10 am the next day.

Zhenqi Beauty Salon.

Fan Liman came here again.

She even felt a little impatient to come here. The anticipation in her heart was stronger than that of the beauty salon in the city where she went eight times a month.

120 grams.

She lost 120 grams in total.

This is more than two taels of meat.

If she could lose this much weight every day for a month, it would be 6 jin. If she continued for a year, she would lose about 100 jin and have a slim figure like a girl.

There is no woman in the world who doesn't love beauty. When Fan Liman was young, she was a beautiful woman with a good figure and beautiful appearance. She had many suitors and matchmakers who broke the door.

However, after getting married and having children, she gradually lost control of her figure after she was over 30 years old. She gained 40 to 50 jins compared to when she was young, and her feminine charm was seriously reduced. Her husband, who originally regarded her as a treasure, gradually focused his energy on his career, and their couple's life was not as harmonious as before.

Of course, she also tried hard and tried various methods to lose weight, but the effect was minimal.

She is prone to obesity and cannot control her appetite. The harder she tries to lose weight, the more likely she is to gain weight again, which results in more harm than good. She has no choice but to give up.

But in the Qi Beauty Salon, she saw the hope of losing weight successfully and the possibility of having a perfect body.

As long as Master Wei presses her palm, introduces the Qi, and then uses it for 15 minutes, she can lose hundreds of grams.

This sounds a bit absurd. Qi and Qi use make people subconsciously think of the tricks of scammers. Everyone should instinctively think of being deceived. No one should fall for this low-level and outdated trick.

But Fan Liman believes this is true!

She has experienced the effect herself.

Even if her consciousness thinks it is unlikely and unscientific, the body will not lie.

So she will come here to experience it again today.

"Sister Fan, you are here, welcome."

Seeing Sister Fan, the customer, coming as a repeat customer, Wei Ming stepped forward to greet her warmly.

"Xiao Wei, I think the fat removal service you provided yesterday was very good. Can I do it again today?" Fan Liman asked straight to the point.

"Yes, absolutely no problem."

"If you do it again today, can you help me lose another 100 grams, or is the effect likely to weaken?"

Fan Liman asked again. She was a little worried that Wei Ming would use the fact that the body's true qi was consumed too much as an excuse not to remove fat every day. After all, true qi is both magical and rare. Even if it exists, it cannot be used unlimitedly.

"The effect will not weaken, but for the sake of the customer's body, too much can't be removed at one time. Otherwise, it would not be a problem to remove one kilogram of fat continuously."

Wei Ming said confidently.

"Okay! Help me remove another 100 grams of fat."

"Please follow me upstairs."

Wei Ming took her into the operating room on the second floor.

Like yesterday's process, Wei Ming spent another fifteen minutes to help her remove 110 grams of fat accumulated in her abdomen.

"I've lost weight, and lost a little more weight."

Standing on the electronic scale, Fan Liman patted her abdomen with her hands, looking at the displayed data, her face was full of joy, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xiao Wei, your true qigong is amazing, you are a real expert, a real master!"

"You have such good kung fu, but your business is so quiet, and I am the only customer. It's a pity. This is a waste of your ability and craftsmanship."

"So, Sister Fan, I know a lot of customers with spending power. Their financial ability is similar to mine. They are my friends and besties. I plan to help introduce you to them, let your ability also serve them, make you famous, and let you have more customers!"

"Xiao Wei, what do you think of this?"

Help to attract customers?

Wei Ming was overjoyed.

She thanked him immediately, "Thank you so much, Sister Fan. I'm having a headache because of the lack of customers. I'm so grateful that you can help introduce your friends... Sister Fan, today's order is free, as a thank you!"

"You're welcome. I don't want your talent to be buried. You don't have to give me a free order. Your service is totally worth the price."

After that, Sister Fan picked up her bag and prepared to pay.

"Wait a minute, Sister Fan!"

But Wei Ming stopped her and said, "I can take the money for this order, but I plan to give you another set of services. I wonder if Sister Fan is interested in trying it?"

"What service?"

Fan Liman stopped and immediately became interested.

"Actually, my beauty salon mainly focuses on facial beauty." Wei Ming took out a service list and pointed to the items on it and said, "It includes face slimming, whitening, mole removal, bone shaving, eye canthus opening, etc. For example, the principle of face slimming is the same as slimming other parts of the body, but the effect of face slimming is more obvious, and it is easy to see the difference." "And mole removal, I can remove moles on people's faces almost without any trace, making the customer's face more fresh, pure and flawless." "Sister Fan said she wanted to recommend me to your friends. I am very grateful, but to make your friends believe, there must be obvious changes, such as removing fat under the chin, eliminating double chins with more fat... With real examples in front of them, they will be more likely to believe." "Sister Fan, do you think what I said is right?"

Fan Liman gave him a stern look and tapped his head with her index finger: "You brat, I helped you out of kindness, but you plotted against your sister Fan?"

"But... what you said makes sense. If you want Amway to succeed, you have to provide convincing evidence. Come on, let me experience your face-lifting service."

"Okay Sister Fan."

Wei Ming asked her to lie back on the operating bed.

After some questioning, the part to slim down the face was chosen under the chin.

However, in order to lose weight naturally and not look obtrusive, Wei Ming slowed down the operation, and it took a full hour to remove 100 grams of fat near the chin.

In addition, Wei Ming also spent half an hour helping Sister Fan remove the three more conspicuous moles on her face.

The series of operations ends.

Let Sister Fan stand in front of the mirror and look at the effect of face slimming and mole removal.

When Sister Fan took a look, she stared blankly for more than half an hour.

His face was full of surprise and disbelief.

It was like going back in time and seeing myself ten years ago, when I saw that young and radiant self.

For a moment, she felt like she was out of time and space.

It wasn't until Wei Ming called "Sister Fan" twice from the side that she woke up from her immersion.

Then she took her wallet over, took out all the thick wad of cash inside, and stuffed it all into Wei Ming's hands:

"Xiaowei, this is about 3,000 yuan, all for you!"

"You don't have to worry about clients. I guarantee that all of my friends will become your clients."

"If my friends don't believe me and can't get anyone, don't worry. From now on, I will pay 100,000 yuan a month to support you and let you serve me exclusively. I will never let you starve to death!"

After saying that, she walked away quickly on her high heels.

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