Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 86 I heard that the boss is ruthless (14)

The command of the young marshal quickly reached the Yu residence.

Both Yu Zhenning and Yu's father were bloodless.

The marriage contract with the operating company is absolutely uncountable.

You even have to cut clean contact within a day.

It must be done now.

No matter how good the business is, life doesn't matter. Yu's father immediately set fire to the fire and asked the housekeeper to send a letter of severance to the operating company.

Yu Chu arrived home at night, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw his father's face so heavy that it was almost sinister.

Yu Zhenning sat next to her, looking at her sister with complex and sympathetic eyes.

Yu Chu was stared at with sympathy by her. The second monk was confused, and was a little confused when he heard her father say in a deep voice, "Chu Chu, pack your things and live in the warlord's mansion in the future."


Yu Zhenning stood up, walked in front of her, and took off a pearl bracelet from her wrist, "My younger sister has a hard life, for the sake of the overall situation of the family, I have to let you live in the warlord's mansion for a while... Don't worry, when the situation improves, my father and I will I must bring you back."


Only after that did Yu Chu know what happened.

It turned out that Yu's father had provoked the warlord's mansion. Although he had repaired it, he was still in a panic, so he simply sent a young daughter to the warlord's mansion as a servant to show his loyalty to others.

She was speechless.

Father Yu really had no feelings for this young daughter at all. After informing her, he immediately sent a car to take her to the warlord's palace.

The servants at home have some sympathy for the girl.

The second young lady is squeamish and sentimental. She went to the warlord's palace but no one will serve her. Can the second young lady bear that kind of treatment?

Besides, where is the warlord's palace! There will not be accustomed to someone's young lady's temper.

The second lady is only afraid that she will suffer.

Before the girl got into the car, she suddenly turned her head to look at her father and sister, and the smug Madam Zhen beside her. Her face was pale, but her expression was indifferent, and she suddenly spoke astonishingly: "Father sent me away this time, and the last bit of affection will be broken. Why don't my father write a letter of renunciation and sever the father-daughter relationship with me from now on."


Everyone around was shocked.

I didn't expect that she would ask to sever blood ties.

However, the second young lady has a strong temperament, and I am afraid that she will be so broken today.

After being stunned, Father Yu pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed: "If this is your wish, then do as you say."

Anyway, when the young marshal asked someone to talk, he said he would kill her...

Yu's father had cut off contact with the operating company within one day and met the requirements.

But I was not at ease, so I decided to send my little daughter. It's easy to kill or cut, as long as the other party doesn't anger the entire Yu family...

So it's okay to cut off the relationship.

In this way, the Yu family was completely removed.

So Yu's father immediately wrote a letter severing the relationship between father and daughter, stamped his handprint, handed it to the girl, and sighed hypocritically: "Father is also a last resort, and I hope you don't blame father."

The girl took the letter, but without looking at him, she turned around and left.

The car gradually drove out of sight and disappeared into the vast darkness of the night, invisible.

Father Yu retracted his sad gaze, and in a blink of an eye, he thought that he didn't have to worry anymore, but he was slightly happy, and said to Madam Zhen, "Let's get some supper and some wine."

Madam Zhen smiled.

She doesn't know anything about business and politics. She only knows that the unpleasant people are gone, which is as happy as the New Year to her.

And cut off the parent-daughter relationship...

Break well!

She wished that the other party would not come back.


Yu Chu got into the car, holding the letter of severance in his hand, but he was in a relaxed mood. The original owner's wish was to get rid of his family, and now it is half done, and then it's good to live his life in peace.

Warlord's Palace...

Yu Chu doesn't really want to go now.

She pondered for a while, and now this shard looks very difficult to attack, so cold, and still using her... Although it is excusable, Yu Chu does not want to attack immediately at this time.

Let it be natural for now.

Wait until she is in the mood to think about the strategy.

The corner of the girl's lips curled into a small smile, she folded the envelope and put it in her pocket, looking at the scenery passing by outside the window, the night was like a beast that devoured people, heading for the future ahead.

Warlord's Palace...

In today's troubled world, is it the safest place?

The car stopped in front of the gate of the Warlord's Palace.

Yu Chu raised his eyes and saw the majestic vermilion gate of the Shen residence. To the metaphorists, the Yu family seemed very small. In this large manor, the most powerful and prominent family in the sixth province lives.

After the driver explained the situation, the concierge of the Shen family looked towards Yu Chu.

The eyes are obviously a little weird.

Maybe it was the first time I saw a father who couldn't wait to send his daughter away.

His expression was a little impatient, and he muttered in a low voice: "But our warlord's mansion is not a welfare home, and we just send people in. The young marshal means to kill her, not to take her over... Our young marshal never uses it. Girl, what can she do?"

His words were considered humiliating for a famous lady.

But the girl stood there with no expression, as calm as if she hadn't heard it, she just took out a business card from her pocket and handed it over, and said in a flat tone, "How about you take a look at this and decide?"

what is that?

The concierge reached out and took it, and looked at the lantern in front of the door in the dark - he was so shocked that he almost broke down in cold sweat, and he swallowed unconsciously.

It turned out to be the young marshal's personal business card.

Only a few military and political officials have this thing, or they are cronies, and it is better to hold it. This business card is a pass for almost all places in the sixth province. Even the central government can get the highest courtesy with this business card. If you go to any entertainment venues, I am afraid that even the expenses can be avoided.

This card is very rare...

How could this girl have it in her hands?

The concierge bent down and bowed in a cold sweat, returning the card with both hands, his attitude turned 180 degrees in an instant, and he said with a shy smile:

"Look at me, but I don't know Mount Tai. Is the girl acquainted with our young marshal? You should have said it earlier. I will have someone take you to Qiuyuan. The young marshal should not have fallen asleep at this time."


Yu Chu took back the card, but he didn't expect it to be quite useful.

The doorman opened the door, she stepped into the Shen residence, and was taken to Qiuyuan by a servant.

It was late at night, and the other owners of the Shen family were in their own rooms, so they did not disturb them. Yu Chu followed the servant to the outside of Qiuyuan, and a soldier standing upright with a gun stopped the two.

The servant whispered, "Miss Yu, I can only take you here."

Yu Chu nodded to thank her.

After the servant responded, he left in a hurry as if he was afraid of something.

What are you afraid of.

Yu Chu thought for a while, and met Fragment in the car, and the other party killed someone. But it's okay, not scary.

She handed the card to the blocking soldier.

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