Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 314 Chapter 314. Ordinary punches

Just as he lifted his feet, Qiao Qiao suddenly stopped.

"Professor Sometani, let me ask you, this mecha shouldn't have any female soul injected into it, and it will go berserk after a power outage for five minutes, right?"

"What are you talking about, Mr. Qiao, that's a project of the Human Completion Laboratory."

Is there really such a research laboratory?

Qiao Qiao secretly complained.

But having said that, this power armor feels really amazing.

Qiao Qiao raised his hand.

Even when wearing ordinary clothes, a person's movements are subject to certain restrictions, but at this moment, this power armor is like Qiao Qiao's own skin, and his presence cannot be felt at all.

If it weren't for the blue and white shape that could be seen in his field of vision, Qiao Qiao would have thought it was some nasty joke like the emperor's new clothes.

In the corner of the field of vision, you can see some simple values.

According to Professor Sometani, this is data projected directly onto the retina.

The most noteworthy one is something called the Einstein Index.

To put it simply, it is the strength of the idealistic field created by the Einstein reality enhancement anchor and the anti-Einstein reality enhancement anchor.

Of course, this is from the physical side.

This index currently reads 32, and the minimum value required to use this suit of power armor and make it function properly is 20.

Below 20, the combat effectiveness of this set of power armor will drop sharply in all aspects. After all, in a materialistic world, this level of black technology is simply too outrageous.

The higher the Einstein index, the higher the combat effectiveness of the power armor.

There was no time to discuss whether it was disrespectful to use this scientist's name to define something that was completely non-materialistic science. Qiao Qiao tried to throw a punch.


The moment he waved his arm, a shock wave formed by the compression of turbid air rippled in front of his fist. With the steel fist as the center, a white cloud formed by condensation of water vapor spread out.

In the laboratory, a gust of wind blew up, making the place a mess as if it had experienced a small earthquake.


Is there something wrong with this?

Qiao Qiao looked at his fist.

At that moment just now, the speed of sound was exceeded?

This is a bit outrageous.

"Professor Someya, should we change places?"

He was a little worried about the precious experimental equipment around him.

After all, if you pick up something you haven't seen much, it might be a treasure worth tens of millions.


Even insurance may not be able to afford it.

"Yes, yes, let's borrow [the one] from the New Materials Research Laboratory."


Qiao Qiao didn't understand this referring name at all.

But ten minutes later, a female researcher wearing goggles brought a huge container.

"Hello, I am Katsuragi from the New Materials Research Laboratory. I am finally able to meet the legendary Qiao Jun. I am very happy!"

She patted the box.

"This is a new material testing system developed by our research laboratory. Please help us test it, Qiao Jun."

Qiao Qiao looked at the container and felt it looked familiar.

Well, the material used in my exoskeleton armor seems to be this.

He touched it lightly, and the coldness of the metal was transmitted through the armor on his body.

Qiao Qiao walked into the container, and after hearing the seal outside, the dark space lit up.


Qiao Qiao discovered that this place was not small at all, but rather very vast.

He is standing in the sky.

There is endless space under your feet, giving people a little fear of falling.

"Ah, is it really better to have the ground?"

Professor Katsuragi's voice came from the mecha, and Qiao Qiao quickly stood on the ground again.

"This is our special test barrier. It uses memetic technology to allow those inside to come into contact with almost complete reality. Qiao Jun can use it at will without any worries."

Katsuragi said, creating a metal plate in front of Qiao Qiao.

"Let's try the 50mm first."

The black metal plate emits cold light and changes in thickness, standing in front of Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao raised his hand.

One punch.

The sonic explosion exploded and water vapor filled the air. When he came back to his senses, his fist had appeared on the other side of the metal plate.

Qiao Qiao didn't even have time to feel the touch of the steel plate before he passed through it.

"It's not enough at all. Come again, double this time."

The metal plate penetrated by the fist disappeared immediately and was replaced by a thicker metal plate.

Qiao Qiao raised his hand again.

One punch.

"That's it?"

Qiao Qiao even felt a little more relaxed than before.

But it doesn’t feel like much.

It was like a fist pumping in the air.

This is not to say that these metal plates are fragile.

Qiao Qiao has also seen their intensity.

It fell freely from a high altitude and hit the ground without even a scratch. It was a material that could confront the big monster head-on. It would not be any worse no matter what.

This mecha is still too powerful.

Qiao Qiao thought.

In the next five minutes, he punched through twenty metal plates.

These metal plates are made of different materials, all of which are extremely strong.

But for Qiao Qiao, there is almost no difference.


Qiao Qiao's hand retracted from the metal plate, as if withdrawing from the water, without feeling any hindrance.

"This power armor is a bit too hard."

Qiao Qiao looked at his hands.

As long as he is willing, he can indeed feel the pain of being pierced by metal, but naturally, this thin layer of armor can also isolate most of the damage in Qiao Qiao's cognition.

"Sure enough, compared to materials using idealistic fields, traditional physics can no longer support it."

Professor Katsuragi's slightly disappointed voice came out.

"Just in time, let me test the anti-strike ability of this mecha. Qiao Jun, remember to say it when you can't bear it. But anyway, you have the ability of the vampire, so there should be no problem for a while." .”

Professor Someya's voice came again.

"Anti-attack capability?"

Qiao Qiao didn't fully understand it yet.

It exploded beneath his feet.

High enough temperature and heat to vaporize steel instantly burst out from Qiaoqiao at close range.

Within the barrier, a mushroom cloud rose out of thin air.

Qiao Qiao, who was at the center of the explosion, clearly saw the moment when the rock vaporized and dissipated due to the high temperature. There was only pure light and heat around him. Of course, even this light and heat were the product of being filtered by the armor.

The smoke was quickly dispersed, and in the center of a crystallized pit, Qiao Qiao stood there, intact.

"How do you feel, Mr. Qiao?"

Professor Someya's voice came.

"It's a little hot, but otherwise it's fine."

Qiao Qiao looked at the armor on his body.

In perfect condition, not even a scratch.

The strength of the idealistic field increased slightly due to stimulation, around 40, but it quickly decreased again.

Is it really idealistic? It will change according to the user's will.

Outside the container, Ariko watched this scene and was dumbfounded.

Because she clearly saw just now that the strike intensity set by Professor Someya was at the nuclear explosion level.

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