Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 167 Her singing in the rain

After the bicycle was completed, Hojo Kyosuke grabbed Miyamizu Yotsuba who couldn't wait to ride on the road.

"Sister, what are you doing? Do you want to ride?" Siye turned around and asked. Now the four of them have arrived at the roadside. Unlike the idiot sister, she had already learned how to ride on the bicycles of other students in the class. Why are you riding a bicycle?

"I'm not sure if this bike is reliable yet. If the brakes fail, Itomori doesn't have a cockapoo that can fly a plane to rescue you."

Hojo Kyosuke smiled and touched Yotsuba's little head. Mitsuha Miyamizu's body didn't have a monster version of his body like his own. If the car really couldn't be stopped, no one could save Yotsuba. Then he turned to look at the emissary beside him:

"Your Majesty, leave the task of testing the performance of the bicycle to you!" Hojo Kyosuke was reluctant to use Mitsuha Miyamizu's body to test it, what if it fell.

"Yes, yes." He touched his monk's head, sighed helplessly, and then rode the bicycle wrapped in pink glitter paper.

After another round of troubles, Hojo Kyosuke approved Yotsuba to ride on her new car.

Considering that it was no longer suitable to do farm work at this time, Hojo Kyosuke asked the emissary to find some unused wooden boards and tools from his house and tie them to the back seat of the women's bicycle. Xueye's house will leak. This is what he saw when he first arrived at Xueye's house from the excessive pots and the floor with soaking marks.

I had always remembered to help Xueye repair it before, but I always forgot, and this time I had the opportunity. Although the rainy season seems to have just passed now, it still rains every year.

Then the group of people arrived at Yukino Momokari's house. As mentioned before, when they arrived, Yukino had already prepared dinner. It's not a luxurious meal, but the ingredients are fresh and taste good.

"Xueye's craftsmanship is so good!" Yotsuba said loudly as he put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"How about compared with Mitsuha?" After Teacher Xueno walked out with the bowls and chopsticks, the envoy asked Yotsuba with a smirk.

"Hmm~" Yotsuba hesitated for a moment, looked at Teacher Yukino who had already left the kitchen, and then looked at her sister who was sitting next to her drinking barley tea, and sighed in her heart:

"Of course my sister's craftsmanship is better!" There is no way. Although my sister is a fool, as a younger sister, I still have to stand firmly with her.

"But why did Yukino-sensei only eat a little?" said Sayaka, who was sitting on her knees.

"Maybe to keep in shape. After all, you see Yukino is so beautiful. It's not easy to be a beauty." After hearing what his good friend Sayaka said, Yotsuba immediately used his smart brain to find the answer.

"That's it." Sayaka lowered her head and pinched her belly. Fortunately, I'm just a junior high school student and don't have the worries of adults.

"Okay, I ordered you to repair the roof. Sayaka takes Yotsuba to play nearby. I'll go see if Yukino needs help."

Hojo Kyosuke quickly assigned tasks. He didn't know how to repair the roof, so it was just right to leave it to the son of a construction company. As for whether he would be embarrassed to give orders, Mitsuha Miyamizu was still happy to give orders to his friends and subordinates in Tokyo. At worst, he will teach you some love secrets so that the window paper between him and Sayaka can be pierced as soon as possible.

"I knew everything would fall on me." The imperial emissary muttered, then stood up and went to get tools from the bicycle in the yard.

"Men shouldn't complain so much. Since what you decide to do is completed neatly, this is the expression of manliness." Emotional coach Hojo Kyosuke immediately came to work. He had already discovered it, maybe because he had been with girls. Because they grew up together, Chi Shi’s character is a bit soft.


Hearing the words coming from behind, the imperial emissary originally wanted to reply, "I know, I know," but before the words came out, he realized that they had turned into complaints again, so he closed his mouth and quickly moved away.

"Sister, are you really here to help? Don't secretly force Yukino to eat like last time!" Yotsuba said worriedly.

"Go quickly." Hojo Kyosuke said angrily. He was not worried that Yotsuba would have nothing to do. She was so excited now that she had a new bicycle. And Sayaka, maybe Sayaka will be playing with Yotsuba on her bicycle later, so it’s not surprising that these two can become friends.


The dishes and chopsticks he had just used were placed in the sink. Yukino wiped them absently with rubber gloves on. From time to time, he turned his head back to see if Hojo Kyousuke from the other side of the Japanese room had come over. Whenever her eyes came into contact with the other person, she would immediately hide her whole body in a blind corner shyly. There are stars in the dark eyes, and the shyness in the swaying eyes is breathtakingly beautiful.

"Xue Ye, I'm here, I kept you waiting for a long time."

This was what Kyousuke Hojo saw when he walked to the kitchen door.

"Yeah~" Xueye shook his head. Compared with the previous months of waiting, this little time is nothing. Not to mention, as long as I think about Hojo-kun, even the waiting time becomes much happier, and every minute and every second is full of hope.

After feeding Yukino and finishing her meal, Hojo Kyousuke actually helped her wash the dishes.

After walking out of the kitchen, he saw Sayaka riding that little bicycle and carrying Yotsuba on the road beside the railway, shouting and having fun. There are only two trams on the railway here every day. At other times, they won't come even if you want them to. It's very safe.

The sun was gradually setting in the west. Hojo Kyousuke raised his head and was about to call out the order to stop work when he saw rain suddenly falling in the sky.

"Siye, come back quickly to take shelter from the rain!"

The rain came suddenly and with great momentum. It was not like the rainy season at all, but more like summer rain.

The commander on the roof suddenly got wet and yelled. After seeing Yukino carrying an umbrella to pick up Yotsuba, Hojo Kyosuke also walked over to help the commander put his tools down from the roof.

"Unlucky, I'm all wet. I have to go home and change clothes." The emissary complained as he stood on the wooden corridor and looked at the water falling from the eaves in front of him.

"Your Majesty, at this time, you should chant 'Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not scream and walk slowly. The bamboo stick and mango shoes are easier than the horse, who is afraid? You can live your life in the mist and rain.', and act more free and easy. Be more manly."

Hojo Kyosuke didn't get wet at all. Looking at the envoy who was wringing out his coat, he sat on a futon and said jokingly. He said this poem by Su Shi in Japanese, but he was not worried that the emissary would not understand it. Because Su Shi's poems are very popular in Neon, even Matsuo Basho, Neon's "haiku saint", often quotes Su Shi's poems to recreate them.

"Come on, I'm not a poet. Now I just want to go back and take a hot bath quickly." The emperor didn't have time to talk nonsense with his friends at this moment.

"Sayaka, let's go."

Sayaka and Yotsuba didn't get caught in the rain because they came back quickly. At this moment, Yukino took them to the bathroom to dry their hair with a towel.

"It's coming, it's coming." After hearing the shout, Sayaka ran out quickly, making the wooden floor thump.

"As a girl, you should walk more like a lady!" The emissary immediately found the point of attack.

"What, it's not because you rushed me." Sayaka said while putting on her shoes.

"If we don't leave quickly now when the rain stops, we won't be able to go back tonight." The emissary had already pushed the bicycle over.

"If I can't go back, why don't I just stay at Teacher Yukino's house." Sayaka muttered, then jumped down the corridor, turned around and said goodbye to her friend with a smile: "Mitsuha, I'll leave first."

Miyami Mitsuha's home was much closer than theirs, and there were so many believers in the town that any one of them could send her home, so they wouldn't worry about Mitsuha.

"You two, do you want me to ask Uncle Tanabe to drive you back?" Although the town is backward, there are still many small trucks used to produce and transport agricultural products.

"No, no, the emperor is riding his bicycle and we will be back home soon." Sayaka sat on the back seat, hugged the emperor's waist, turned around and said with a smile on her face, and then she raised her head and shouted loudly shouted:

"Teacher Xueye, the imperial envoy and I are leaving first. I'll see Mitsuha tomorrow. Remember to prepare well for the music exam."

"See you tomorrow, Sanye." The emissary also greeted, then stepped on the pedal and walked away.

After waving goodbye to his two friends, Hojo Kyousuke shook his head and laughed, saying that he was not available for teaching. Unlike those poor guys like Kisaki and Onizuka, this guy already has a potential girlfriend who he likes. The two of them are exactly the standard goals of a neon country romantic comedy, with tram railways, evening, rain, and bicycles all in one.

"Hey? Are Sayaka and the envoy leaving now?" Xueye walked out barefoot.

"Yeah, I'm worried it will rain again later."


As soon as Hojo Kyousuke finished speaking, the dark sky seemed to have opened a passage to the water world, and rain poured down again.

"Haha, I hope those two guys won't catch a cold tomorrow."

He laughed, but in his heart Hojo Kyosuke was not worried, so he stopped talking. Even though Sayaka looked like a fool, she was usually good at farm work and was in good health. Go home, take a shower and change clothes, and you will still be active tomorrow.

Xueye looked at the end of the road through the rain curtain in front of him, as if he wanted to see the situation of Chishi and Sayaka, but unfortunately, in such rain, everything was covered with a layer of filters, making it hazy and looming. , even the telephone poles next to the railway seemed to be erratic.

Then she knelt down softly, picked up the kettle and refilled Hojo Kyosuke's empty cup, then placed her arms on the low table to support her small head, and looked at Hojo Kyosuke dreamingly.

Noticing Yukino's gaze, Hojo Kyosuke moved his eyes away from the rain scene, looked at Yukino's face that looked particularly cute under the dim light, and asked with a smile:

"Where's Yotsuba?"

"I prepared hot water for her and she is taking a bath."

Yukino slowly moved from the table towards Hojo Kyousuke bit by bit. Although it was beautiful on such a rainy day, she felt that the heat in her body seemed to be consumed faster.

It's strange. In those rainy days before, she could spend the whole day just thinking about Hojo-kun, as if a warm current was injected into her body, just holding a cup of hot tea. But now that Hojo-kun is sitting next to her, she wants to get closer to him more and more, seeking that heat.

In her opinion, Hojo-kun, who was sitting there leaning against the door frame, was like a sun, emitting longing light and heat.

"What's wrong? Are you cold, Yukino?" Hojo Kyosuke looked at the other person's delicate bare feet. Perhaps stimulated by the air-conditioning, the cyan blood vessels on them became more and more clearly visible, making people want to run their fingers along the smooth feet. Gently caress the fair skin, exploring the end of the blood vessel.

"Well, a little bit." Xueye lowered his head and whispered. His already cute voice was now softer and softer, making people feel loving and affectionate.

"Come and lean on me." Hojo Kyosuke spread his arms slightly and said. He is not an idiot who would ask the other party to put on more clothes and socks. The current temperature is obviously very comfortable, so Xueye must not say that because it is really cold.

"Yeah!" Xueye raised his head, and his big eyes suddenly burst into endless surprise. In her eyes, the person with arms spread out was not Mitsuha Miyamizu, but Lord Hojo whom she saw in her dream last time.

Hojo Kyosuke adjusted his posture and let Yukino lean on his chest, but the strange feeling coming from his chest made him slightly stunned. Fortunately, Yukino is really light, leaning against him like a kitten.

For a moment, apart from the sound of raindrops in the puddles, the only sound was the sound of Yotsuba singing loudly in the bathroom.

The childish voice was full of lightness and joy. Hojo Kyosuke could tell that Yotsuba really liked bathing, and he didn't know how much of this happiness was because it was at Yukino Momoka's house. But after listening for a while, he couldn't tell what the song was, so he could only look at the beautiful woman in his arms in confusion.

"It's "Musician of the Mountain", じょうず~ When I go up the mountain, I am the musician~~"

Yukino, who was looking at Hojo Kyosuke with his head sideways, could see that he was very interested in him, so he turned his head, hummed twice, shook his little head and started singing. That already cute voice sang nursery rhymes, much more like a child than Yotsuba.

Hojo Kyousuke lowered his head and could only see the thick and straight eyelashes and the fair and upturned nose. The thin cherry blossom-like lips could only be seen a little when the other person pursed his mouth. Then he noticed that the lips with a slightly alluring luster seemed to be getting closer and closer to him, and the singing was so subtle that he could only hear it if he put it close to his ear.

Then, the singing stopped, and Yukino turned his body over at some point, and just looked at Hojo Kyousuke quietly, with his bob hanging down naturally, covering part of his delicate and pretty face.

Hojo Kyousuke stretched out his right hand to hold the small face. The smooth and tender skin reminded him of suet, but the sudden rise in temperature reminded him... of the pretty woman in front of him.

He stretched out his other hand and pulled Xueye into his embrace again.

"This is not my body, Xueye." He put his mouth to Xueye's delicate ears that looked like they were carved from jade and whispered.

"Well, I know, Hojo-kun is a god, so do you want me to serve you as a miko?"

Xueye, who just seemed to be suddenly emboldened by the rain scene, now turned into that shy little woman again, feeling the hot air constantly blowing out of her ears. Those sensitive little ears suddenly turned red as if they were about to bleed. Ah, how could I suddenly become like that just now? ! If it weren't for being hugged tightly by Hojo-kun, Yukino would definitely run into the rain curtain to calm down.

Me, god? Hojo Kyosuke was stunned, and then he realized that he had such an image in Xueye's heart. Then he curled up his lips and said with a slight smile:

"It's not necessary to be a miko, we will actually meet."

It's not that Hojo Kyosuke didn't want to tell Yukino the location of his home directly and let her come to him directly, but just like when he wanted to send some beautiful and fashionable stationery to Mitsuha Miyamizu during the second exchange, as long as something like this appeared in his head Yes, I will mention the thought of my home location, and that part of the thought will disappear without a trace, and I can only think of it later.

In fact, he had known for a long time that it was not because of the system that he would switch bodies with Mitsuha Miyamizu, and the loss of memory was not caused by the system. As long as he is helping the girl realize her wish, the system is eager to provide more help, so why would it do these things. So when such a situation occurs, there must be another force.

After Yukino Momoka heard this, she raised her head excitedly. She thought of something, but she couldn't believe it. Just looking at him with those dark eyes that seemed to contain countless secrets.

Also, I’m not sure about the time, but I’ll definitely have 10,000 words today.

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