There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 65 Devouring garbage like crazy

February 14, Hangzhou.

After two days of preparation.

Tonight is the day Wei Ming plans to take action.

To be honest, although he took three measures to ensure that Xiao Hei's existence was not exposed.

But in fact, he still took a lot of risks.

Because millions of tons of garbage disappear out of thin air, this kind of thing cannot be explained by science. Once it happens, it can be listed as a "scientific unsolved mystery" and reported by various news media.

Even the satellites overhead can be distinguished clearly.

There is almost no possibility of getting past it, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell that something is wrong.

How should we explain it then?

Wei Ming was troubled by this problem and had a headache for a long time.

Until yesterday, he finally made up his mind and thought of a way to deal with it.

That means no explanation.

When people ask how the garbage disappeared, he either pretends to be dumb or says "it's a business secret, no comment."

As long as you keep talking and don't explain, it's useless no matter how much others ask. Besides, what Wei Ming did was legal, and it's not illegal if he doesn't explain.

If you show off a little more, you can directly say: "I act Wei Ming, there is no need to explain to anyone!" One sentence will stop people.

If your own IQ cannot be improved, then lower everyone's IQ. This is the only and best way.

All right!

Wei Ming admitted that he was indeed too naive and idiotic to think this way. Others are not fools. Even if Wei Ming does not give a scientific and reasonable explanation, others will definitely try their best to find out about him if they see that there are huge benefits to be gained. It is possible to find the secret of his success, or even adopt some despicable means.

In the face of tens of billions of profits, some people can do anything.

If Wei Ming acts in such a public manner, he will definitely face endless troubles and lose more than he gains.


He has no money left.

Yesterday, Pu Weicai placed another bill in front of him with an unpaid amount of 110 million.

Li Yi, the newly joined general manager of the company, also hopes that he will transfer 50 million to the financial department for company management expenses and the establishment of the "chip research and development" department.

The above are just the initial expenses.

There will be more places to spend money later.

Wei Ming must make a lot of money in a short period of time, otherwise his company will come to a standstill.

These crises before him forced him to act radically and take risks.

"Looking at it from another perspective, in this world, what kind of things are risk-free? There are people who lose money when farming, there are people who are liquidated when trading stocks, and there are people who are suddenly laid off after working hard."

"Even walking on the road, there is a chance of being hit by a car accidentally."

"It is impossible to pursue 100% stability."

Risks are always everywhere.

Even in the Limei Club, why did most of the middle-aged rich women respect and admire him so much? Wei Ming could see the awe in the eyes of some rich women looking at him.

The reason why he was in awe was undoubtedly because he was aware of Wei Ming's extraordinary qualities and regarded him as a god and a strange person.

Among the more than 300 stone patients Wei Ming has treated, quite a few have developed feelings of awe and admiration for him. After the treatment, he helped advertise everywhere and tried his best to make things easier. Wei Ming now treats more than 100 patients every week. of stone patients.

Obviously, some of those stone patients must have realized that the "zhen qi" used by Wei Ming to treat them was not as simple as "zhen qi".

The "Qi Theory" given by Wei Ming is acceptable to everyone for now, but in the future, as more rich women serve and the number of stone patients treated increases, one or two smart people will appear sooner or later who will understand it. Generate strong curiosity and ask about the essence.

Wei Ming had a hunch that this kind of thing would happen sooner or later, and it was absolutely unavoidable.

For Wei Ming, no matter what he does or what industry he is in, as long as he uses Xiaohei, there is no complete comfort zone and absolute confidentiality is impossible.

"Since absolute confidentiality is not possible, why don't I give up my illusions in this regard and instead consider strengthening my own self-defense capabilities?"

"If my self-defense ability is strong enough, whoever dares to think about me that I shouldn't have or who wants to harm me, how about I just release Xiao Hei and wipe out the opponent?"

"As soon as someone had an evil thought and stretched out his hand, I killed him. Will other people have similar thoughts?"

A truly strong person will never restrain himself because of fear of potential opponents, but will constantly strengthen himself to make his opponents give up their unwanted thoughts.

By the way, is Wei Ming considered a strong man?

He thinks he figured it out.

At least within a radius of 50 meters from himself, he can make anyone die without leaving any body intact.

When Xiao Hei's release radius increases to 500 meters or 1,000 meters, he won't even have to be too afraid of firearms and other thermal weapons.

And in addition to defensive methods, Wei Ming also thought of offensive methods!

The huge light pillar created when swallowing seawater a few days ago inspired him. If it allows Xiao Hei to make the material orbit the core of Xiao Hei at high speed in the process of swallowing matter, as long as the speed exceeds a certain level, such as At ten times the speed of sound or twenty times the speed of sound, the collision and friction between molecules will cause part of the material to detach from the orbit and be ejected at high speed.

The ejected material has extremely high speed, carries huge energy, and releases a large amount of light, heat or high-energy rays.

The current range can exceed a full 20 meters.

Wei Ming named this attack application method "high-energy impact". It is not very powerful now, but it may be extremely powerful in the future, even reaching the level of the main gun attack of an interstellar battleship in science fiction movies.

With such a powerful defense/attack method, future opponents, let alone machine guns and artillery, may not even be able to defeat him. Only the nuclear weapons of major powers can make him feel a little afraid.

I would like to ask, is it really necessary for such strong men to be so fearful that they dare not do anything?

"Don't worry about the sensation it will cause, make money first."

10 at night.

Huiyao City Community, a garbage pit not far to the east.

Inside the Wall.

Wei Ming put on a sealed protective suit and put on an air filter, but he still couldn't help but want to pinch his nose to prevent the stench from getting inside.

Stand on the edge.

Release the little black inside your body, go fifty meters underground, and go deep into the garbage pit.

"Xiao Hei, swallow it!"

I shouted in my heart, the gravitational radius is turned on!

Move again.

Rotate at high speed.

Because it is solid waste and has no fluidity, Xiaohei's swallowing speed is about 100 tons per second.

A few minutes later.

"Whoa whoa whoa~"

Because a huge hole appeared at the bottom of the garbage pit, under the influence of gravity, the garbage above began to collapse downward, filling the hole like water flow.

Xiao Hei's devouring speed quickly increased to 500 tons per second.

I was busy until six in the morning.

The garbage pit that was originally filled with garbage has turned into a huge oval pit with an area of ​​more than 50 acres and an average depth of 50 meters.

Before Wei Ming left, he dropped a standard cubic metal body (hollow inside) with a length, width and height of 80 centimeters each at the bottom of the giant pit. It was made of tungsten metal, with an extremely smooth surface and some two-dimensional square textures. The shape is very sci-fi, lying quietly in the center of the pit, emitting a shining light.

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