The commander of the Iron Skull Titan Legion, and also the captain of a powerful Emperor-class Titan, Curtis Mannheim led his Titan Legion and the Steel Ball Mechanical Skitarii in von Strab's Under the command, they marched towards the largest group of orcs army currently.

Mannheim, who was completely immersed in the amniotic fluid chamber, had no intention of fighting this disparity in strength. The ancient giants and Gangaat made by the orcs out of scrap metal were completely inferior to Mannheim's men in terms of individual strength. God's machine, but the problem is that too many ants kill elephants. Orcs' armored troops and Titan troops can completely drown them out of numbers.

After several fierce disputes with von Strab, the governor who only cared about the honor of his family and his own tactical command took out the sacred steel treaty that his family signed with the Mechanicus of Mars eight thousand years ago. The legions threatening Mannheim.

He had no choice. No one could resist the steel treaty signed by the Mechanicus of Mars. Although Mannheim was very puzzled as to why such a brilliant family that could sign a treaty with the Mechanicus of Mars could do so in just eight thousand years. Degenerate into this quickly? The heir to the family has none of the outstanding talent and vision that his ancestors once had. He will only hide in his bedroom and play with the soldiers' chess pieces on the holographic sand table.

The heavy steps of the Emperor-class Titan flattened the low hills on the ground. A few hundred meters away, there were several Predator-class Titans covering the surroundings of this divine machine. Farther away, there were War Dog-class soldiers infiltrating the Skitarii. Titans and steel ball skitarii in white paint.

"We are expected to encounter Ork armored forces in five hours. The current distance between us and the enemy is 4,500 kilometers. They are approaching us at high speed."

On the bridge of the Emperor-class Titan, the radar officer whose head interface was connected to the Titan's giant detection matrix sent this information through a cable to Mannheim, which was connected to the Titan's consciousness.

The one on the far right is the Imperial Titan

"Keep moving at the same speed. We cannot lose touch with the Skitarii."

"Order received, conveying."

At Titan's core reactor, tens of thousands of mechanical priests and slave workers were completely fixed at their posts. Their modified arms became interfaces of different models, and their crude lips were receivers that compiled the sacred code. replaced. The glowing blue core reactor releases high-energy radiation particles that kill living things all the time. During the long service life of these priests and slave workers, the fur and flesh on their bodies have fallen off from their modified mechanical bodies. Each operator is more like a machine loaded with biochemical wetware than a human being.

++Praise to Omnisiah! Execute operation: 00.VV1++

++Praise the miracle of the God of All Machines! Accept feedback: .AA14++

++Praise the original power! Adjust energy output to 45.%++

++Praise to the Holy Machine Soul! Core reactor stability check 99.% The next reactor stability check is expected to be five standard seconds++

++The sacred ceremony of operation and maintenance of the divine machine, the 14,158,726,941th has been completed, and will enter the next process after 0.15 standard seconds, singing the praises of Omnisei in unison Asia++

The compiled language is transmitted without delay among tens of thousands of operators. In the entire reactor cabin, in addition to the hum of the reactor's stable operation, there are slight and regular beeps from the mouth compiler, and the signal lights above it The light flashes at such a high frequency and speed that there is almost no gap in the extinguishing.

These mechanical priests who dedicated everything to the Titan God Machine and Omnisiah carefully and quickly adjusted the power of this powerful heart, and used a more efficient and safer output method to deliver energy to the entire Titan fuselage. If Comparing Titans to flesh-and-blood creatures, these mechanical priests are infallible heart muscles.

The Titan Legion and the Skitarii advanced silently without any unnecessary words. The exchange of holy codes made this army's information exchange beyond the reach of the Planetary Defense Force. When those generals were still relying on naked eyes and holographic maps in the command room and on the front line, When making judgments, the captain who is connected to the Titan's consciousness can have an unobstructed view of the entire battlefield from a god's perspective. When the heavily surrounded armies rely on communicators and telephones to call for fire support from their rear positions, the soldiers of the Skitarii only need to let go of their own networks and spread the signal into the air, and then the magical machine can be used for the first time. Receive the request instantly and switch weapons to bring disaster to the enemy.

The Iron Skull Titan Legion will fight to the end for Omnisiah's glory, and the Skitarii of Steel Star will fight to the last soldier for these miracles that Omnisiah walks in this world.

The radiation carbines and plasma rifles in the hands of the Skitarii Vanguard under the Titan are enough to tear any Ork into pieces. The Blade Infiltrator equipped with a powered tearing blade can easily cut through the thick welded armor and armor of the Orcs. His physical body, the electric monk with a steel ball, sheds blue molten tears, and the Tesla coils on his back and hands show the supreme power of Omnisiah.

The four-legged Wild Ass Dune Crawler, the tracked Destroyer Fighter Servants, and the "Raven" Knights who follow them form the heavy firepower core of this army.

As the Emperor-class Titan pressed a horizontally stretching hill into a broken mountain road, the Orcs' planes also pounced on the legions of the gods.

It is difficult for you to tell whether an Ork aircraft is a bomber or a fighter. In fact, it is difficult for you to determine whether these aircraft come off the same production line. Those aircraft with the personal style of mechanics are not as popular as those Orks who love flying and dropping bombs. After undergoing a second transformation, each Orc aircraft is unique, so the weapons on it are also various and unique.

If you still have some money left after buying a plane with your teeth, you will load a huge explosive bomb from the technician boy and drop it on the enemy's head to watch the explosion. The poorer airplane boys can only scrape together their own tattered airplanes, use their hands-on skills, and stuff them with big bombs (big bombs are actually the smallest bombs of the Orcs, and are usually used by helicopters) Then he strapped on all the dakka guns he had used before, and just aimed them downwards. When the time came to fight, he would drop the bombs, hold down the trigger and shoot downwards, and that would be it.

As soon as the Ork aircraft appeared on the Emperor-class Titan's targeting detector from a distance, the church-like fortress set up on the entire Titan began its air defense mission.

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