sounded in the classroom, especially Dobby's applause. Looking at Mu Gen with joy, he was really happy for Mu Gen.

Scratching the back of his head, Mu Gen smiled a little shyly: Thank you everyone, I will do the job that the chairman of the committee should do. "

Very good! Then go and clean the professor's office later. "The three big heads turned to look at Mugen. Professor Kurno's six eyes were shining brightly.

The main duties of the Chairman of the Cuisine Department are to clean classrooms, collect and distribute various materials, handle various chores assigned by professors, and other tasks assigned from time to time. "Kurno immediately announced the job functions of the Chairman. In short, it was an equation: Chairman = handyman

The cooking department in the grade above you doesn’t even have a chairperson! No one ran for election, so everyone had to take turns, haha~"

Hearing Professor Kurno's words, all the students couldn't help showing a look of joy on their faces. They looked at Mugen on the podium for the first time: This guy saved everyone from fire and water!

So after Professor Kurno announced the adjournment of the meeting, Mugen took Sigma to the professor's office with great enthusiasm. Little Thunder Dragon Dobby didn't leave. When everyone was walking out, he ran over to help Mugen.

I am strong! let me help you! "Dobby smiled and showed his big white teeth.

OK "Happily accepting Dobby's kindness, Mugen also smiled.

The professor's office at Imperial College is a huge building! Thirty-five floors above ground! Five floors below ground level! The above-ground floors house faculty from all departments

work place. The thirty-fifth floor is the dean's office, and the platform on the top floor is a micro-spaceship launch pad. The dean's private spaceship is parked there. Last time, Dean Argos's spaceship was also parked here privately.

Four of the five underground floors are parking lots, where the faculty’s hovercars and bicycles (←Yes, this environmentally friendly transportation tool is still very popular~\\(≧▽≦)/~) are parked here. , In addition, considering that many professors come from races that do not like sunlight, the college has specially designated the fourth floor as their office floor.

Imperial College is a very humane college that fully considers the needs of students and pays great attention to the welfare of faculty. It is a good choice for everyone to study and find employment!

Ahem! I accidentally said the slogan of Imperial Comprehensive College. Next, let’s get back to business.

Standing in the lobby on the first floor, Mugen and Dobby showed their student cards one after another and explained their purpose of coming. The receptionist at the front desk entered their student cards into the system before letting them go.

Before leaving, she gave them three watches:

This is a pass. Since you are sent by Professor Curno of the Department of Cuisine to clean up the office, this pass contains all the door card information and elevator information of the Department of Cuisine office. Except for the floor where the Department of Cuisine office is located, you cannot go anywhere else. Floor! "

Not only Mugen and Dobby, Sigma also got a watch.

You look very cute! "Before leaving, Sigma was touched by the lady at the reception desk with a smile on his bald head.

Receiving a friendly gesture from the outside world for the first time, Sigma touched the big head that had been touched, then raised his face towards his brother and happily emitted a blue light.

Putting on their watches, Mugen and his team were finally qualified to clean the professor's office!

Standing in the completely transparent elevator, Mugen felt it was extremely funny. Dobby and Sigma were not much better than him. For a long time after the elevator stopped, the three of them were still clinging to the transparent wall and looking out. Sigma, who hadn't had enough fun, poked the button representing the first floor, and the elevator went down again. They sat in the elevator and went up and down several times, until they were caught in the act by the livid-faced Professor Mulansha. !

Huh-" Finger caressing her meticulous bun, Professor Mulansha looked down at the two teenagers and a robot squatting on the floor of the elevator.

After carefully making room for Professor Mulansha in the center of the elevator, the three of them huddled together in the corner of the elevator.

Professor Mulansha was also followed by a tall robot, which was completely different from other robots. This robot was wearing a very retro three-piece suit.

Looking at the three-piece suit "Senior" was wearing, and then looking at his naked self, Sigma carefully pulled Mugen's uniform, and then pointed at the robot's clothes.

What does it mean? What's your complaint about Muland's clothes? "With raised eyebrows, Professor Mulansha condescendingly questioned Mugen behind him.

Conservative and rigorous by nature, Professor Mulantha could not tolerate his robot walking in front of him without clothes all day long. Therefore, like Professor Mulantha, the Muland robot, which wore thick and conservative clothes every day, became a member of the Imperial Comprehensive College. special case.

The clothes-wearing robot is so weird - Mulansha often got into trouble with others when she heard this sentence. She is arrogant, rigorous and conservative by nature. Ms. Mulantha has a mind as sensitive as her favorite plants.

Her expression was terrifying. As the most feared woman in the college by students and colleagues, most students would probably tremble in fear when they saw her like this. Dobby froze on the spot, and subconsciously leaned towards Mu Gen——

Mugen smiled.

Sigma is very envious of Mr. Muland! He also wants to wear such beautiful clothes. "Growing up with Sigma, Mugen has a deep understanding of Sigma, and he knows the meaning of all Sigma's signals.

Professor Mulansha was stunned.

Without paying attention to her expression, Mugen continued.

My name is Mugen, and I have the same last name as Ms. Mulansha! Maybe we were one family five hundred years ago! "

Such a naked way of getting close, do you think I will take it seriously? Professor Mulansha's face turned red, she coughed lightly, and finally raised her head again with a cold snort.

If you are discerning, Muland is very tall. That short guy over there can't wear Muland's clothes. I still have a vest that he can wear. "

The elevator stopped, and Mulansha took the lead in striding out of the elevator. For a while, she felt that Mu Gen and the others were not following her. She even condescended to look back, and raised her pointed chin to signal them to follow. Then, before heading to the Department of Cuisine Before entering the professor's office, the three of them went to the professor's office in the Department of Life Reproduction for a walk.

Receive a vest sewn by Mulansha herself.

Okay, what are you still doing? Do you still want me to entertain you for tea? "Putting the vest on Sigma, Ms. Mulansha raised her eyes again. After a while, just as Mugen and Dobby were about to leave, the Muland robot had already arrived carrying a set of exquisite classical tea sets.

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