Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 197 Chapter 197. Hospitals that keep pace with the times

After listening to Qiao Qiao’s introduction to the four areas of the haunted house.

Natsume Shi felt dizzy.

Is this really a haunted house?

She had never seen this type of haunted house.

Generally speaking, haunted houses are either abandoned hospitals, fantasy castles, or ancient Japanese style.

But this kind of haunted house with mountains, forests, and even the sea is completely contrary to Natsume's understanding of poetry.

No, no, no, before that, with only two weeks left, is it really possible to build such a large place in the school?

"At this scale, two weeks is enough time."

Qiao Qiao put away the drawings.

"Two weeks?"

Natsume Shi tilted her head.

Not to mention this haunted house with various mechanisms and complex structure.

Even a warehouse with the simplest structure may not be able to be built in two weeks, right?

The stage construction for the Minejo Festival has gradually begun this week. Previously, there were disputes because it affected the activities of some sports clubs, and disciplinary committee members like Natsume Shiki were asked to coordinate.

After all, construction cannot be done during school hours, and it is already dark after school, so in most cases construction can only be concentrated on weekends, which conflicts with the time for some sports club activities.

It would take two or three weeks to build such a simple stage. The haunted house in Qiaoqiao didn't work well for Natsume Shishi.

"Don't worry, I know a good construction company that can do it in a short time."

Qiao Qiao replied.

"Well, if it doesn't work out, I'll just get some traditional ghost clothes or something to deal with it."

Natsume Shi really can’t believe Qiao Qiao.

Although he is quite reliable in removing spirits, his methods always make Natsume Shishi uncomfortable.

It's like a genie who can grant people's wishes, but if he makes a wish for a boy to fall in love with him, he will wipe out all the other people in the world, leaving only the wish-maker and the target. The feeling of fulfilling one's wishes.

Although it can be seen from the design drawing that this is still a haunted house mainly composed of mechanisms and props, but who knows what problems Qiao Qiao will cause during the actual production.

"Tomorrow is Friday. I will contact the company tonight and we can start building it on Saturday."

Qiao Qiao said.

"As for the other members of the Mysterious Research Department."

He glanced at the students sitting at the back of the classroom, making them tremble.

"I'll be responsible for the interior decoration and the production of props together with Amamiya-san."

After that, several people discussed the specific implementation details. It was not until half past six that Qiao Qiao rode his motorcycle to a secluded alley in Shinjuku District.

The canteen has just opened late at night.

"It's finally here."

There were still no other customers in the store. The boss was smoking and saw Qiao Qiao opening the curtain and saying hello.

"Well, boss, I want the pork soup set meal."

Qiao Qiao sat down and waited for a while before the boss served the hot pork soup.

"Boss, the construction company I mentioned before should be free during this time, right?"

"Well, I told him today, no problem."

"That's great, you are worthy of being the boss's classmate."

After Qiao Qiao finished speaking, he took the hot soup, put the rice into his mouth with chopsticks, and ate happily.

After talking about the Peak City Festival, the boss immediately mentioned that he had a classmate who happened to be engaged in the related construction industry and was very efficient.

It is said that the boss is from China. As soon as he heard this information, Qiao Qiao felt stable.

"Are you going to have the spirit removed tonight?"

Generally speaking, Qiao Qiao would not come to the late-night cafeteria for dinner at this time, so the boss asked.

"Well, judging from the information, he should be an ordinary wraith."

Qiao Qiao drank a sip of flavored soup.

"It's just that the location is a little special."

Qiao Qiao said after thinking of the place of entrustment.

"On the seventh floor of the inpatient department of Shibuya Central Hospital."

"I seem to remember that place."

The boss touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"Well, it's the hospice care department, but the body of the resentful spirit is not the patient there."

Qiao Qiao explained.

To put it simply, a patient at Shibuya Ward Central Hospital died of organ failure due to complications after surgery.

The patient was a very proud financial investor during his lifetime, and the surgery was only a mid-level operation.

There are no problems with the medical aspects of the operation.

If anything, it's just pure bad luck.

Yes, even with a minor surgery like appendix, someone can die from a variety of low-probability reasons.

This patient lost his life due to ordinary bad luck. It was a tragedy that occurred under probability.

But he doesn't seem to think so.

He is obviously still young and rich, and his future is bright.

How could he die because of something like this.

Indeed, if it were Qiao Qiao, he would be unhappy if he sneezed and fell to his death while walking on the road one day.

The resentful spirit wandered around the hospital and finally hid in the hospice department on the seventh floor.

The patients there, as the name suggests, are all patients who are on the verge of death due to various diseases and have no cure, so they have given up treatment and only use pain-relieving drugs to spend the last part of their lives.

I don’t know why the evil spirit’s malice is directed there.

Qiao Qiao couldn't figure it out.

But as long as the resentful spirits are dealt with, there will be no problem.

After having dinner and sending another Line message to Suzuka, Qiao Qiao rode his motorcycle to the Central Hospital in Shibuya District.

This is a national hospital, very large. It is night and all the ward lights are still on.

After Qiao Qiao registered, he came to the top floor of the inpatient department, which was the seventh floor.

Compared to the other floors, the environment here is obviously much better.

As soon as I got out of the elevator and came to the lobby, I saw several patients wearing hospital gowns gathering in the lobby to watch TV.

It's very similar to scenes in some medical dramas.

In Japanese TV dramas, law and medicine have always been traditional arts and the subjects they are best at.

Qiao Qiao has also watched several TV series with similar themes.

A few elderly people sit together chatting and watching TV, teasing the male protagonist who has just been hospitalized, and a sickly beautiful girl they met in the hospital. During this period, one or several elderly people died. This kind of scene can be regarded as a depiction of daily life and death. The series of hospital-themed works has been finalized.

However, the patients on the seventh floor are not all old people, but more middle-aged people who seem to be in good health, including young people.

They watched the content on TV but did not show much emotion.

"So, Alice said to her friend, well, as expected, you should start eating the conch bread from the side with butter."

Qiao Qiao saw what was playing on the TV.

This is the live broadcast of Miko Asano Alice.


Qiao Qiao was stunned.

Are all hospitals nowadays so advanced with the times?

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