There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 51 I still have to go back

I closed my eyes and lay on the bed for a long time.

Thinking about the past in my mind.

It's still hard to calm down.

He actually doesn't care much about money and doesn't like to worry about everything.

I also tried to understand my parents, thinking that they might have their own considerations and wanted to get things done for my eldest brother first, and then help him do it one by one.

When it came to building a new house, Wei Ming was willing to help his family at first. He was dissatisfied with the old house and wanted to live in a new house like a three-story villa with a large yard.

But the money he took out of his own pocket exceeded 150,000, 200,000, and finally all 300,000 was taken out.

Wei Ming felt more and more something was wrong.

There are more and more things that cannot be explained logically.

The air conditioner in the eldest brother's room is not for him to enjoy, so why should he pay for it? Can’t the eldest brother even afford to buy an air conditioner?

After the new house was built, he still needed 20,000 yuan for materials from the building materials store. Wei Ming's pockets were completely drained. His parents asked him to find a way to raise 20,000 yuan, and even asked the owner of the building materials store to ask him for money many times. .

I have never considered asking my eldest brother to pay even a penny.

In short, they put all their efforts into it, crushing it like sugar cane until the last drop of juice is squeezed out.

Speaking of which, can normal parents do such a thing?

Wei Ming even suspected that he was not their biological son and that he might have been picked up somewhere, but in terms of appearance, there were too many similarities.

Wei Ming felt extremely aggrieved and angry!

He wasn't angry about the lost money.

But angry at unfairness!

So unfair!

A little bit, even a little bit, for the new house in his hometown, even if the eldest brother only contributed tens of thousands of yuan, Wei Ming would not be like this.

It will not cause depression.

But it has always been like this, their partiality has always been like this, even if it is a few hundred yuan of New Year's money collected during the New Year, if Wei Ming gave it to them, they would accept it, and if the eldest brother gave it, they would immediately return it, in front of Wei Ming, saying that the eldest brother was under great pressure , live their little life well.

There are so many kinds, countless!

never mind.

Don't have any hope that they will never change.

"300,000, I have repaid everything that is due. I don't owe them anything anymore. In the future, if I don't fulfill my filial piety or see each other until my death, I just need to be kind to myself."


Wei Ming suddenly thought of something.

ID card.

Due to the drastic change in appearance, his ID card can no longer be used and he has to apply for a new one, otherwise it will cause a lot of inconvenience.

In fact, documents such as ID cards can be applied for in other places. You don’t need to return to your place of residence to apply for them as before.

However, Wei Ming’s ID card cannot be reissued in another place.

Because the external changes are so great, even observing from the outside cannot prove that Wei Ming is still Wei Ming.

You must go back to your hometown, bring your household registration book and two immediate family members as witnesses, and go to the police station where your household registration is located to apply for a new ID card.

Wei Ming frowned.

"Do I still have to go back?"

"By the way, my household registration is still in my hometown. I haven't moved out. I'm still registered in the same household registration book. It can't be considered a true severance of ties."

"It seems that I really need to go back to my hometown. One, I can apply for a new ID card so that I can start a business in the future. Two, I can transfer my household registration and have a separate household registration of my own. I won't worry about getting married, buying a house, or anything else in the future. I need to run to my hometown and completely cut off contact.”

Wei Ming sat up again.

Picked up the phone, entered WeChat, found Wei Xiaolin, and sent him a message: "Brother Xiaolin, are you here?"

Waited for a while.

"Yes" Wei Xiaolin replied.

"Do you have any extra guest rooms at home?" Wei Ming asked.


"Are there any extra beds?"

"Uh, no."

"Can I share a bed with you and stay at your house for two days?" Wei Ming had to ask.


Wei Xiaolin said in surprise: "Are you planning to go home again? But your three-story bungalow has many rooms, why do you want to share a bed with me?"

"I told so many people that we were severing ties. Do you think I was joking?"

"Then why are you coming back? Isn't this very contradictory?" Wei Xiaolin was puzzled.

"Apply for an ID card, move out of my household registration, and finish the last thing. I won't go back in the future."

"It turns out you were serious. I thought you were just sulking for a few days."

"Do you think I will be like you? My hard-earned money was used by my parents to find a wife for my younger brother. My younger brother is very lazy and you have to pay for the two children he gave birth to. If I were you, I would have severed the relationship long ago. But you work hard and are willing to suffer the consequences. Do you know how many people in the village call you a fool behind your back? "

Wei Ming said angrily.


Wei Xiaolin smiled naively: "Unlike you, I can't make that determination. I admire you very much, but I can't imitate you."

"Okay, you deserve to be bullied to death by them."

Wei Ming said: "I'm going back to my hometown this time. Don't tell my parents. I'll set off early tomorrow morning and arrive probably in the evening. The car will be parked in front of your house. Don't show it around."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense."


The two ended their conversation.

the next day.

New Year's Eve.

8:00 am.

Wei Ming made no preparations except to fully charge his Bioti Khan.

I didn’t go shopping for some local specialties from Hangzhou.

I didn’t buy expensive cigarettes, wine, or health products to honor my relatives and elders.

I didn't buy anything like clothes, shoes, jewelry, electrical appliances, etc. that I would have considered in previous years.

I just bought a few bottles of water, a few pieces of bread, some snacks, and two buckets of instant noodles at a convenience store to satisfy my hunger on the road.

On New Year's Eve, families are reunited, every family is happy, all the states are rejoicing, and thousands of miles are filled with joy.

It used to take more than an hour to get out of the city, but today I was on the highway in half an hour.

The traffic on the expressway became even sparser. After driving for hundreds of kilometers, I saw few cars. All toll stations were completely free. I headed almost all the way to my hometown in the countryside at the maximum speed allowed by traffic regulations.

The straight-line distance between Wei Ming's hometown and Hanghu City is nearly 600 kilometers, and with various twists and turns, it takes about 800 kilometers.

Bioti Khan's battery life is indeed good, but Wei Ming still rested in the highway rest area for more than an hour and charged the car for an hour, until the battery was replenished to 95%.

I felt a little sleepy in the afternoon, so I switched the car to L3 intelligent autonomous driving and drove for a few hours, half asleep and half awake.

After the car got off the highway.

Wei Ming, who took over control, drove on the county road for nearly two hours.

18:23 in the evening.

Gan Province, Chunxia City, Fengnan Township, Hongtang Village—ahead of the road, a village with hundreds of households nestled near mountains and rivers appeared in Wei Ming's sight.

This is his hometown.

There will be another update later, please vote for me

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