Sure enough, beautiful women can't be kissed casually, even if they kiss in a "dream", there is a price to pay. This price is very painful for Qin Fei. With that dazed kiss, the relationship between him and Saree was settled. Afterwards, it was discovered that he was a male, and Saree resolutely kept him by his side. There's no way, the strong dragon still doesn't hold back the snakes, Saree is the leader of the tribe, the boss of this gang of barbarians. Even the high-ranking Ruma priests cannot interfere with Saree's decision to choose a spouse, not to mention that Qin Fei is still a "foreign household" who has no power and no power and relies on the tribe's "support".

Therefore, Qin Fei became Sarei's spouse without any suspense. Forced to live in a tent with Sarai and build a skin, although Sarai did not succeed in the end, Qin Fei had no soft tofu for Sarai to eat.

Qin Fei knew that if Sarai used his strength, he would be a child compared to that savage, but Sarei didn't. This is also what frightened Qin Fei. He felt that Saree was eating away at his resistance a little bit. Sometimes Qin Fei would suddenly have an idea: this savage is actually quite handsome, if she really can't go back, with such a pleasing face facing her, life doesn't seem to be so hard. Then he'd be frightened by the thought of his own, and then go crazy for a while to think of something else.

Qin Fei sat by the river in a daze early in the morning, almost grabbed one-tenth of her hair, and finally made up her mind and faced reality. Isn't there a philosopher who said something similar: When you can't resist the circles and forks that life throws at you (children shouldn't imagine it by themselves), then try to enjoy it.

'Come on, why do you think of this. ' Qin Fei ruthlessly spurned the guy who said this, and sincerely hoped that God could throw that guy over too. He couldn't believe it, with the chrysanthemum being seriously threatened, the guy could still face the circles with ease and enjoyment.

'In other words, you have to change a sentence to motivate yourself. ’ Unfortunately, Qin Fei scratched N circles in her mind, and the words that can encourage herself to face the current situation are really lackluster. Nothing but this. He couldn't help shivering. Could this be a hint? He will eventually be eaten by Saree! He shook his head vigorously, and decided to temporarily numb himself, not to think about the death of this 'chrysanthemum remnant'.

Ruma sent off the hunting team, and sighed softly as she watched Qin Fei desperately destroying that black hair by the river.

Qin Fei heard the familiar footsteps behind her, and had already guessed it was Ruma. After clearing his throat, he said to Ruma, "I-I want to go out with the collection team today... OK?"

Qin Fei, who had calmed down after eating and drinking for free in the tribe for over twenty days, was very embarrassed. Although the food was terrible, it was saved by the people in the tribe, after all, the food was very poor here. Qin Fei felt that she was crazy enough. After she was sure that she could not return to her original world, she always tried to live in this strange world. Especially when the productivity is so low, the simple people in the tribe are working hard every day. He is a young man with good hands and feet, so he can't shrink and eat for nothing.

A glimmer of approval flashed in Luma's eyes. He judged from the language Qin Fei used at the beginning, Qin Fei's clan must be very far away from here. In addition, when Qin Fei was brought back by Saree, she was dressed in strange clothes. Although Ruma didn't know how Qin Fei got here, his intuition told him that this child might not be able to return to his own tribe for the rest of his life. And this slender little male seems to know this, so there has been unease and fear hidden in his eyes, so he has this frizzy hair for many days. But now the child's eyes are clear and firm, and he should be determined to stay.

Ruma patted Qin Fei on the shoulder, "Go back and prepare. The picking team will gather at the southwest exit later."

Qin Fei nodded and walked back to the tent. In the corner is Qin Fei's big bag. In addition to his solar-powered multi-function watch, Vanke's e-books, and some electronic devices that are not good for eating and drinking, there are only his most precious medicine box and two Qin Fei from the GVR security personnel. The saber that comes along there.

Saree had also looked at his backpack at the beginning, but the two foot-long sabers had springs at the scabbards, and the knives could only be pulled out by pressing with the thumb. Although Saree vaguely felt that this thing could be pulled out and pulled it suspiciously, but he didn't know the reason, so it didn't work. The medicine box was locked by a combination, and Saree couldn't open it. So in Saree's eyes, this thing is as strange as the pile of electronic devices, and it is useless.

Qin Fei inserted a saber into the belt of her animal skin skirt, put on her only pair of shoes, and hurriedly carried a large animal skin pocket beside the tent to the meeting point.

He arrived late, and almost all the collectors were waiting for him. Except for the eight males who are to **** the collection team, the rest of the collection team members are mostly females. The sight of her **** and skirts, which were half-covered by animal skins, made Qin Fei not know where to put her eyes. Although most of the females are tall and strong, Qin Fei has become more accustomed to this 'open' primitive tribe these days, but he is still extremely embarrassed to be stared at by a bunch of scantily clad women.

It was getting late, so Qin Fei didn't have more time to get used to it. One of the leaders had a male with long and narrow fangs hanging on his chest. With a big wave of his hand, the collection team began to move towards a specific area.

The target of collection is very simple and single, that is, the purple fruit and a slightly sour green fruit that Qin Fei has eaten in the past few days, but the number of fruit is not many. Especially in the spring when there is a shortage of food, the food that the gathering team can get is even more pitiful. At this time, Qin Fei realized how extravagant her life had been these few days, and couldn't help but blush again.

The road in the mountains is rough, and thanks to Qin Fei's shoes, if he were left barefoot like these people, he would have blood blisters on his feet in a short time. After another small hill, the harvest of the collection team was still pitiful. In the animal skin pocket that Qin Fei was carrying, there were only two small purple-red fruits and a small handful of sour green fruits.

The leader male with long and narrow fangs shouted and let everyone rest in place. Qin Fei also sat down on the grass. To be honest, he couldn't walk for a long time, but those females were far less embarrassed than Qin Fei. For these burly females who were about the same height as her, or even a little taller, Qin Fei already felt inferior and didn't want to compare.

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