This is a Miracle

Chapter 86 The Founding Ceremony

"Boom, boom boom."

Fireworks bloom in the air, colorful and multi-pollen changes rapidly in the wind, and colorful petals fall to the ground, rendering the entire port into a world of flowers.

This is Lilith's magic, and the best spell for the day.


More than 20 little witches rode broomsticks and galloped through the air.

Under the leadership of 8 regular witches who have been born, they waved the wand in their hands, gathered the petals into various forms, and then took the entire sky of Adun Island as the stage to show a fantastic picture.

"Clap la la la."

A large number of Feather Tribe fairies lined up in the air to form a square formation.

There are not many of them, only about 120.

But fairies have a special temperament and charm, and they retain the ability to communicate with their original kind.

I saw that in the sky, every Feather Race goblin brought its own bird of the same species, and they were neatly like an army floating in the air, huge and magnificent.


Little Helen and Seffene, two little girls of six or seven years old, looked at the scenery in the sky enviously.

Because the two of them are too young, although the magic power in their bodies is sufficient, they are limited by the weakness of their minds and cannot control this power well.

If you are not careful, you can also hurt those around you.

That's why Lilith took their wands and stipulated that they could not touch this dangerous weapon until their mental power was sufficient to match their magical power.

"I really want to grow up soon."

Seffini is very quiet, while little Helen is very cheerful, like a full-fledged Erha.

"Two young ladies, Your Majesty is coming soon, don't stand in the middle of the road."

The goblins of the fluffy clan ran up and pulled the two girls to the side of the road, and on both sides of this spacious street, the goblins and the Aden people were already standing.

260 tree elf children are looking at the end of the street with great anticipation.

Although they are all children, they are Aden's future, and they are also Aden's vigorous vitality.

The Feather Fairy did not occupy this space, they chose to park on the roofs on both sides.

Under the warm sunshine, everyone was in a particularly comfortable mood. They stood with the Rongrong family, and some also embraced cute cats and dogs.

"dong dong dong..."

The majestic and solemn music sounded, and I saw goblins walking down the street in beautiful and gorgeous costumes like human beings.

The fluffy goblins with drums around their necks, the Feather goblins standing on the carriage and playing the flute, and in the glass fish tank filled with water, the dolphins sang elegant and beautiful songs.

Lilith has evolved, and she can easily make some sophisticated metal instruments.

Of course, only the classical ones.

More advanced things, she still can't do it.

"Tap tap..."

Dozens of male tree elves wear wild wolf furs with national characteristics. They wear machetes on their waists, bow and arrows on their backs, and green plant paints on their chests and faces.

The tree elves looked solemn and walked in unison, like a guard of honor clearing the way for Bai Luo.

After the training of the old uncle, the tree elves have given birth to several new miraculous units.

【Sword Dancer】

Introduction: With one-handed swords and spears as weapons, it is a miracle unit of the tree elf system that maximizes close-to-close combat.


Introduction: With bows and arrows and scimitars as weapons, it can travel through the forest, shoot long-range, melee hand-to-hand, and pay attention to raids and positional warfare.

"Okay, so pretty."

Behind the sword dancers and the rangers were a group of blond tree elf girls in pure white gauze and tulle. With their feet off the ground, they floated in mid-air as if they were weightless, revealing two small feet as white as jade.

This is the tree spirit state of the tree spirit,

It is also the most powerful force young tree elves can display.

【Tree Spirit Sacrifice】

Introduction: A tree elf law army that controls trees, vines, and grass, and uses the power of plants to assist in combat.

The tree spirit priests gracefully lined up on both sides of the road, bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows, respectfully waiting for the arrival of the king.

In terms of combat power, female tree elves are by no means inferior to males.

But there are green leaves, and flowers are needed.

So the tree elf girls put down their weapons, disarmed their military uniforms, and put on this beautiful sacrificial dress to add color to Bai Luo's enthronement ceremony.

Of course, these three miracle occupations are not fixed.

Many talented tree elves will also cultivate all of them by one person, and choose to use different powers to fight at any time according to the situation.

However, compared to the powerful combat power, what everyone pays more attention to is actually the appearance of these tree elves.

There are so many handsome men and beauties, that is, Aden, who has long been used to it, and the goblin family who cannot tell the difference between human beauty and ugliness.

If you change to ordinary people in other places, I am afraid that you will not think that this is a paradise and wonderland.

If not, where did so many stunning goddesses come from?

Do not!

This is Wonderland!

Today's Aden Island has been built into a real fairy tale kingdom by Lilith.

Talking animals, running and jumping plants, flowers everywhere, soaring pegasus, and so many tree spirits.

Let me ask, if this is not a fairyland, how is it?

Compared with the depressing and barren Iron Eagle Country, although Adun Island is small, it is a paradise.

There is unfinished food and magic that has been used initially, and while growing stronger, it also maintains the harmony between man and nature.

"This is our new home..."

The Adonians looked at the scene in front of them and recalled the days when they just set off two months ago.

Aton's changes made them feel proud and proud while feeling that a good life is not easy.


At this moment, on the edge of the distant harbor, three huge whales surfaced.


The whales have a special musical instrument in their mouths, and under the command of the second lieutenant shark, they use their amazing lung capacity to play a low and long horn.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge erected war drum was beaten, and along with this blood-boiled sound, the four tree elves grew up in the shape of tree men and walked slowly from the center of the street.

They were lined up in a row, and the six-to-seven-meter-high body, as well as the appearance like a mythical creature, immediately attracted the attention of all Adonites.

"Salute to Your Majesty!!!"

Hearing that Bai Luo was about to arrive, everyone was excited, and spontaneously knelt down on one knee to welcome Bai Luo's arrival.

The Atons are now in scale.

All added up, including more than 600 tree elves, more than 400 goblins, and those goblins who have self-awareness, it seems to have reached 2,000.

At this moment, the witches in the sky, the Feather Feather Fairy, the Aden family, the tree elves, the fluffy family, and even the aquatic fairies in the water.

They all stared at the end of the road with adoration, respect, anticipation, and fiery eyes, waiting for the arrival of the only king.

"Boom! Boom!"

The flat street ground began to tremble slightly. Everyone looked up and saw a huge car driving slowly from a distance.

It has no wheels and no horses to pull the cart. Instead, it is a magic puppet made of stone, holding it up and moving forward slowly.

There are eight stone men on the left and right, sixteen in total, and Lilith's newly acquired miracle power after evolution.


Shirley took the lead, spreading her wings and flying high, she burst into pure white light, and sprinkled countless silver-white feathers condensed by the power of miracles.

"It's Shirley!"

"Sir Shirley!!"

Finally, Bai Luo appeared in the eyes of everyone, making the already hot atmosphere completely reach its peak.

"His Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!!"


This is a green platform made by tree elves, the branches that they spent several days cultivating.

These branches are extremely smooth, like jade and jasper.

Bai Luo thanked them very much, so he asked Lilith to make it into this huge chariot, and inlaid and covered it with more luxurious decorations.

Around the car, flowers are in full bloom, showing the beauty of nature to the extreme.

One after another, the lovely fairies stood on the edge of the cart, holding flower baskets in their arms, sprinkled the flowers forward, and paved a flowerbed road.

"Ge la la."

The sound of trees twisting sounded from all directions.

The Adonite looked up and saw ancient trees (not tree spirits, but trees without wisdom) poking their heads from the edge of the house.

There are more than 100 ancient tree people in total, surrounding the whole town, like a barrier, and like the most conspicuous audience.

"Clap la la la."

"Beep beep beep beep."

Immediately afterwards, a large number of mushroom people poured out from the alley. They flipped somersaults and ran like human children. They were extremely cute.


Aden's children squatted down, picked up a lot of mushroom people, and made them stand on their shoulders and heads, and then watched Bai Luo's honor guard.

"Brother, how long do I have to stand?"

On the chariot, Bai Luo sat on the throne, and in front of him stood a meticulous old uncle.

The old man went out in full costume, and even his long silver-white hair was meticulously taken care of, like a prime minister in a Western European royal court, imposing and majestic.

In contrast, Yinya and her senior sister were wearing princess dresses and queen dresses.

Senior sister doesn't care, but Yinya doesn't know how many times she complained about the discomfort of high heels, her feet hurt.

"Just be patient."

Bai Luo pouted and whispered, "I've been sitting all day today, okay?"

"Cough cough."

The old uncle coughed lightly, motioning for the two of them to be quiet and to remain dignified.

Bai Luo was embarrassed.

In fact, his original idea was to keep everything simple, but the old uncle said that such an important day must not be casual.

This proposal was approved by all the older generation headed by Grandpa Shan Weng and Andrew.

So, from preparing costumes, musical instruments, and cars, to setting up the stage and guard of honor, it took three full days.

"Look at Xiaobai, be more polite."

At this time, Bai Yinuo, because of Bai Luo's suggestion, wore a very rare pure white Quju.

Although the figure is not good, but the appearance is not worse than the tree elf girls.

However, as soon as the old uncle turned around, Bai Yinuo sneakily grabbed a steamed bun from his sleeve and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

Inya: 'Ah! ! ! Any more? Is there any more? I'm hungry too, give me one! ! ’

Bai Yinuo and Yinya have a very good relationship. They were about to share a wave, but when the old uncle turned around, Bai Yinuo was a little flustered for a while.


It was senior sister who was quick-witted, and saw that she made a decisive decision, grabbed the steamed bun in Bai Yinuo's hand, and threw it out directly.


Abaddon raised his hand like a conditioned reflex. He looked down and found a steamed bun dropped from nowhere: "Huh? Where did the steamed bun come from?"

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