Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 155 Chapter 155. My English is not very good


This is the name of this multinational trading company.

The main business scope is the production and sales of its clothing.

But something a little different is that this company only produces those exquisite and complicated little skirts, which are also commonly known as Lolita.

Moreover, the main business of this store is customization, which means that customers put forward their needs and designers design high-end products.

Of course, we also sell some general styles.

"It's amazing, it's all in English."

Qiao Qiao communicated with the front desk and waited on the sofa at the entrance.

There are already a lot of promotional photos of the company here.

The variety of little skirts is dazzling, and there are also some introductions and promotions written in English.

"So, Ghost Shark, your English should be pretty good, right?"

Qiao Qiao asked curiously.


Hoshino Sasha trembled.

“Of course I’m good at English, English, etc. I’m very cute, please give me money, what, isn’t it very simple?”

Hoshino Sasha said hesitantly.


Qiao Qiao was a little curious about where she learned her English.

After a while, a foreign-looking man in a suit walked out of the company. He was quite surprised when he saw Hoshino Sasha's nun uniform.

He said a simple hello in English, probably thinking that Hoshino Sasha should be able to understand it.

"Uh, nice to meet you?"

Hoshino Sasha looked at Qiao Qiao with a confused face.

"Qiao Sang, um, actually I'm not very good at English."

she said.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I can still speak the language of the country."

The foreigner heard Hoshino Sasha's words, smiled, and spoke in a somewhat unstandard accent.

"That's great!"

Hoshino Sasha sighed with emotion.

"Then please come in first, you two."

The man introduced himself as Fred, a fashion designer from England. Many of Elizabeth's skirts were designed by him. He is also the boss of this company.

"I am very interested in Japanese culture, and my wife is from the Republic of China, so I have been seeking to incorporate Japanese elements into the design of clothes."

Fred introduced.

This is not a production workshop, but there are some rather special skirts displayed in the display cabinets on the wall.

For example, a small skirt is designed that combines images such as red leaves and chrysanthemums with traditional Japanese tonal patterns.

There are also skirts that combine kimono and lace.

A dazzling array of items.

Hoshino Sasha's eyes lit up as she watched.

"By the way, Ghost Shark, don't you know English?"

Qiao Qiao looked around with his spiritual vision to see if there was any yin energy, and asked at the same time.

"Well, I, I grew up in China, and my mother is French. Isn't it completely normal not to know English?"

Hoshino Sasha said confidently.

Indeed, this kind of character who is obviously a returned child or a mixed race, but does not know English at all and is very fluent in the Chinese language, is almost a fixed role. It is the inherent impression of the Chinese people towards this kind of character, just like the Chinese cheongsam buns Same head.

"So you should be good at French?"

Qiao Qiao asked again, since her mother is French, she should have learned French at the same time when she was a child.

"Fils de pute! (French expletive)"


The sentence just now seemed to be used as a curse.

"Ghost Shark, children are not allowed to say dirty words."

Qiao Qiao still gave a reminder.

"What, Qiao San, do you know French?"

Hoshino Sasha was a little surprised.

"No, I just memorized some simple words from some study materials."

Qiao Qiao remembered the manual on international anti-O cooperation and exchange that he had read at Shimogamo Shrine.

It records commonly used words in various countries, especially the priority of various swear words.

For example, some swear words are actually just teasing between peers.

Some swear words may cause the other party to give you a bullet after you say them.

Things like this are things that must be learned.

As a result, Qiao Qiao learned several swear words commonly used in the world.

Not hearing the whispered conversation between the two people behind him, Fred led them to a corner of the company.

The lighting here is not very good, and it looks more like a warehouse than an office area.

"Actually, the problem is this thing."

Fred opened one of the doors.

This is a warehouse.

But there was almost no cargo.

In the middle of the warehouse, there is a chair.

On the chair sat a doll.


As a fashion design company.

Naturally, there will be many dolls used to display clothes.

"I bought this doll last year, and there are several more from the same batch."

"Before, they were used to show some dresses to customers, nothing special."

"But two weeks ago, a woman spotted several dresses, including the one worn by this doll."

"She bought these dresses. At that time, we were very happy because the price of each dress was high."

"But a week ago, we saw on the news that the woman killed her husband wearing one of the dresses and then committed suicide."

"From then on, things went wrong."

"The position of this doll changes from time to time, and it's clear that no one has moved it at all."

"Sometimes, the doll will have a dress on another hanger, and it will just sit in the middle of the warehouse. It's very scary."

Fred said, holding the door ajar.

"Moreover, this doll doesn't only move at night. Sometimes during the day, its position changes in just a few minutes."

Qiao Qiao looked over with his spiritual vision.

Indeed, there is a lot of Yin energy wrapped around the doll.

A figure can be seen floating behind the doll, like a spirit behind it.

It had the face of a woman, it was pale, but its eyes were deep, and red blood tears were flowing down its cheeks.

It's very simple, it's an ordinary wraith.

Qiao Qiao glanced at Hoshino Sasha and wondered what methods the church's spiritual exterminators would use to eliminate spirits.

In Christianity, there should be some place like heaven and hell to accommodate the dead, right?

"connerie! (French expletive)"

Did you say bad words again just now?

Qiao Qiao raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Fred, this doll is indeed hosted by a wraith. If we want to solve the problem, we can only destroy the doll."

Hoshino Sasha said.


When Qiao Qiao heard this word, he looked at Hoshino Sasha.

This girl has a very good way of doing things.

He appreciated it very much.

"However, we also tried throwing it away, but it always appeared in the warehouse the next day. We also tried burning it with fire before, but it couldn't be lit at all."

Fred seemed frightened.

After all, it’s scary to encounter something like this in your own company.

"no problem."

Hoshino Sasha smiled and put down the box in her hand.

"I will help you handle it properly."

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