Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 183 Chapter 183. Electronic Ghost

Japan, Tokyo, Shinjuku-ku.

late at night.

A two-story residential building that can be seen everywhere.

In the room, Suzuka was looking at the computer screen in the slightly dim room.

"What tricks did that witch use to get Qiao Sang to take pictures with her?"

Suzuka looked at the photos on her phone angrily.

Not only are there photos of two people sitting and eating together, but there are also various group photos and selfies taken while playing.

"I'm furious!"

Suzuka hammered the table.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have stayed at home out of anger. I would have definitely gone with him.

"And their room only has one bed!!!"

Suzuka looked at the photo Asano Ariko sent her.

"Shameless miko!"


But there was no way to fight back.

Incompetent rage.

Suzuka hammered the table again.

"However, Qiao Sang will be back tomorrow, and it will be my home court then!"

She suddenly felt a little happier again.

"It's better to make a surprise attack."

With this in mind, Suzuka opened the live broadcast room.

Audiences who received the push quickly entered the live broadcast room.

Comments such as "It's really hard to live broadcast so late", "Wait until now!" "Another attack?" and "I've been very hardworking lately" are everywhere.

There are also some big guys who directly hit the red SC, which is simple and clear.

"Yeah, thank you all. Thank you all. I couldn't sleep today, so Suzuka just thought of doing a live broadcast."

Suzuka's originally angry expression disappeared, her tone became much lighter, and she looked like she was clearly doing business.

If Qiao Qiao stood here, he would probably sigh, "Women are really scary."

"Well, I don't feel like playing games very much, so why not go watch some interesting live broadcasts."

After the opening remarks, Suzuka chatted casually for a few more words and then clicked on other live broadcast channels.

This kind of matryoshka behavior of watching other people's live broadcasts during live broadcasts seems to have a lot of audiences. There was even a case where a famous anchor's ward rounds brought a lot of traffic and new fans to a small anchor, so many people didn't mind.

Suzuka is also a popular vtuber. She often collaborates with other anchors and is very popular with everyone.

“Let’s take a look at Nanana’s live broadcast room first.”

Suzuka said while glancing at the group chat.

Several anchors with whom they are close have formed a small group chat, and among the people online at the moment is Chisato Nana.

This is also a virtual anchor, but unlike Suzuka who works alone, Chisato Nana belongs to a virtual anchor project called Haruyusha, which was established by a company.

To put it simply, Chisato Nana is a corporate virtual anchor, and anchoring is her job.

As the end of the month approaches, due to live broadcast length regulations, many corporate anchors who had too much fish at the beginning of the month are now starting to go viral.

"Ah, Nana is playing a game."

Suzuka clicked into the other party's live broadcast room. Chisato Nana was playing a puzzle-style horror game. She was startled, but she didn't dare to move forward or look back. It was very interesting.

She didn't seem to notice Suzuka's arrival either.

"Wow, Suzuka is not good at this kind of horror game. After all, Suzuka is very timid."

Suzuka commented.

"Having said that, watching Nana Nai's live broadcast like this, I always feel like there is a ghost behind it."

She smiled.

Just at this time.

Suzuka found it in the lower left corner of Chisato Nana's live broadcast room.

Suddenly a model of a virtual anchor appeared.

This model has blond hair and blue pupils, and looks quite cute.

She seemed to be watching Chisato Nana's live broadcast every time she moved.


Suzuka was stunned.

At the same time, a large number of comments erupted in both her live broadcast room and Chisato Nana's live broadcast room.

【coming! 】

【Is this the one! ? ? 】

【real or fake? 】

【Appeared! 】

And so on.

is this real?

Suzuka swallowed.

Chisato Nana was still immersed in the horror game and didn't seem to notice.

Suzuka hurriedly searched for Chisato Nana on discord.

The virtual anchor finally came back to his senses and took a look at his live broadcast room.


He was so frightened that his true voice was exposed and he screamed.

Suzuka saw that the blond figure seemed to smile.

It was a warm and lovely smile, but to Suzuka at this moment, it looked extremely scary.

If you want to ask why.

Because the virtual anchor represented by this model is named Baimei Louise. She graduated from the virtual anchor industry in April this year, that is, she stopped activities and no longer broadcasts live.

What is even more chilling is that the person under the white plum Louise leather cover, the person who broadcast live in this image, committed suicide less than a week after stopping his activities.

In other words, at this moment, it is absolutely impossible for Louise Baimei's image to appear in anyone's live broadcast again.

No one would make such a bad joke.

What about the one who is now appearing in Chisato Nana’s live broadcast room?

Suzuka looked at the blond figure and seemed to want to say something, but there was no sound.

A few minutes later, Baimei Louise's model disappeared from the live broadcast room.

"What exactly is going on"

At this moment, Suzuka desperately hoped that Qiao Qiao would be by her side.

At the airport, I said goodbye to Ariko Asano who was taking her family's private car home.

Qiao Qiao took the subway and returned to his home in Shinjuku District.

"I wonder if Suzuka has been studying seriously these days."

Qiao Qiao pulled the suitcase containing the souvenirs and opened the door with the key.


Something is wrong.

Qiao Qiao thought.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, so Suzuka should have woken up even if day and night were reversed.

However, the room was unusually quiet.

Considering that the probability of Suzuka going out is probably lower than the probability of Qiao Qiao's revolver jamming.

"has a problem."

Qiao Qiao glanced at it.

There were no traces of weirdness.

The home is very clean.

Could it be a thief or a burglary?

He put down the suitcase, took out the parts from his backpack, and quickly assembled it.

After loading the rubber bullet, Qiao Qiao walked into the house.

Laboratory, safety.

Living room, safe.

The kitchen, although there are many unwashed dishes, is still safe.

The restroom on the first floor is safe.

On the second floor, the parents' bedroom is safe.

The restroom on the second floor is safe.

Your own room, safe.

Next only

Qiao Qiao arrived at the door of Suzuka's room.

There is no sound.

Dong dong dong——

Qiao Qiao knocked on the door.


He asked, but got no answer from Suzuka.

"I'm in."

Twisting the door handle, Qiao Qiao quickly opened the door, raised his gun and rushed into Suzuka's room.

Of course, there are no robbers or thieves.


Qiao Qiao saw Suzuka curled up in the corner of the bed, wrapped in a quilt, looking very cold even though it was summer.

The trembling Suzuka didn't see Qiao Qiao until now.

"Qiao Sang, help me!"

Suzuka cried.

The following plot has nothing to do with anything that exists in reality. There is absolutely no insinuation, reference, or slander. It is purely the author's nonsense. Don't take it personally.

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