Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 318 Chapter 318. Qiao Qiao is not good at taking transportation

"Our plane shouldn't crash, right?"

Sitting on an old hydroplane, Qiao Qiao asked loudly.

"No, this plane has been protected."

The pilot wearing sunglasses replied, holding the control stick and flying towards an archipelago.

Located on the northern side of Bermuda, the islands that are not marked on most maps are distributed in a radial pattern, with one island as the center, and the other sixteen islands are divided into three circles, surrounding the middle one.

Among these islands, the smallest island is only the size of a school playground, more like a reef. The largest island is the one in the middle, but in Qiao Qiao's opinion, it is just a little bigger than his high school.

Although these islands can be explained by the miraculous workmanship of nature, Qiao Qiao still confirmed that this was a weird area after seeing the black area among the islands.

The wings began to vibrate crazily, and frightening sounds came from various parts of the plane. Qiao Qiao retracted his gaze and looked at the pilot.

"Is this okay?"

he asked.

"Don't worry, we are professional drivers and nothing will go wrong."

The driver just finished speaking.

The propeller located at the nose of the plane suddenly lost power and stopped.


Qiao Qiao was a little worried about this journey.

"It's okay, it's just a normal engine stall. I just need to press this gently."

The driver pressed a red button.


The engine emitted a burst of black smoke, and Qiao Qiao smelled a strong smell of something burning.

"No, don't be nervous. Even without an engine, this plane can still glide on its wings and land on the water."


Qiao Qiao looked at the violently vibrating wings.


Right under his nose, the left wing was broken off.


The fuselage became unstable and flipped to one side.

"This kind of thing happens occasionally."

The pilot picked up his jump pack.

"Let's go skydiving."

Qiao Qiao did not look for a skydiving backpack, but visually measured the distance.


Jumped out of the plane.

The wind whistled in my ears.

Qiao Qiao fell from a high altitude.

He saw the pilot open his parachute and float slowly in the air.

The plane had completely disintegrated.

On the plane, a black mass of indescribable things was falling along with the debris.

"There is indeed a problem."

Qiao Qiao rushed towards the sea.

Less than two hundred meters from the sea, he bit his finger.


Blood suddenly surged out, forming a huge parachute.

Qiao Qiao, who was falling at high speed, suddenly slowed down, just like a flying baseball being hit and drawing a beautiful arc towards the outfield.

If it were an ordinary person, this moment of deceleration would be enough to cause damage to most of the internal organs, but Qiao Qiao has the power of a vampire after all, and internal injuries of this level can be healed by just sneezing.

The blood formed a propeller, allowing Qiao Qiao to move toward his destination during the final distance.

It was a scientific research ship docked on the shore of one of the islands.

The crew set up a simple dock. On the island, several tents were bathing in the sun, and researchers in white coats could be seen coming and going among them.

Qiao Qiao slowly landed on the deck of the scientific research vessel.

The blood was withdrawn and he landed smoothly.


The crew members on the scientific research ship looked at each other, wondering who this person was.

"Qiao Jun, I didn't expect you to appear in this way."

After about five minutes, a researcher came out of the cabin. It was Professor Someya from the Power Armor Laboratory of Izumo Heavy Industries First Research Institute.

"There was a little problem on the road."

Qiao Qiao looked at the sea in the distance. Large pieces of aircraft debris were floating, and there was no trace of the monster.

As for the driver, he was fished out by a speedboat sent out.

"Does this happen often lately?"

Qiao Qiao asked.

"Well, ever since this thing appeared, abnormal phenomena within the fifty nautical miles around here have become more frequent. It must have been affected by hell, and the power of the weirdos has also increased."

Professor Sometani led Qiao Qiao into the cabin and came to one of the rooms.

Here are the research room's power armor, various experimental equipment, etc. On one side of the wall, there is also a chart of the nearby sea area.

There was a large area marked on the chart, and there were some symbols on it that Qiao Qiao couldn't understand.

"Hell exists."

Professor Sometani opened the window, where he could see the island in the distance.

On the islands, large areas were stained black, as if they had been splashed with indelible ink.

"Just like a fantasy realm like paradise, hell is a similar existence. According to our speculation, most of the ghosts hide in hell on weekdays, so most divination and detection are impossible. Find where they are."

Professor Sometani found a chair for Qiao Qiao and sat in front of the computer. On the screen were complex data and codes.

"In addition, the existence of hell may be much larger than we imagined. The ghosts can move silently through hell. This is one of the reasons why Ibaraki Doji appeared unexpectedly in Izumo where many priests gathered. .”

"In addition, based on the situation in paradise, we speculate that hell is also the space formed by the corpse of a certain being who once had the name of god who failed in the battle of faith and fell."

"Then this being is much more powerful than Yamata no Orochi."

Qiao Qiao sighed with emotion.

The paradise formed by the corpse of Yamata no Orochi is said to have been a vast land close to a country at first, but now it is only two mountain peaks.

Hell, on the other hand, looks significantly larger and has a much longer history.

"Well, after all, in the legends of various ancient civilizations, there are existences similar to hell, the underworld, the underworld, and the underworld. According to the speculations of archaeologists, hell may have existed in the oldest period of human belief, and its scope covered the entire Earth."

Professor Someya smiled.

"The so-called limbo is the leakage of hell into the real world. This is not due to the will of hell or anything else, it is just a normal natural phenomenon."

"Through the expansion of the border of hell, the scope of hell will gradually become smaller, just like a part of hell is gradually transformed into ordinary reality. By the way, similar situations will occur in other similar boundaries."

"Of course, in ancient times, this natural phenomenon was considered a natural disaster and was feared by people, and there are corresponding records in the history of various places."

"This limbo is one that has rarely appeared in the past twenty-five years."

After hearing Professor Someya's words, Qiao Qiao suddenly had an idea.

"Since there is a boundary called hell, is there a corresponding concept of heaven or divine realm?"

"This is it."

Professor Someya touched his chin.

"The Kingdom of Heaven does not exist."

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