Domian moved his chin vigorously, feeling the burning pain in his face. He had every reason to believe that the slap Lin Fan gave him must have been mixed with some revenge. But you can't blame him. Who would have known that the old fam he knew actually had a problem? Grandpa Cam, I have known the old fam since he was naked. This big basin is in the big basin of Cam. The person who worked for Grandpa didn't know that Fam was a conscientious, hard-working and good man, but how could such a good man become so terrible?

With this thought in mind, he turned around and glanced at the corpse of Old Fam, whose expression was distorted, his jaw was severely dislocated, and blood was spurting out of his throat. I don’t know if I will be shot by the political commissar for contradicting the commander like this.

Lin Fan was not in the same wandering mood as Domian. He just held the laser gun in his hand and hid behind an iron plate. He stuck his head out and stared at the door with obvious red marks. He thought it would take a few seconds for this heavy door to be removed. will be cut up, and the Chaos mob outside the door will swarm in and cut them into pieces. Lin Fan was not afraid at this time. After all, he might not be harmed in any way. But the problem was that Domian and the others were all good people and did not deserve to die at the hands of the Chaos mob. The people on this planet were also good people. No. He should have become the plaything and sacrifice of the Chaos Evil God without any reason. Lin Fan, who had received a good moral education since childhood, had no great ambitions, but at least he had a kind heart and could not bear to see so many people die so cruelly on his own. before. At least we have to save a few more people, right?

"Just like the fish on the beach, if you save this one, you can also save that one." Lin Fan said this slang to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Fan turned back to look at Delia who asked the question and sighed. I don't know why, but ever since Delia was woken up by being patted by Lin Fan, she has been following Lin Fan's butt like this.

Lin Fan also asked Delia to use the communication device in her hand to send distress and alarm messages to the headquarters. However, according to Delia, the subspace scream just now caused all the instruments in the room to fall into chaos. This is the so-called displeasure of the machine soul. After hearing this explanation, Lin Fan grabbed the communicator very impatiently, completely ignoring Delia's angry look, and slapped the unsatisfactory communicator a few times with his hand, and then It's back to normal again.

A divination device, the communicator should be similar in style.

Delia was shocked to see such a way to soothe the machine spirit. She had never seen such a rough method, and it was also effective. This influence will affect Delia's maintenance of equipment and appeasement of machine spirits for a long time in the future, which makes her always criticized by her colleagues for not caring for those delicate machine spirits.

Lin Fan, on the other hand, was not happy at all when he listened to the garbled codes and noises coming from the instrument. It seemed that the planet's communications had been interfered with or the command center had been attacked and fell into chaos. Fortunately, Delia knows the structure of the harvester very well, and everyone who follows her can find the fastest way out of this giant metal madhouse. At that time, you can sit in an armored vehicle or something and stay away from this dangerous place. You must know that they only have 11 people when they are full.

As the heavy iron door crashed down, the mob carrying thermal cutters rushed into the room with shouts. The expected wonderful scene of everyone falling to the ground and waiting to be slaughtered did not appear. Instead, the people in the assault squad who had been waiting for a long time did not appear. Several laser shots shattered the body, turning it into a burnt charcoal and falling to the ground.

Lin Fan used the laser gun in his hand to fire precise shots one after another, crushing the heads of the incoming mob. Lin Fan originally thought that he would be disgusted by the bodily fluids and limbs splashing everywhere, but in fact, he was left with corpses with their heads vaporized and the smell of barbecue constantly wafting around, irritating Lin Fan's nerves. .

Lin Fan felt a little nauseous when he realized what the mushy smell was, but it had to be said that the training of the Imperial Army was still in place, and his body still subconsciously aimed and pulled the trigger.

The mob seemed to feel that there was no hope of breaking through after being blocked at a doorway, so they scattered corpses on the ground and fled.

Lin Fan led the assault squad and Delia and rushed out with the mob. He continued shooting at their fleeing backs until no one could be seen moving in the corridor. Then he turned around and asked Delia where to run. .

Delia led everyone through the complicated corridors, and finally found a small door half a person's height.

"This is one of the entrances to the heat dissipation channel of the entire machine. This channel can lead directly to the outside, and it is right next to the hanging loading truck." Delia pointed to the small door in front of her, looking a little excited.

"But what if we get roasted by the hot air?" Domian was a little worried. He didn't want to be roasted like this.

"No, it will be okay!" Delia looked at Domian firmly with her beautiful big eyes, "I have rewritten the holy code of this machine and suspended its energy center. Even if it can It also takes a lot of time to prepare for the activation of the energy center by those guys.”

"In that case, let's go." Lin Fan opened the door and took the lead in bending towards the depths.

The group of people followed Lin Fan closely, groping forward in the dark heat dissipation channel.

After bending forward in the darkness for a long time, everyone finally saw the mottled light coming from the distance. Their morale was shaken and they walked and crawled towards the light.

"Praise the Emperor." Lin Fan, who was walking at the front, expressed his sincere admiration. He saw the loading truck below from the fence-like radiator door. As long as he opened the door, he could jump on and escape.

But Lin Fan still wanted to observe. There were many people surrounding the big harvester called Cam. At first glance, it seemed that there were thousands of people, right? This concept was based on the fact that Lin Fan had seen a similar crowd size on the playground of their high school where there were many students.

After looking at the energy of the magazines on his body, Lin Fan felt that the 11 of him were not enough to fill the gap between the teeth of the people below.

He turned back to Delia and asked, "Can you change the speed of the loading truck to be faster?"

"Uh. This. This is against the rules." Delia was a little at a loss. She had seen so many things that violated the rules today that her first reaction was to be afraid that her teacher would punish her.

"No, no, this is not innovation or transformation, right? We just made the machine soul of the loading truck more lively, right?"

"I.I think you are right."

Lin Fan looked at Delia who reluctantly agreed and nodded in approval. This little girl was not as rigid and dogmatic as the guys he read in the book. Then he kicked open the radiator door hard and jumped onto the loading truck.

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