Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 335 Chapter 335. Look, look, Qiao Sang

"Look, look at Qiao Sang, the sleeves of a kimono can look like this."

Suzuka swung her sleeves, rolled them up and loosened them, looking like a naughty child.

She was wearing a red kimono with a deer pattern, white footbags and wooden clogs, and was jumping happily on the road, like a carefree elementary school student.

"How old are you to still play this?"

Qiao Qiao held his forehead.

“My family used to go to Meiji Shrine to pay homage together during the darkest days.”

Kiriye wore a black and red kimono with a crescent moon decoration. It was more adult-like than Suzuka's child's style. With her long silver hair, it had an exotic feel.

"There are also a lot of people visiting Meiji Jingu this year."

Sayoko followed Qiao Qiao like a little bird. Her kimono was light purple and decorated with white flowers. She was youthful and beautiful, but not too mature.

As for Qiao Qiao, he simply put on a winter school uniform and went out.

The four of them took a taxi to the entrance of Atsuta Shrine's Tokyo branch and followed the flow of people into the shrine.

There are many residents nearby. Although it is not as crowded as Meiji Shrine or Sensoji Temple, there are still people coming and going along the way.

Walking up the stairs to the shrine, you will see a kami-zukuri-style roof similar to that of Atsuta Jingu in Nagoya.

There were couples with children, old people supporting each other, and teenagers and girls in school uniforms. Everyone lined up in an orderly manner in the square in front of the shrine. Miko maidens wearing red and white miko uniforms shuttled among the crowd, which was very special. Busy.

It is said that during busy times, the shrine hires a large number of temporary shrine maidens. There must be many shrine maidens who were originally female high school students in the Tokyo branch of Atsuta Shrine.

Qiao Qiao and others quickly got to the front of the crowd, paid homage, threw money, rang the bell, bowed twice, clapped twice, made a wish, and finally bowed again. This was a simple process of paying homage.

But Atsuta Shrine.

The god Atsuta was worshiped, which was the Tiancong Yunjian. Qiao Qiao thought that this guy probably wouldn't care too much about it, so he wasn't that pious.

"What kind of wish did Sayoko make? Why does she look so happy?"

Just after visiting the shrine, Suzuka started to inquire about it with great interest.

"You can't say this, otherwise it won't be effective."

Wuye said, although she didn't know why as a half-demon she believed in this kind of thing so much.

"Gee, how old are you and still believe this kind of legend?"

Suzuka expressed her disdain and hugged Qiao Qiao's arm again.

"What is your wish, Joe Sancho San?"

"Well, world peace."

Qiao Qiao said seriously.

"It's really a Qiao Sang style wish."

Suzuka subconsciously kept two steps away from Qiao Qiao.

"Well, let's put it this way."

Qiao Qiao suddenly thought that if he paid homage here, his prayers would eventually be conveyed to Tiancong Yunjian.

Then some wishes related to love will probably be ignored by Tiancong Yunjian?

It seemed like he had sensed some big conspiracy.

Qiao Qiao saw Yalizi who had just left the counter selling Yushou.

She seemed to be changing shifts with another miko, and came to Qiao Qiao's side in a hurry.

"Teacher, I've been waiting for a long time."

Ariko was wearing an orthodox hakama, white, and scarlet hakama miko uniform today, with Chihaya on top, her long hair tied up with a red hairpin, white footbags on her feet, and red button straw sandals, which was very formal.

It is said that only official shrine maidens of the shrine can wear Chihaya, while temporary shrine maidens working part-time are not allowed to wear such clothes. Looking around the shrine, there are indeed not many shrine maidens wearing Chihaya like Ariko.

"How about it?"

Ariko also spun around.

"suitable for you."

Qiao Qiao praised.

"Hehe, I dressed up specially today."

As she spoke, Ariko hugged Qiao Qiao's arm and rubbed against him affectionately.

The other three girls had some complaints, but since they were at their own shrine, it was not convenient to say anything.

Afterwards, a few people visited the omishou stalls set up by the shrine to celebrate the New Year, performed some kagura dances, etc., before setting off home.

Not long after arriving home, before Qiao Qiao had time to change his clothes, his phone started vibrating.

It's a message from the Soul Exorcist Association.

Among the several coordinates provided by the old god's wish, three have been determined to be located in the country of peace.

One of them decided to leave it to Qiao Qiao to lead the team for verification.

The Association of Spiritual Exterminators believes that Qiao Qiao's selection by the old gods' wishes is not just a coincidence. Maybe letting him come into contact with these old gods can have unexpected effects.

"This winter vacation is really short."

Qiao Qiao sighed and confirmed the content of the message.

Snowy night.

Miki Koichiro drove the car slowly on the somewhat rough road.

This area is mostly mountainous and the roads are winding. If you are not careful, accidents can easily occur.

Today is another rare heavy snowfall.

"Really, if I had known earlier, I would have listened to Archer and stayed one more night."

Miki Koichiro went to Yamanashi Prefecture to attend a classmate's wedding two days ago. He stayed one night after the wedding and was going to drive back to Tokyo today. Although the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow and there might even be a mountain closure, considering that the New Year was approaching, Miki Koichiro decided to leave. .

He declined his classmate's kind request to stay one more night and drove on the road.

"But it's always not good to disturb newlyweds."

When Koichiro Miki set off in the afternoon, the sky was still quite gloomy, and it began to snow lightly in the evening. It wasn't until he had dinner near the rest stop that the snow finally became heavier after he set off again.

Auspicious snow heralds a good year, but for those traveling at night, this is not good news.

Ice and snow can make roads slippery, reduce visibility, and block people's sight.

What's more, a long stretch of road from Yamanashi Prefecture to Tokyo is mountainous. If something goes wrong, it will have to wait until daytime.

Miki Koichiro drove the car carefully, with only the street lights always on around him. The snowy night made him feel lonely and isolated. Even his friends were already married, but he had no partner yet, which was really disappointing.

"Obviously I was the more popular one when I was a student."

In this mood, Miki Koichiro was slightly distracted.

In front of the car, a white animal suddenly jumped out from the side of the road and crossed the road.


Miki Koichiro was shocked and immediately stepped on the brakes. Due to the skidding, the speed of the car did not slow down immediately.

Fortunately, he didn't drive too fast, and the animal was nimble and quickly slipped away from the guardrail on the other side.

"Is it a fox?"

Miki Koichiro looked at the direction in which the animals were going away, and saw a vast expanse of white and pitch black.

He wanted to restart the car, but found that it would not start.

"Isn't it?"

Miki Koichiro got out of the car and checked the situation.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong, but the car just won't start.

"It can't be because of an evil encounter."

He remembered the legend of Yamanashi Prefecture that his friend once mentioned.

It is said that there is a small village in the mountains. This small village is isolated from the world and still lives a retro life. If you accidentally break into it, the villagers will warmly entertain the guests. However, I don’t know why, as long as you enter the small village, No one can come back alive.

It was probably a similar legend. Miki Koichiro didn't listen carefully at the time. Anyway, the folk tales were similar.

Just when Miki Koichiro was at a loss, looking at the cell phone signal outside the circle and worrying.

A woman wearing a simple kimono suddenly appeared from the side of the road.

"Can I help you?"

The woman came to the car window and asked.

After looking at the dubbing in the first few chapters, they seem to be pretty good.

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