Three days later, Lin Fan was deemed to have fully recovered and was sent out of the medical room. The medical nurse responsible for taking care of him asked him for a hero's autograph. It seemed that Lin Fan's feat had been publicized by the regiment headquarters. But as soon as he left the hospital gate, Lin Fan, who didn't even see the sun lamp hanging above the entire planet, was taken away by the stormtroopers of the Inquisition on an armored vehicle marked with the Inquisition Type I mark and left. .

After dozens of minutes of uncomfortable suffocation, depression and jolts, Lin Fan was taken out of the car and met Judge Weisi who was as unhuman as Iceberg at the temporary residence of the Heretic Tribunal.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Lin Fan sat on a steel chair and cuffed his hands and feet. There was no air circulation in the airtight room, so it must have been completely sealed. The strong light overhead illuminates every dark corner of the room, making any movement appear so obvious under the light.

Judge Weisi sat opposite Lin Fan and placed a special bolt pistol on the corner of the table so that he could quickly pick it up and kill Lin Fan before starting today's interrogation.

"Do you know what those black enemies you're fighting are?"

"Hmm, I don't know."

"In this rebellion, if you hadn't successfully killed two black-armored enemies, the fall of the entire planet would have been just a matter of time, instead of becoming a local riot like it is now."

"Then I'm really awesome."

"Be serious, soldier." Weisi was very unhappy. In the past, ordinary guardsmen were more frightened when they saw the inquisitor than when they saw their dear political commissar, let alone someone like Lin Fan who was as relaxed as chatting at home.

Lin Fan heard that Wei Si was a little angry, and immediately pretended to be serious, sitting upright. But Weisi felt this was more like a mockery.

Of course, the inquisitor's interrogation is not just a simple question. Each inquisitor will sum up his own set of interrogation procedures on his dangerous road of devotion. Some inquisitors will use punishment to defeat the fragile heretics. Psychological defense, or using various sophisticated instruments to analyze brain activity to determine whether the other party is deceiving or retaining. But more skilled inquisitors with psychic talents will use their psychic powers to penetrate into the brains of suspects and search for everything they want. However, for a hero who had just saved the entire planet, Weisi did not want to be too rough. After all, it was still a bit troublesome to deal with those guys from the Ministry of Military Affairs. She should not waste her energy on them, but always work for them. The Emperor monitors heretics and destroys them.

As Weisi's blue eyes danced with lightning using psychic energy, under Lin Fan's helpless gaze, she entered Lin Fan's most real ocean of thoughts.

"Why does he have such an expression?"

Just when Weisi was still wondering about Lin Fan being too relaxed, a completely different feeling from before enveloped Weisi's whole body.

During Weisi's interrogation experience, the heretic's soul was twisted and crazy. The clouds and mist were so chaotic that it was impossible to tell what color they were, clinging to the heretic's soul and fragments of memory like greedy rotten insects. The souls of ordinary residents were full of gray mist and lacked the madness of heretic souls, but the depression and dullness still made Weisi feel uncomfortable.

Weisi has also interrogated those suspected betrayal of the state church priests several times. For those truly pious priests, the mist covering their souls shimmers with a faint golden light. The more pious the priests are, the brighter and dazzling their light will be.

But there was almost no gray in this soldier's soul. The majestic and vast boundless golden light even made Weisi's searching soul feel the sting of being burned slightly. What hung high in front of her was a huge And the cold sun. Weisi stared blankly at the sun, which was quickly enveloped in golden mist and light, weaving into a tall and sacred figure.


Weisi trembled and murmured that she didn't know what the Emperor really looked like. All the Emperor's icons and pictures she had seen since she was a child had made the Emperor's face blurry and difficult to identify, and some were even blurred. The light covers directly. But the scene in front of her was so sacred, and the figure was so perfect, that the cold and strong goddess judge was moved to tears.

"Emperor! If you really love us, please reveal a way for us to save all sentient beings." Weisi's pious voice sounded weakly, and she did not even dare to destroy this beautiful dream loudly.

"Help him, he is the key to saving mankind, and he is my spokesperson walking on the earth."

This was the most sacred and majestic sound that Weisi could imagine. She excitedly accepted the task given by the God Emperor, leaned down towards the figure, and allowed the soul tears in her eyes to fall into the golden space. "I will carry out your will! I will be fearless! I am your humblest servant!"

As Weisi's oath ended, the boundless golden light and mist pushed her away, sending her farther and farther away.

Weisi woke up suddenly, and her vision gradually recovered. Everything that was majestic and sacred disappeared, except for the guy named Soap in front of her.

Hugging herself with her hands, Weisi frowned and carefully felt the changes in her body. The soul that had been polluted by the long-term interrogation of heretics was washed clean as before.

"That kind of warmth." Weisi's eyes softened as she recalled everything just now over and over again. She hated herself for not being able to see more of the emperor's power. Until Lin Fan's words interrupted her memories.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Fan looked at this suddenly changed judge and felt strange in his heart.

Just now, her eyes were glowing with dangerous-looking lightning, and the expression on her face was as ferocious as if Lin Fan was angry when he scolded the emperor. Then it suddenly changed again, becoming shocked and pious, then there were tears in the corners of the eyes, a sad feeling of sadness, and then there was a shocked look like being woken up by the teacher while sleeping in class.

Looking at Weisi who was in a low mood, holding his arms and touching her back and forth, Lin Fan felt that he still needed to ask her how she was doing, but who would have thought that his kind reminder would actually make the judge in front of him look at him? His eyes became even more fierce. Lin Fan leaned back on his chair helplessly and decided not to care about this crazy woman anymore.

Weisi looked angrily at this guy who interrupted her from feeling the power of the Emperor, and then thought of the sacred mission entrusted to her by the Emperor. He cleared his throat and said to Lin Fan in as gentle a voice as possible, "Okay, the interrogation is over, you have no problem." He pressed the button under the table and opened the shackles that imprisoned Lin Fan. Weisi wasn't even sure if what she just said was gentle. After all, no one had ever taught her this.

"And take this, you can go to Colonel Mark and the others to report." He took off a small golden necklace from his neck and threw it to Lin Fan who looked flattered. Wei Wei took the lead without looking back. He walked out of the secret room door and urged Lin Fan to leave quickly with his eyes.

Lin Fan held the necklace in his hand that still had the faint scent of Weisi's body. He didn't know what to do and was about to put it in his pocket.

"Put it on."

Lin Fan looked at Weisi in fear and found that there was no trace of shyness in her expression. Instead, she was full of seriousness as a superior gave orders to subordinates. "It seems like you can't leave today without putting it on. Doesn't this woman have any special hobbies?"

Seeing Lin Fan put on the necklace, Weisi nodded in approval, moved away from the door, and watched Lin Fan go away.

That necklace is an alien relic that Weisi found in a ruined world. It has the powerful ability to cut off spiritual energy and resist the corruption of chaos. Weisi has been carrying it with her for many years to slow down her increasingly serious corruption. It can be said that If she didn't have that necklace to protect herself, Weisi might have been led into the abyss by her filthy soul during an interrogation five years ago.

But now, the stain on her soul has been cleansed, and her heart is filled with the supreme fanaticism and piety of serving the Emperor. She believes that this is enough to protect her soul from erosion.

But it is best not to let more curious psykers delve into the depths of this soap's soul. Although he has no psychic power, he is also helpless against psychic powers. With this necklace, at least this sacred person can Keep your secrets longer.

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