True Martial World

Chapter 61: I am going to be a saint

It was determined that Jiang Xiaorou was asleep, Yi Yun quietly pulled back his hand. When Jiang Xiaorou fell asleep, Yi Yun was not idle. He used the source of amethyst in the body to absorb the energy in the head of the Red Bird.

The red beast is a wild beast. When Yi Yun just broke through the context of the meridian, he absorbed the power of the cold and the bones. Because he had no experience, he had enough strength to suck, and he ate a big loss, almost bursting the meridians.

This time, Yi Yun learned, he carefully controlled the amount of energy entering the body, according to this speed, this one is the first of the red beasts, enough to cloud for a month.

As long as he passed the warlord election after a month, he will get new resources.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, Yi Yun, who has already absorbed enough energy, quietly left the tree house.

He shuttled through the woods like a dexterous ape, and soon came to an open space.

The sky, the moon is like a silver plate, a young boy, sitting under the old tree, he relies on the trunk of the shackle at random, and through the moonlight, he looks at a green book one by one, and his expression is extremely focused.

A yellowish leaf slowly separated from the old trunk and slowly fell between the open pages. The teenager just gently smashed the leaves and concentrated on it.

The night light is stunned, but after reaching the four-layered meridians of the blood, Yi Yun is as clear as the daytime in the night.

"The original dragon dance is not only the one action, but also the other three movements. These four movements are a whole set..."

After reading the "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" left by Lin Xinyi, Yi Yun felt that many unclear places had gradually become clear.

At that time, when Yao Yuan taught the soldiers to prepare for the camp, it should be considered that the members of the warrior reserve camp had relatively poor learning ability. Therefore, many moves were simplified. A set of actions often only taught a few simple tricks.

Now with this complete set of "Dragons and Tigers", all of them have been completed.

"Oh? Lin's note said that this 'Dragon's Tiger Bone Boxing' is subtle, but it is a basic boxing method. It can't be controlled by the 'Longji Tiger Bone Boxing' routine, if it is stuck in the 'Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing' Routine, then the whole life is the so-called perfection that is described in the 'Dragons and Tigers Bone Boxing', and will not be inseparable again!"

Lin Xinyi’s words made Yi Yun’s heart shake, and he immediately concentrated on seeing Lin Xin’s comment.

Lin Xinyi's handwriting is beautiful, every little word is gentle and beautiful, but the content written is magnificent, so that Yi Yun can be shocked again and again!

In Lin Xinyi's notes, the highest realm of "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" can only be repaired to the peak of purple blood.

This is the so-called "consummation". Going up, do you still want to practice?

Sorry, no more!

At this time, unless you change a higher level of practice, higher level exercises can of course be cultivated to the highest level, such as "Tai A Sheng Law". If you have the ability to get it, you can use this.

However, there will be a problem with this. The previous ‘龙筋虎骨拳’ and “太阿圣法” are completely two routines. There is not much inheritance between each other.

"Tai Ya Sheng Fa" was created by the founding emperor of the Tai God Kingdom, and the "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" was unexpectedly obtained by the emperor of the Tai Ai Kingdom. It is not a system at all.

Two different systems are spliced ​​together, and there must be places where they cannot be perfected.

This is like, when a high school student on the earth chose science, he was admitted to the university by studying mathematics and physics, but he did not study science at university and changed his history.

This is not to say that he can't learn, and if he is talented, he will become a big cow in history. But in any case, the mathematical and physics of the previous studies is in vain. When studying historical civilization, who is going to let you calculate with calculus?

When changing the work method, there is this problem. I learned "Tai A Sheng Method" and "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" is useless. Its role is only to help Yi Yun from the blood of a layer of brave, cultivated to purple Bloody peak!

Just like the high school student, I only got a college admission letter for you.

This naturally means that resources are wasted, and the time of the military is very valuable. The cultivation of Wu is to fight against the sky. In order to impact the higher realm, we must strive for self-improvement and not waste time!

Lin Xinyi is a person who is fighting with the sky. She is going to complete an almost impossible miracle. How can she endure this waste?

The method given by Lin Xinyi is to jump out of the routine and completely digest and absorb the routine of the exercises, for your own use!

The so-called forgetting moves, "there are no moves for the move", and go out of your own martial arts!

Based on his own martial arts, he explored a way to climb the martial art to the high road. All the exercises he learned along the way, regardless of the basic, advanced, and top-level, can be completely digested and integrated into his own martial arts.

In this way, there is no waste.

For the first time, Yi Yun saw such atmospheric insights, and there was a feeling of squatting.

Yes, there are limits to the exercises, and there is no limit to the martial arts!

Mencius in ancient China said: "It is better to have a book than a book." The true saint, regardless of the basic three-character scriptures, the "hundred family name", or the more advanced four books and five classics, even extended to the hundred schools of thought. .

These countless classic subsets, they can be integrated into their own knowledge, and finally write a beautiful article!

I, be a saint, be a saint of martial arts!

Yi Yun made such a wish, and more and more seriously read Lin Xinyi's "Dragons and Tigers".

I have to say that this is the advantage of being born. Lin Xinyi is born in a big family. It has a lot of contact and insights. Naturally, it is more than average.

Yi Yuncai repaired Wu for more than two months, even if the savvy was higher, in terms of knowledge, it was not as good as Lin Xin.

Knowledge is accumulated through continuous learning, and the saints start from the language of the teeth.

Yi Yun used an hour of time to read the "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" from beginning to end, and carefully read it again, and the harvest was huge!

"I can't copy Lin's understanding. Everyone has different things. Many things can only be said to be unspeakable. I have to have my own opinions."

The opinions of others are naturally to be seen, but they cannot pick up the wisdom of others.

Yi Yun carefully put away the cheats, and the body jumped up and came to a big stone.

At this time, his body is filled with the fire energy of the Chi Lin beast. After Yi Yun breaks through the four layers of the blood, the biggest advantage is that he can flexibly call the energy in the body.

The energy of the red-beasts that were previously absorbed in the tree house were all stored in Dantian by Yi Yun. Now Yi Yun transferred it to the second line of Ren Du, and suddenly felt a hot stream.

The heat flow along the Yidu two veins of Yiyun, cycle again and again, gradually, Yiyun is hot, like a hot spring that has been soaked for an hour, and drank a lot of spirits!

With this strength, Yi Yun began to play "Dragons and Tigers"!

The energy of the red beast rushed into his mind. Yi Yun felt that his spirit was completely relaxed. His body seemed to be no longer dominated by his own ideas, but moved with instinct.

This state of liberation is the best state of martial arts.

I have to say that although Yi Yun is not good, but savvy and wisdom are far from being comparable to children of the same age, even those big family's arrogance is better than the two worlds in this respect, and the soul is further developed. More than one.

From the four layers of the meridians, to the five layers of qi in the blood, in addition to swallowing the treasure, the key is to introduce the heavens and the earth into the body!

And this step is actually more difficult!

The warriors of the great wilderness can fly to the sky, the power of the Ding Ding, Bai Ding, can fly in the sky, the mountain cracked stone.

With such great strength, where did it come from?

Do you have a few mouthfuls of rough tea, porridge and wild vegetables, and provide such energy? Obviously impossible!

Explained by the physical knowledge of the earth, energy is conserved.

If you want to let the horse run, you have to graze the horse. The warrior is the same. If you want the warrior to move the mountain, you have to give him enough energy to move the mountain!

Therefore, when the military is in the body of the flesh, what is the treasure of the heavens and the bones of the beasts, and the bones of the beasts must be eaten without interruption, because the energy required by the body of the warrior is basically supplied by diet.

After the introduction of gas, the warrior not only relies on diet to supplement energy, but also absorbs the strength of the heavens and the earth, and supplements itself by the energy between heaven and earth.

When the martial arts practice to a higher level, they can turn over the mountains and break the mountains and rivers. At this time, the main reason is no longer the diet, but the power brought by the heavens and the earth.

Yi Yun has finished playing "Dragons and Tigers Bone Boxing" twice in a row. He only feels that his body is hot and hot, and his body is sweaty. He really wants to use the "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing" to practice the essence. It is a very labor-intensive piece. thing.

The energy absorbed by Yi Yun will be used up twice, and then the energy will settle into the body of Yi Yun, nourishing his body...

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