Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 163 Chapter 163. Warning

When Ariko Asano was shaken to wake up, there was still a little drool on her lips.


She jumped up and looked around for Qiao Qiao.

"plz follow me."

The flight attendant anxiously took Asano Ariko to the back of the cabin.

Since the captain had just made an announcement, telling the passengers that the plane had encountered a small problem, but there was no sign of turbulence, the passengers were relatively calm and just confused.

"This is."

Arriving at the back of the cabin, Ariko Asano gasped when she saw the situation.

In the dim cabin, dozens of people with ashen faces were struggling to move precariously. Qiao Qiao was among them and had no time to care.

Not far from Qiaoqiao, a guy with eyes glowing green was staring at him, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

"Living corpse?"

Ariko Asano could tell the guy's state at a glance.

Living corpses are not a traditional weird thing native to Japan.

It is an existence brewed from the technology of religions such as shamans in the outer world.

The living corpse is not a living corpse, but a technique that uses some special means to project the will of the spiritual master onto the corpse, using Yin Qi and spiritual power to control the corpse.

In Onmyogliao, Onmyoji can control shikigami with his own will, and the technique of controlling living corpses is just a simplified version of this method.

After all, lifeless dead people are obviously easier to control than monsters with independent will.

In other words, what Qiao Qiao was facing now was just a manipulated corpse.

By modifying the corpse in advance and injecting the core of the technique, it can be manipulated at will even from a distance of tens of millions of kilometers.

Of course, since there are no longer any existences such as resentful spirits to transform the surrounding Yin energy, this kind of manipulation has a certain duration, just like a battery. After it is exhausted, it can no longer act.

But if, during this period, the corpses controlled by the living corpses cause casualties, then the resentful spirit will become the medium to transform the Yin Qi and continue to cause more casualties.

Ultimately, if left unchecked, this flight may turn into corpses and cause a huge commotion even after landing.

Qiao Qiao was naturally aware of this.

The revolver in his hand has been replaced with ordinary bullets.

Since he was in a confined space and on a plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Qiao Qiao could not use explosive bombs casually.


Pull the trigger and a bullet comes out.

But a corpse suddenly stood up and blocked the bullet with his body.

At this moment, a wall had been formed around the corpse at the source, blocking Qiao Qiao's attack.

During this period, corpses kept standing up, forming a horrifying and strange picture.

This reminded Ariko Asano of some movies, where a flight is attacked by zombies, and in the end no one survives and can only be shot down by a missile.

After thinking about it, I saw the scene of Qiao Qiao sitting on a small boat, holding a rocket launcher, and destroying the flight with tears in his eyes.

Somehow it makes sense.

"don't want."

Asano Ariko shook her head to drive away those random thoughts.

Now, while the living corpse was controlling the corpses to surround Qiao Qiao, it was also controlling others to move towards Asano Ariko.

It was clear that he was preparing to attack this flight and complete the transformation cycle.

"No, don't come over."

Asano Ariko took half a step back, and then took out a telescopic gold coin from her small bag.


The white sandalwood paper made a sound, and spiritual power surged through the imperial coins.

In the spiritual vision, the pure white spiritual power touched these corpses and immediately dispersed the Yin Qi from their joints. The corpses lost control and fell down.

But soon, the Yin Qi wrapped around the living corpses took control of these corpses again.

Like a puppet on strings, the body began to move again.

"Wow, that's so troublesome."

Ariko Asano shook the coins gently, but she could only temporarily stop the corpses from moving forward.

After recognizing the nature of the opponent, these corpses are just ordinary corpses to Asano Ariko.

Not as scary as a wraith.

However, Ariko Asano looked in the direction of Qiao Qiao.

A corpse rushed towards Qiao Qiao. Qiao Qiao leaned over slightly and then kicked him down.

Behind him, another corpse took the opportunity to hug him.

But Qiao Qiao's backhand was to hit the corpse on the head with the end of the revolver's grip, knocking it back.


The next moment, the trigger was pulled, and a bullet was fired in the battle, drilling through the gap between the corpses towards the source of the living corpse.


Due to the surprise, the bullet passed through many obstacles and hit the shoulder of the living corpse.

As soon as the spiritually powered warhead touched the living corpse's body, a burst of white smoke came out.

The movement of the living corpse was stagnant, and the movements of the other corpses were also half a beat slower.

A small hole has appeared on the living corpse's shoulder.

The production of a living corpse cannot be completed by simply injecting the core of the spell. The corpse itself also needs to be processed for a long time. Therefore, this is no longer an ordinary corpse. When it is hit by spiritual power, the wounds produced will naturally It's also more serious than an ordinary corpse.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qiao Qiao moved quickly and used the adjustable seat to successfully get rid of the three corpses that had been entangled with him before.

But from this angle, there is also a thick wall of corpses blocking Qiao Qiao and the living corpses.

It is impossible for Qiao Qiao's bullets to hit a living corpse.

Even though he had discovered the core of the technique located on his head through his spiritual vision.

The controller of the living corpses seemed to have noticed this. He huddled behind the other corpses and only controlled the army of corpses, pressing forward step by step.


Ariko Asano waved her royal coin, opening a path for Qiao Qiao.

She only hated that her Kagura bell was put in the suitcase, and the suitcase was in the cargo hold of the plane.

"It's okay, I can handle it."

Qiao Qiao said and took out his mobile phone.

He clicked on an audio clip.


The ringtone of Kagura bell came from the mobile phone.

Ariko Asano's body immediately tensed up, and she broke into a cold sweat subconsciously.

Hearing the ringing of the Kagura Bell, both living corpses and controlled corpses looked over.

But they were not eliminated because of the ringing, but instead became restless.

Qiao Qiao nodded imperceptibly, and then threw the phone away.

Throwed to the other end of the cabin.


The controlled corpse suddenly rushed towards the mobile phone.

As Qiao Qiao’s previous research on Kagura bell recordings showed, although the transcribed Kagura bell tones cannot remove spirits, they can attract ghosts and other strange spirits.

At that time, Qiao Qiao used the police car's broadcast system to induce the villain.

Nowadays, the Kagura ringtone on mobile phones can attract the attention of corpses.

In just an instant, a huge gap appeared between the living corpse and Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao raised the muzzle of his gun and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang——

Three bullets flew towards the living corpse.

At this distance, Qiao Qiao had no chance of missing his shot.


The living corpse suddenly took a step back. In front of him, two corpses formed the final barrier.

Three bullets hit the corpse, but failed to penetrate and harm the living corpse.

But Qiao Qiao didn't stop shooting.

Bang bang bang——

He shifted the muzzle of the gun slightly, and the remaining three bullets did not shoot towards the living corpse, but flew in a completely incomprehensible direction.

But after a while.


From a completely unexpected direction, the bullet entered the head of the living corpse.

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