On ancient Terra, a poet said something like this: Some people are alive, but he is dead; some people are dead, but he is still alive.

But in today's dark universe, or in Lin Fan and his group who are now surrounded by bound souls, the words in this sentence can be changed.

Some people are alive, but he has betrayed; some people are dead, but he is still loyal.

Under the gaze of Lin Fan and others, the souls of the imperial soldiers who were rushing towards them stopped one by one, and turned their heads to look at the orc souls appearing from the side.

In a few seconds of silence, these souls bound by the energy of the warp made their choices.

They rushed towards the orcs without hesitation, just like they did when they were still alive.

The soul phantoms of the Astra Militarum, the soul phantoms of the sailors, from the fleet commander to the ship's slaves all rushed towards the orcs. The long mouth made no sound at all, only from the The mouth that keeps opening and closing can slightly read out such familiar words: "For the Emperor."

Lin Fan put down the gun in his hand, and the nuns and other soldiers also put down their guns. They looked at the scene of unspeakable loyalty in front of them. Tens of thousands of human souls and orc souls were in this empty place. Meet and then fight each other.

Some nuns silently knelt down on one knee to pay their last respects to these loyal souls.

"We should go." Sister Gavestin said silently, turning towards the location pointed by the icon.

Lin Fan, awakened by her voice, followed her, only looking back from time to time betrayed his shocked heart.

The progress after that was quite smooth, and Gavestin and Lin Fan never encountered any wandering souls again, as if they had all gone to participate in the ancient war that should have belonged to them.

"Do you know this fleet?" Lin Fan asked Gavestin, hoping to get an answer.

"...The empire has many, many fleets, and there are many, many missing reports."

"You don't know either?"

"Maybe no one knows except themselves."

Lin Fan was silent. These warriors were forgotten by the empire, maybe because they were not important, maybe because their records were buried under huge mountains of parchments one after another and could never be found again, but these forgotten warriors They still have not forgotten their oath to fight for the empire. Even if their souls are tortured by the warp and unable to return to the Golden Throne, they will never look back.

Compared with them, those betrayers seemed even more abominable.

The team advanced silently, and the shocking scene was also engraved in their hearts.

"I feel the filth of subspace." Sister Gavestin's cold voice sounded again after the team advanced for several hours. She raised the icon in her hand, and the light needle became more and more dazzling. And bright, as conspicuous as a small flare.

"It's right behind that door, but I'm not sure if there's a trap inside." Gavestin narrowed his eyes and scanned the automatic door in front of him, waving his hand.

A nun followed her movements and walked out, raising the rocket launcher in her hand and aiming it at the door.

"If anything is uncertain, destroy it all."

A rocket that was blessed and sacredly inscribed was launched. This rocket that had undergone special anti-subspace processing could even make the devil avoid its edge.

The explosion completely blew open the automatic door in front of them, and scarlet subspace energy rushed out from the broken door, blowing everyone's bodies, but Gavestin's emperor icon emerged with more pious power. A golden round shield was formed to block the blowing of the wind of chaos.

The wind disappeared, and the temptations and whispers that enveloped everyone's ears also disappeared. Only in the room behind the door, a red skull was constantly pouring blood from its two eye sockets, making the floor of the hall into a A bloody lake of unknown depth.

"But we can't just go in like this." Gavestin was very calm, knowing that he couldn't just go in rashly, so he sent the servo skull suspended near the team in and observed the situation inside.

If the skull and blood were discarded, this altar of chaos would be too clean to look like. There was not even a decent flesh and blood sacrifice, Gavestin. But the more this happens, the more suspicious this house becomes. Gavestin knows that they don't have much time, but she can't just rashly send her men into a trap to die. Are we going to find that Wild Wolf think tank? Maybe only he can see what kind of trap there is here.

Lin Fan saw Gavestin's hesitation from the side and said directly: "Let me go. I'll go see what's inside."

Gavestin looked at Lin Fan and nodded slightly: "Then take this, it is also a guarantee." After saying that, he handed the emperor's icon to Lin Fan.

"Sister, here!"

Reaching out to stop the other sisters' excited reactions, Gavestin waited for Lin Fan's reaction.

Lin Fan rejected Gavestin's kindness and patted his chest, "I have something better." Then he ran towards the blood pool.

Lin Fan entered the gate and stepped into the blood pool. The thick blood covered Lin Fan's knees, but it did not affect his activities very much. He groped in the pool silently for a long time, feeling something. Didn't happen either.

Then he turned back and prepared to call Sister Gavestin and the others to come in. But at this moment, a change occurred. A ripple that was imperceptible to the naked eye quickly spread outward with the skull as the core, passed through Lin Fan's body and spread to the team outside the door. Under Lin Fan's observation, Kagome Sting and the others were flashing with alternating black and white light, and their movements were frozen at that moment without any change.

"Oh ho ho ho!" A thin, disgusting laugh that changed several tones came from above Lin Fan's head. When he looked up, he saw a pink figure falling into the pool of blood, causing a splash. A perfect circle of blood flowers, and the person who landed also stretched his arms upward, bowing slightly like a gift.

Lin Fan looked at the guy in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt. The whip made of a slender tongue protruding from the wailing mouth on the shoulder armor, the backpack transformed into a hormone syringe on the back, and the numerous people with twisted fleshy faces. The armor, and the face with a long tongue hanging out and a perverted smile of pleasure.

The Immortal - Lucius, Champion of Slaanesh.


Looking at Lin Fan's rotating body and those energetic eyes, Lucius laughed again, "You are really awesome~ I am right about the stasis position that I came out of fighting in the Gemo Arena. You are useless."

"So is this all your fault?"

"Oh, my dear, this is the altar of the Blood God, and I am just the champion of Slaanesh. Who do you think did it?"

"Tzeentch" Lin Fan said the name through gritted teeth, "Then you know you were tricked by Tzeentch, why are you still here?"

"Oh, my dear, because, I want to have some fun!!!" The last few words suddenly became hoarse and hoarse, making Lucius become even more bloodthirsty and crazy, Lucius shook Holding his flesh and blood whip, he rushed towards Lin Fan. In this pool of blood, there was only a duel between the two of them.

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