Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God

Chapter 92: Meet in a narrow road, wretched victory

Looking at the surging river tens of meters in front, Qin Fei's mouth twitched for a while. Could it be that the law is really everywhere, and he will come to whatever he is afraid of.

The male of the Huga tribe who led the way hurriedly scratched his ears and cheeks, Qin Fei scolded his mother angrily, and wished he could slap him a few times. Saree took a long sigh, patted Qin Fei's back soothingly, and changed his posture to hold him in front of him. At this time, the rain had been much lighter, and it stopped just after seeing it.

Although the river is not wide, it does not exceed ten meters no matter how you look at it, but the torrential rain just now made the water flow very fast at this time. It is obviously unrealistic to want to go into the water and swim over it.

Saree put Qin Fei down and walked alone to the two Huga males closest to the river bank. The two of them were obviously very familiar with this generation. If there is another way, it is best to leave now. After all, no one I don't know when those Vasakhs will catch up.

After this delay, the fleeing troops behind them also chased after them one after another. Several males of the Huga tribe rushed to Qin Fei's side and said strangely, "Isn't there a few big trees lying down on this river? Why are they all gone now?"

Qin Fei rolled her eyes at them, "It's raining so hard, maybe it's going somewhere."

The male frowned and retorted, "Impossible. What about the thick trees? We had to work hard to push the trees closer."

Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Fei's expression changed immediately, and she shouted excitedly to Saree, who was still walking towards the river bank, "Be careful, there is an ambush."

Almost at the same time as Qin Fei shouted, the two Huga males closest to the riverbank were killed by a knife. The blood spattered was particularly striking among the green grass. Because of Qin Fei's reminder, Saree suddenly became alert, and the stone knife thrown from a distance was easily avoided by him.

In the blink of an eye, many fierce males sprang from the bank of the river that was overgrown with weeds. Qin Fei can guess who these people are without asking. And at the front of the males, there were two weirdos who seemed to be covered in brown shoe polish. They were no less than Aggie's scum, and they were all naked. Qin Fei was horrified to find that even the meat under these guys was much more spectacular than other males.

"Heaven, God~ Vashage beast, that's the real Vashage beast." Priest Chaibo's trembling voice suddenly sounded, followed by a terrified exclamation.

Qin Fei didn't have time to pay attention to the panic of everyone. He is now full of Saree's safety. Although those guys didn't attack immediately, everyone could see that the first target they attacked must be the nearest Saree.

All the movements seemed to be slowed down and stretched. While Saree turned his head and shouted "Qin Fei run quickly", he had already grabbed the spear pinned to his waist.

And Qin Fei ran towards Saree without hesitation almost at the same time when a 'Vashach beast' rushed towards Saree. The surrounding crowd suddenly became chaotic, and the males of the tribal alliance also took up arms and attacked the Vashakh people.

The 'Vashakh beast' that charged towards Saree was extremely powerful. As soon as they made contact, Saree was violently rammed by him, and the top flew out. Before Saree could get up from the ground, the 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' had already rushed in front of Saree, with its huge black feet stretched out, it was a mad stomping. I can't wait to step on Saree into flesh immediately, and Saree has to roll and dodge several times, which is abnormally embarrassed.

Qin Fei's eyes turned red from a distance, for fear that Sarei would not be able to dodge and be stepped on by the big foot. Anyone can see that the 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' is extremely powerful, and if it is stepped on, it will definitely end with broken bones and tendons.

Saree lost his spear by the blow, and pulled out his saber with a few tumbling opportunities. At the moment when the 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' stepped on again, he looked at his legs with a knife. Unexpectedly, the 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' also moved very quickly. Saree only made a not deep hole, which did not cause him much damage, but aroused the fierceness of the opponent.

The 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' raised its head and screamed, and the vicious opponent Saree slaughtered, completely in the state of a beast. Seeing that the knife was unsuccessful, Saree punched the attacking Vashakh beast. The punch that he wanted to hit under the ribs turned out to be like hitting a hardwood stake. Saree's hand was numb, but the 'Washach Ferocious Beast' was not affected at all, and he knocked Saree down in one fell swoop. on the ground.

Saree's movements were also fast. When he was overwhelmed by him, he raised his foot and kicked the fierce beast in the face. With the strength of the reverse push, he was not thrown under the beast when he fell out. But the position where the two lay down is still very close, and the beast can grab Saree back almost as soon as he stretches out his hand. And he did quickly put out his claws towards Saree. Although the thick black fingers still looked like human hands, it was obviously not human strength. If Saree is caught, he will definitely be torn apart by the furious beasts.

Saree rolled on the ground again, dodging a grab, then propped himself on the ground with one hand, swung his body, and pushed his knees to the face of the beast. The beast's nose was still fragile, and the blood from the nose hit by Saree's knee made him even more irritable.

Saree pushed his knee out, and when he was bounced back, he propped himself to the ground, and quickly stood up. The 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' did not immediately pursue Saree, but slowly stood up and bared his teeth at Saree.

The fight between Saree and the 'Vashakh beast' was actually only a short time. The males of the Nata tribe would naturally not stand by and watch, but they were farther away than Qin Fei, although they tried their best to rush over. , but was stopped by the Vashakh people coming up from behind. It's not that the Vashakh people didn't stop Qin Fei, but Qin Fei was really slippery, and slipped past them by rolling and crawling on the slippery turf. For this petite male, the Vasakhs don't care. What's more, looking at the direction he rushed over, it was the location of the 'Vashach Ferocious Beast'. They didn't have to worry about it at all. This little male couldn't stand the finger of the fierce beast.

The difference in physical strength between Saree and the ‘Vashakh beast’ is still very large. And a short weapon like a saber is not a big threat to the tall 'Vashakh beast'. Every time Saree tried to attack, he was blocked by his fierce fists. After dodging a few times, Saree rolled to the spear again. He picked up the spear without hesitation and stabbed the beast.

Although the beast was on guard, it still did not dodge. His right shoulder was stabbed into blood by a spear, but this fierce beast was so sturdy that he even held the spear and smashed Saree straight into a big tree with his life and death. Saree supported the tree with one foot and held the handle of the spear tightly with both hands. But the strength of the beast was too great, the wooden spear handle could not stand the pressure of the two, and it snapped with a bang.

Fortunately, Saree dodged immediately, and was not stabbed by the half wooden stick that was pushed over by the 'Washach Ferocious Beast', but he was still caught between the wooden stick and the big tree by the fierce beast. The vicious beast was still working hard, trying to break the two wooden sticks that were running between them again. And the two wooden sticks were indeed bent more and more under the force of the beast. As for the spearhead that penetrated into the shoulder of the beast, the beast completely ignored it.

Qin Fei had already rushed over at this time, raising her fist and slamming down on the face of the beast. At this time, Saree and the beast were on a gentle slope, and the turf under their feet was very slippery and slippery, so they did not stand up straight. Qin Fei's punch can definitely hit the beast's face.

The beast also felt Qin Fei, he turned his head and bared his teeth fiercely at Qin Fei. Qin Fei looked at the open mouth, bigger than her entire fist, for fear that the punch would be bitten by the beast. Fierce attack punch, and quickly shrink back.

Sarei was also afraid that Qin Fei would suffer, and quickly shouted, "He has rough skin and thick flesh, and it's useless to beat him."

Qin Fei naturally knew that she couldn't use her fists against such a big guy. Reaching out to touch his left waist, he drew his saber and stabbed him into a sieve. Who knew that even after touching it twice, he could not touch the saber. Looking down, the left side is empty, and there is still the shadow of the saber. An angry Qin Fei could not wait to scold, she must have just rolled and crawled out of time and dropped the knife.

The 'Vashage beast' didn't take Qin Fei seriously at all, and turned his head to get closer to Saree, seeing that the wooden handle was about to crack again. Qin Fei didn't care so much, she raised her fist and rushed towards the beast. Saree was so shocked that he was in a cold sweat, for fear that the beast would abandon him and attack Qin Fei.

Unexpectedly, when Qin Fei's raised fist was about to hit the beast's face, he suddenly exploded **** and pierced the beast's eyes. The vicious beast never thought that this guy was not a savage race, and could use such a rogue move even in a fight, and even stared at the finger that Qin Fei poked. The result, of course, can be imagined, the 'Vashakh beast' screamed and immediately put his head in his hands.

It's a pity that Qin Fei's shameless moves have not been used up yet. Right now, this large scalp is rough and thick, and it is even worse than the old scum, but Qin Fei has eliminated the bird's egg of the old scum. The non-human 'beasts' will immobilize the hard walls that are also practiced there. So the next moment when she retracted her hand, Qin Fei kicked the beast between the legs of the beast.

With this kick, Qin Fei was full of strength, and the defenseless beast was attacked again. Just rolled down the slope. Naturally, Saree would not miss this opportunity. He quickly got up and fished out the saber that had been dropped not far away, and slid to the river with the screaming beast. Without hesitation, he raised the knife and dropped the knife, and the beast was stabbed to the core. After a few more knives, the 'Vashage beast' completely lost its breath.

The people who were scrambling on the shore were all frightened by the shrill screams of the 'Washakh beast'. Especially the Vashakh people, they couldn't believe their ears at first, the beasts that were supported in the clan were their great weapons, and they were brought out to wipe out these people in the tribal alliance. They simply didn't believe that there would be something in the tribal alliance that could bring harm to the beasts. It was not until the fierce beast rolled all the way to the river in pain, and was killed by Saree who was chasing after him, that the Vashakh people suddenly realized that the beast they had worked so hard to worship and raised was gone.

Qin Fei saw that Sarei had killed the beast, breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately turned around to find the saber that he had dropped. Fortunately, because the grass on the **** was wet by the rain, most of it was sticking to the ground, and he could see a black saber not far away at a glance. But unfortunately, standing beside his saber was the remaining 'Vashakh beast'.

He had just bitten an Alliance male to death, staring in the direction of Saree with a **** mouth, and then burst out with a shrill roar, as if his companion's death had stimulated him a lot.

The males of the surrounding tribal alliances were frightened by the roar, and their legs became weak immediately, and they rolled and crawled to keep a safe distance from the beast. rushed towards Saree.

Several males of the Nata tribe also rushed through the siege of the Vasakh people and rushed in the general direction of Saree. Although these Nata males had long since thrown away the backpack they were carrying due to the struggle, the rattan rope was slung over their shoulders. Obviously, several people wanted to trap the large beasts and trap the Vashach. Ferocious beasts'.

At this time, Saree pulled out the knife that was inserted into the dead beast. Seeing that another beast was rushing towards him, he couldn't help crying. After all, anyone who encounters this kind of fierce guy will be extremely exhausted. He finally and Qin Fei worked together to kill one, and he ran over to another one. Saree was trying to keep a safe distance from this beast, but found that the place he was chasing was covered with a lot of aquatic thorns. This kind of thorns also existed by the riverside of the Nata tribe. Before Qin Fei came, Saree didn't know that this kind of thing was poisonous. He just knew that if he was accidentally stabbed, the wound would be painful and itchy for many days. Later, for the safety of the cubs, Qin Fei took some males and removed all the thorns from the river.

At this time, Saree either jumped into the thorns by himself, or resisted the fierce beast running over and fell into the thorns with him. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be a good way to do it. But neither of the two Sarees wanted to choose. He bit it and stood firmly on the spot with his legs apart.

In the eyes of everyone, Saree was undoubtedly courting death. At the moment when the Vashakh beast rushed towards Saree, Saree didn't make any resistance, but quickly turned his body away. The Vashach beast that rushed over fiercely threw itself into the thorns. Saree turned his head and saw the fierce beast struggling in the thorns, trying to climb out. Looking at his big thorn, Saree couldn't help but shiver, and then he muttered in a low voice, "You are the one who jumped off."

In the bitter and angry roar of the beast, Saree quickly followed that road and ran back to Qin Fei.

Seeing that Sarei was frozen in place, Qin Fei thought he was going to confront that guy head-on. She was so angry that she was afraid that Sarei would suffer, so she was about to rush over to help. But saw Saree dodge his body, and then the hapless Vashakh beast fell into the thorns.

Qin Fei blinked, then blinked again, a little bit not believing that this was what his Sarei could do.

Sarei ran back to Qin Fei in one breath. Qin Fei slammed Sarai up and down, left and right, and then patted Sarei on the shoulder and boasted, "Ruzi can be taught..."

Although Saree didn't understand what this meant, Qin Fei's expression was obviously complimenting him, and she also grinned.

"Patriarch be careful..."

"Elder Saree, be careful..."

The two of you and I seemed to have forgotten the Vashakh beast that was plunged into the thorns, and only recovered when they heard the shouts of the Nata tribe male. The fierce beast had already climbed out of the thorn bush, screaming and staring at Saree with bloodthirsty eyes. The thorns and thorns in that body are really miserable and miserable.

Several Nata males also rushed forward, shaking out the rattan ropes and greeting the Vashakh beast. Not far away, the Vashakh people saw that this fierce beast was also suffering, and naturally wanted to come to rescue. And the people of the tribal alliance saw that Saree could deal with the beasts at this moment, and naturally they would not let the Vashakh people destroy them. They entangled those Vashakh people who wanted to rescue the beasts.

Here, the Vashakh beast was entangled by the rattan ropes thrown by several males. Although the males exhausted their strength, the 'Vashakh beast' continued to attack Saree. Qin Fei rushed to the saber, picked it up, and then turned his head to see that the fierce beast had broken three or four rattan ropes, trapping Saree under the tree just now again.

At this moment, Saree was using a broken spear to support the body of the beast, while the males behind the beast were pulling the rattan rope with all their might. But no matter what, the Vashakh beast kept approaching Saree. Suddenly another rattan rope broke, and the big mouth of the Vashage beast could immediately reach Saree's neck. Saree secretly screamed, but who knew that the **** mouth stopped half an inch from his neck.

Qin Fei, who came back in time, was grabbing the beast's hair in one hand and poking at the beast's body with a saber in the other. After poking it five or six times in a row, Qin Fei was feeling strange that the beast didn't respond.

Saree, who was beside the messenger, gritted his teeth and said, "The scabbard, you didn't draw the scabbard."

Qin Fei had an epiphany and wanted to throw the scabbard out while holding the spring with one hand, but after a few falls, it seemed that the beast's hair could no longer be pulled, and the scabbard still couldn't be thrown off. Qin Fei was in a hurry, and swung the general's sword to the beast's mouth. Qin Fei pressed the spring, and after the smooth flashing, the knife fell. The 'Vashach Ferocious Beast' fell to the ground without even screaming.

The Vashakh people not far away let out a terrified exclamation, and two Vashakh beasts were beheaded in a row, and they still didn't look in horror. No longer in love with the war, and run away collectively.

Qin Fei suddenly relaxed, and felt a little weak in his hands and feet.

The Chaibo priest of the Huga tribe walked towards Qin Fei and Sarei with the help of several males. He bowed deeply to Sarei and Qin Fei, "Great Nata warrior, thank you for being in the gods. Under the deceit, beheaded the evil beast."

When Saree heard the word warrior, he felt a little harsh. He and Qin Fei didn't seem to be brave enough this time, but no matter what, they finally won.

Qin Fei smiled, turned around Saree, and said in a low voice, "Let's meet in a narrow way and win."

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