Qin Fei smashed into the deep pool in a whirlwind, almost spitting out blood in pain. In addition, the pool water was much colder than the upstream river, so he subconsciously took a breath, and immediately grabbed a mouthful of pool water, his lungs hurting as if stabbed into ice balls. He struggled hard to get out of the water, but his body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The wound on his chest that had just scabbed had torn, and was soaked in the cold pool of water, causing a knife-like pain. He can't care about the pain all over his body now, and only concentrate on struggling to float to the surface. Qin Fei knew that his only option now was to swim ashore quickly and find a way to stop the bleeding. Who knows if there will be any dangerous creatures in this icy deep pool, if it is attracted by his **** smell, he and the child in his hands will be finished.

At this time, the child who was half in his hands showed no signs of struggling, and Qin Fei was even more anxious. The child was repeatedly frightened. At this time, he must have been in a coma due to choking water.

Qin Fei gritted her teeth and fluttered for a while, and finally got away from the water pressure range of the waterfall and surfaced. He didn't dare to delay, dragged his aching body to the shore and struggled. Gradually, the bottom of the sand can be felt under his feet, and Qin Fei's heart is a little more at ease. At this time, his physical strength has to support a child, which is already very difficult. If his feet can touch the ground, he can borrow some strength. But he didn't dare to relax, gritted his teeth and struggled to swim, and finally reached the shallow water and finally climbed to the shore.

He didn't have time to look at whether the surrounding environment was dangerous. He found an open space at random, put the child in his hand down, opened his mouth, and groped the child's mouth with trembling fingers. When he found no foreign objects, he quickly bent down. Raise one knee, place the child on his lap with his back up and his head down, and slap his back to make him spit out some water.

Not much water was spit out, and the child showed no signs of waking up. Qin Fei reached out and tried, but the child's breathing and heartbeat were gone. He immediately laid the child flat, put his hands on his chest, and performed CPR on the little guy. After another period of artificial respiration, the little guy coughed a few times to breathe. Qin Fei patted his face gently, and he slowly opened his eyes, blank and empty.

Qin Fei's heart sank, but don't let the child be frightened. He approached anxiously and called softly, "Ren, little Ren, look at me and tell me if you feel any discomfort."

After listening to his words, Xiao Ren turned his eyes to Qin Fei, closed his lips tightly and didn't speak, suddenly he put his arms around Qin Fei tightly, and retracted his small body into Qin Fei's arms. The two of them were already soaking wet. Just now, Qin Fei couldn't care about the cold when she was in first aid. Now her wet body was blown by the wind, and her cold teeth were about to shatter. It is estimated that the little guy in his arms is also cold.

Holding Little Rain tightly, Qin Fei said softly, "Don't be afraid, let's find a safe place to hide for the night, and they should come over at dawn."

Xiao Ren didn't answer, and still huddled tightly in Qin Fei's arms. Qin Fei sighed, holding him carefully to explore the surrounding environment.

A large area near the waterhole is very empty, there are no tall trees, only some low weeds. Through the moonlight, Qin Fei saw that not far from them, there were some vague earthbags or stone-like things, like a crouching beast, motionless. If you look up and look around, there is no better place to hide. If you stay away from the pools and go deep into those unknown areas to find hiding places, the danger is not to mention. If Saree and the others come, it will be difficult to find them. It's better to hide behind those mounds of rocks, and also shelter some of the wind and cold. With some weeds to keep them warm, they could barely make it through the night. As long as they come to Saree, the two will be safe.

Qin Fei walked towards those big stones with Xiao Renen in her arms. The mountain wind blew over, and the two of them couldn't stop trembling. Qin Fei's nose was a little insensitive from the cold, but he still smelled some blood vaguely. At first, he thought that the **** smell was coming from the open wound on his body, and he was worried that he would not be smelled by the beasts hunting at night. But it's very empty here, and the low grass and bigger beasts can't hide, and they can see a thousand miles in the moonlight, which is almost the same. It is estimated that even if there is a **** smell on his body, it will not be so strong that it will attract wild animals.

But the more he walked, the more Qin Fei felt wrong. The **** smell in the air seemed to get stronger as he approached those 'mounds' and 'big rocks'. And those 'mounds' and 'big rocks' seemed to be dormant beasts at this time, as if they would shake their bodies to stand up at any time. The huge size was comparable to the ligers he had seen.

Qin Fei's heart was beating like a drum at this time. Although it was not far from the edge of the lake, it was a fool's dream to want to run back into the water now. Not to mention that he was injured, he also experienced a struggle in the water, and his physical strength was severely overdrawn. Even at the speed of those beasts, he could only be thrown down. What's more, the water in the pool is abnormally cold. Even if he takes Xiao Ren down again, he probably won't be able to last long before drowning. After swallowing, Qin Fei squatted down slowly, hugged Xiao Ren and lay on the ground against the turf.

He walked all the way from the side of the lake, if that thing was a beast, it might have attacked him long ago, and there might be something hidden behind it if he didn't move for so long. It's better to come to the enemy and not move me, maybe I can escape this catastrophe.

Although Qin Fei also knows that his thoughts are extremely naive, but now he is all over his body, except for a pair of water Ukaka underwear, the only thing left is the little Ren, who is in his arms. Not enough 'meat buns'. He can't wave his underwear with his left hand, and fight with the fierce beast with Xiao Ren in his right hand.

Qin Fei couldn't help admiring herself, perhaps because she was used to seeing brutal scenes in the wild. Now, in the face of a possible attack by a beast, he could not only calmly analyze the current situation, but also mock him. Sure enough, the tough external environment can train talents. ' The old saying didn't lie to him.

Qin Fei was clinging to the turf tightly, and Xiao Ren was covered under him. He didn't dare to push hard, for fear of crushing the child, so he could only support the ground with his two hands and forearms. Although a lot of weeds have grown underground, after lying down for a long time, my arms will still feel numb. Qin Fei gritted her teeth and endured it for a while, but the 'mounds' and 'big rocks' not far away still didn't move. Qin Fei felt that such a stalemate was not the solution, and was hesitating whether to sneak over carefully to see the situation. Suddenly, he felt a chill on his neck, something brushed his neck, and it felt like the long tongue of some kind of creature.

His scalp was numb in an instant, "Ah..." exclaimed, and he looked to his side in a conditioned reflex.

What Qin Fei met turned out to be a fleshy little guy. Qin Fei blinked her eyes for a long time, but she didn't react. And while he was in a daze for a while, that chubby little guy had already washed Qin Fei's face several times with his big tongue.

Using the moonlight, Qin Fei looked at this little thing that almost scared his soul away, and the little thing blinked at him with big, round eyes, and rubbed and rubbed against his face to please him.

"What, what is this?" Qin Fei muttered to herself.

This little thing is a species that Qin Fei has never seen before. Its body is less than a foot long, but it has a big head and two small fleshy **** on top of it. It looks stupid and very stupid. It's cute, like a young puppy or a lion cub, but it has no fur. When he rubbed Qin Fei's side face, Qin Fei's skin was numb from the cold, and seemed to feel a little scale texture, and there were two flat and long things on its back, growing side by side, this thing What is it exactly? Qin Fei searched all the creatures he had heard of in his mind, and none of them could match it.

Seeing that Qin Fei ignored him, the little guy seemed a little sad. He screamed a few times, and Qin Fei covered its big mouth in fright.

Although the 'mounds' and 'big rocks' not far away have been silent, it does not mean that they are safe. If this little guy's cry alarms those things that may be ferocious beasts, the lives of the three of them will be completely over.

Qin Fei was obviously more worried than the 'mound' and 'big stone' in the distance still did not move at all. The little beast, whose mouth was covered, thought Qin Fei was playing with it, stuck out his tongue mischievously, and kept scratching Qin Fei's palms. The itchy Qin Fei couldn't stand it and had to let go. Unexpectedly, Qin Fei just let it go, it snorted, and made a thumping action against the grass in front of it. One of the four short legs didn't stand firm, and immediately fell and gnawed on the grass.

Although the situation was not optimistic, the little guy got up and sneezed again and again, and the way he threw grass clippings was really cute, and Qin Fei couldn't help but laugh. Qin Fei raised her eyes again to see that the 'mounds' and 'big rocks' still didn't move. Qin Fei also felt it was very strange. If it was a beast that couldn't bear it all the time, could it be that there is something hidden behind the smell of blood.

Qin Fei slowly got up from the ground and held Xiao Ren in her arms. The little beast on the ground squeaked again, and the four short legs were unsteady while running and swaying, heading straight for those 'mounds' and 'big rocks'. Seeing that it ran away, Qin Fei was about to call it, but it stopped and stood there shaking, staring at Qin Fei with black eyes. Qin Fei approached it, and it ran a few more steps towards those targets.

As it got closer, Qin Fei could already see the true appearance of those 'mounds' and 'big rocks' through the moonlight. The horrified Qin Fei gasped, her fists closed as she opened her mouth.

Those 'mounds' and 'big rocks' in his eyes are really huge beasts, and they are the ligers that he fought desperately not long ago. However, at this time, the liger was lying on the grass in various shapes and sizes, and remained motionless as he approached. As far as Qin Fei's eyes can see, there are actually more than ten giant beasts. The closest liger to Qin Fei, its body was unnaturally twisted. The upper half of the body was completely disconnected from the lower half. The naked flesh and bones were uneven, as if it had been torn apart by something with great force.

‘What kind of terrifying monster is it that has the strength to tear apart the liger. ' Qin Fei had no answer in her heart, only complete fear of this unknown creature.

"Ouch..." The cute little beast, seeing Qin Fei's stagnation, called out a few times, and even pounced on the corpse of the liger that was torn in two not far away, and nibbled at it. , and also tried to step on its corpse and climb to a higher position. After several struggles, it really climbed up on the corpse, and shook its head proudly, and then 'oooo' it seemed to be biting violently. Who would have thought that the little beast had worked hard for a long time, not only did not bite off a bit of meat, but even slipped under his feet and fell off the corpse.

The little beast that fell down gave up, and lay on the ground, rolling and crying, just like a sloppy little baby. Qin Fei felt that the terrifying atmosphere in front of her was instantly reduced by most of it, and helplessly stepped forward and squatted down to touch the little beast that was lying on the ground. As soon as the little beast was touched by Qin Fei, it stopped barking immediately. It ran to Qin Fei's side and hugged her thigh without letting go. Qin Fei was speechless for a while. Soothingly touched the big head of the little beast, Qin Fei had to first consider the safety of the two of them and the beast.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei got up and quickly checked the dead ligers. Although they were all killed, there was no sign of being swallowed. The guy who killed the liger didn't seem to be hunting for food. At the same time, Qin Fei also found that there were some suspicious traces in the small circle surrounded by the bodies of ligers and tigers, as if they had been lying down by some large beast. The blood of the tiger beast and a piece of suspected placenta.

He frowned and glanced at the little beast beside him, seeing that it didn't walk very neatly, and it had some mucus on its body, as if it had just been born.

Standing here for a long time, Qin Fei not only smelled blood, but also smelled a musk-like smell. He got close to the small beast and smelled it carefully. Sure enough, it had this smell on its body, and left again Entering those bloodstains and suspected placenta on the ground, the fragrance is more intense and obvious.

An idea quickly crossed Qin Fei's mind-could it be the parents of this little guy who killed these ligers.

But no matter how you look at it, this silly little guy doesn't look like he can grow into a monster that can tear apart a liger. And since the liger had already been killed, why did he leave this newly born little guy behind? Suddenly, Qin Fei remembered that Luma had said that in this dangerous and wild continent, there are some particularly powerful beasts who always like to be alone. Even if they give birth, they will not guard the little beasts, but let them live alone. If this is the case, then this little guy's mother should have completely abandoned it.

At this time, Qin Fei no longer worried about what predatory beasts the blood would attract. Generally, beasts have a sense of crisis. The more powerful and cunning they are, the more instinctive they are. There is such a huge beast here, and so many ligers and tigers have been killed. Not only will there be nothing that doesn’t have eyes running over to die, I’m afraid they will flee for hundreds of miles. possible.

After shouting twice to the little beast who was trying to bite the liger in the distance, the little guy ran over. Qin Fei squatted down, reached out and scratched its chin, and the little guy grunted a few times in enjoyment.

Qin Fei smiled and said softly, "If you are really homeless, I don't mind raising you one more."

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