Transmigrated into the Primitive Wilderness as a Great God

Chapter 97: Small sample ~ become a turtle

After resting in the tribe for a whole day, the males all got up early, gathered in small groups in the camp, and talked about leaving today to clean up the Wasagh. Apparently they were very excited to be able to deal the fatal blow to the Vashakhs.

Qin Fei turned over twice, and sighed helplessly as she heard the louder and louder voices in the clan. Yesterday, in order to give him a good night's rest, Saree deliberately sent the three little guys back to Ruma. Who knew that these energetic guys got up so early.

Saree actually woke up long ago. He didn't get up because he was afraid of disturbing Qin Fei. Running all the way, Qin Fei couldn't eat or sleep well, and she lost weight. Returning to the tribal Sarei is to let Qin Fei rest for a while, but the Vasakh people will definitely retreat quickly, and they have to prepare for the attack as soon as possible. Originally, Saree wanted to at least let Qin Fei sleep for a while before getting up, but he didn't expect these guys to be so noisy.

Saree rubbed Qin Fei's hair in distress and kissed Qin Fei's forehead.

Qin Fei stretched, turned over and got up. There are still a lot of things to prepare today, especially the valley where the ambush is going to be carefully surveyed. Qin Fei did not dare to delay, grabbed the clothes and put them on.

Saree moved quickly. He had already dressed, opened the door, and was ready to take a basin to the river to wash up, and by the way, brought back the water used by Qin Fei. Unexpectedly, there were two basins of clear water placed on the table outside the bamboo building. Saree was a little puzzled, and when he looked up, he saw three little guys laughing on the grass.

Seeing Saree coming out, Xiaobu waved at him with a smile, then pointed to the two basins of clear water, and then pointed to himself, Xiaoren and Xiaoaowu.

Saree smiled, nodded at the three little guys, turned to Qin Fei, who had just climbed out of bed in the bamboo building, and said, "Xiao Bu, they gave us face wash, and even prepared aloe vera for wiping our teeth."

Qin Fei's heart warmed when she heard it, and there was a kind of pride of 'my son is the most filial'. He grinned at Saree, "Ah~ Actually, Xiaobu and the others couldn't bear it, so they had to prepare two copies by letting a certain old man squat down and cry."

Saree didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "When did I become an 'old man'?"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "The children grow up day by day, and we are naturally the elderly."

After breakfast, the males dressed up and set off. Qin Fei especially told Ruma to stay vigilant at all times, because it is not possible that the Vasakh people would launch a surprise attack when they were about to evacuate. After listening to Qin Fei's warning, Luma was naturally very careful, and also told Qin Fei to ensure their own safety. Qin Fei nodded and agreed to Ruma's kind words.

The group left the Nata tribe's camp and quickly headed towards the valley where the Vasakhs were ambushed. Qin Fei barely kept up with the speed of the large army after a few days of training to escape. But Sarei was always afraid of exhausting Qin Fei. Seeing that he was sweating, he would hug him and walk for a while, and he would not let him down until he had a rest, and then he would go on the road with everyone. Qin Fei was a little embarrassed about this, but Sarei was still very domineering in some aspects. Qin Fei didn't get angry and struggle in front of everyone, but that would make everyone pay more attention. I had no choice but to slander these males in my heart, the super physical ability of non-human beings.

Before noon, everyone finally reached the designated valley.

The male who was in charge of vigilance from the Bavar tribe had already seen Saree and his party, and soon Balco brought the people of the Bavar tribe to meet.

Several patriarchs said a few simple words, and Qin Fei led them to carefully survey the surrounding terrain. The valley is similar to what Qin Fei heard from the males, and it is indeed a good place for ambushes. The entrances at both ends of the valley are very narrow. Even if smoke bombs are not used, as long as the road at both ends is strangled to death, they will definitely fight whatever they want when they are standing high. Stones, logs, and bamboo arrows can do whatever they want to deal with the Vashakh people.

Seeing the wicked smile on Qin Fei's face, Saree knew that he had a ghost idea again. Don't bother him, anyway, he will tell everyone after he thinks about it.

As expected by Sarei, Qin Fei walked back to him after shaking for a while. I simply told him some military allusions, of course not too in-depth, just said how to deal with the valley if encountered. The most important thing is to rush into the valley without being probed, otherwise it will be calculated by others.

Saree listened carefully to Qin Fei's words, nodding from time to time to show that he understood, and the patriarchs of several clans were also listening.

Qin Fei discussed with several patriarchs and decided to use two methods to deal with the Vasakh people. Because smoke bombs are afraid of water, if the gods are not beautiful and there is a heavy rain when they use the smoke bombs to attack, then they will use the second method. The so-called second method is naturally to strangle the narrow passages at both ends of the valley, and then use logs, stones, and bamboo arrows to destroy the Wasagh people. Compared with the first type of sleeping, Qin Fei personally felt that the second type was cruel, but if the Vasakh people were let go like this, it would be cruel to herself.

Qin Fei pondered secretly in her heart, leaving the fate of the Vasakh people to the will of God. If the smoke bombs are successful without rain, then they will only kill those Vashakh beasts, then confiscate the Vashakh people's things and weapons, and then let them go. As for whether they can return to their own tribe alive, it is also considered as God's will. If it rains, it is God's will to cut off the incoming Vashakh people, and Qin Fei will never be soft on those savage races. He told the idea to several patriarchs, and several patriarchs also felt that what Qin Fei said was reasonable, and nodded in agreement.

After making up our minds, everyone began to prepare separately. Gathering stones, harvesting stones, felling trees, felling trees. There are also some Nata males, under the leadership of Qin Fei, looking for a cave suitable for everyone to live in at night, or a suitable place to camp. Qin Fei had expected that the Vashakh people might arrive a few days later, so the most urgent need to solve the problem was the residence of everyone after nightfall. Otherwise, all the time will be spent on the back and forth between the tribes, and it is very likely that the Vashakh people will be missed, so what is the attack.

Soon Qin Fei led someone to find a natural cave on the mountain behind the valley. The cave was large but very hidden. Qin Fei first carefully observed the situation around the cave, and when she judged that there were no beasts in it, she threw two more torches in. After listening for a long time, there was still no sound, so I walked in cautiously with a few people.

The cave is located high and not humid, and the height is moderate and ventilated, and there will be no smoke due to the fire. Qin Fei carefully inspected the floor and inner wall of the cave, and confirmed again that it was not a beast's nest and that there were no dangerous creatures, so she took out some insect-repellent powder and carefully sprinkled it on the ground in the cave. As soon as the powder was sprinkled, a lot of small bugs came out of the ground and quickly climbed out of the cave. Seeing that several males had goosebumps all over, but the cave that Qin Fei had cleaned up made them feel more at ease to live in.

Everyone waited for work, laying down and resting in a shady place on the hillside during the day, as long as news of the Vasakh people came, they could immediately enter a state of battle. At night, the Vashakh people don't dare to take risks, and everyone naturally returns to the cave to be alerted, and sleep with peace of mind. Everyone spent two nights in the cave in a row, and the food they brought out was about to be eaten. Qin Fei was hesitating whether to send some males out to get some food from the nearby forest, and the males who were alert in front brought them. good news. The large force of the Vasakh people is rapidly approaching here.

When everyone heard it, they were immediately gearing up. Saree quickly whistled twice at the opposite hill, and the people in ambush on the opposite hill also responded twice. Qin Fei looked at the cloudless weather, and felt a beauty in her heart. This time, even the effort of pushing stones can be saved, everyone just needs to wait for these guys to fall asleep and go down to pick up things.

Soon, Qin Fei saw the figure of the Vasakh people. They are all males, and almost all of them carry things on their backs. It seems that although this attack all the way, although it failed to take Nata and Bavar successfully, it also got a lot of benefits from other tribes and the Huga tribe who fled as a whole.

Seeing that all the Vasakh people had entered the canyon, Saree turned to look at Qin Fei, who happened to be looking at Saree. He pursed his lips and winked at Saree, who nodded and issued a sharp whistle. This whistle is to tell oneself to quickly put the antidote in his mouth. Then there was another sharp whistle. The ignited smoke bombs were immediately thrown out of the hands of the males.

Although the Vasakhs were alert when they heard the first whistle. But they are in the canyon, and even if they are alert, there is nowhere to run. The smoke bombs that fell from the sky quickly blurred their vision. Before they could figure out what happened, the Vashach males fell to the ground and passed out completely.

After waiting for a while, through the faint smoke, no one was standing, and Saree whistled again. The males quickly rushed into the valley from the mountain peak. First, they quickly blocked both ends of the valley with their weapons. Then Saree and several patriarchs each led a team in and quickly collected the spoils of the Vasakh people.

Qin Fei followed Sarei in a bit bored, and it was unpleasant to pick up things. In fact, Qin Fei very much hopes that he can jump out like the one in the TV series, and shout to the Vashakh people passing by, 'I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if you want to pass from here on, stay Buy road money. ’ That was so heroic, and now, despite the big win, why does it feel like something is missing.

Qin Fei took things with her head down, and only picked up some fun gadgets for her private pockets, because most of the things were to be handed over to the public, and the last few tribes were distributed according to how much they contributed.

After looking for Qin Fei, he suddenly found a few dry turtles under a few Vashakh people who were so soft. Of course, these dry turtles are not the spoils of the Vasakh people. It seems that they live near this canyon. It's not too big, but it's almost like Qin Fei's two palms together. Qin Fei picked up one, and moved to Sarei's side to show him. Although there were no dry turtles in the tribe's territory, Saree also knew this thing, and after scratching Qin Fei's nose, he was busy collecting the things.

Qin Fei collected a few dry turtles in a big back basket and prepared to take them back to Xiaobu and the others to play with. In the distance, I saw a few males, dragging a few comatose tiles and beasts. Although everyone finally listened to Qin Fei's opinion and handed over the fate of the Vashahe people to Heaven's Will, this kind of Vashahe beast cannot be let go. Qin Fei didn't have any opinion on this either. He also felt that it would be truly a woman's benevolence if the Vashakh beasts were spared.

Qin Fei glanced at the five Vashakh beasts that were carried out, and rolled her eyes to make up her mind. He called Saree over and murmured in Saree's ear for a while. Saree was surprised at first, then burst out laughing. The patriarchs of several tribes were attracted by Saree's laughter and turned their attention to this side. At this time, the smoke was much smaller, and Qin Fei waved to several clan chiefs. Several people came over in confusion, so Qin Fei chirped again. Even the patriarchs of several tribes couldn't help laughing along, and the males were inexplicably laughing at them.

Qin Fei grabbed the dry tortoise in the back basket, kept two small ones, and put them and five larger ones in the approximate location where the Vashakh beasts were carried out. Then he summoned some Nata males, mixed some dark medicinal powder with water, and asked them to start drawing turtle patterns on the faces of some of the Wasagh people. Okay. A group of people were at a loss, but they still acted according to Qin Fei's words. After a while, the faces of most of the Vashakh people had turtle patterns on their faces.

Qin Fei waved his hand and let people take the Vashakh beast secret out to solve it, and took all the Vashakh people out of the valley. Then he and Saree took a few Nata males and quickly assigned them to of herbs burn in the valley. After waiting for the herbal medicine to emit smoke, several people quickly hid in the previously ambush high places.

After a while, the Vasakh people gradually woke up. First, they were shocked that the items they were carrying were missing, and then they found that the Vasakh beasts were gone, and the location of each beast was unexpectedly. A tortoise appeared.

Just when they were panicking, suddenly an ethereal voice came to mind in the forest.

"I am Canaan, the divine beast that guards this area, the daring Wasagh people, how dare you sneak attack on the tribes under my protection one after another. Today I will punish all your beasts and turn them into tortoises. As for you, If you continue to cross this valley and attack the tribe under my protection, you will also become foolish tortoises."

Where have the Vashakh people at the foot of the mountain ever seen such a big scene, all of them were immediately frightened and pale. Several Vashakh patriarchs knelt down and begged for mercy with crying voices, and all the Vashakh people were frightened and kept kneeling on the ground and trembling.

"If you don't cross this valley and **** the place where I protect you, then the curse on your face will slowly fade away. Go back to your land before I get angry."

Hearing this, the Vashakh people dared to stay any longer, and fled the valley in a swarm, rushing desperately towards their territory.

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