Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 469 Chapter 469. Crazy evolution

After hearing Nishino Hiroshi's words, Qiao Qiao quickly thought of the clown BOSS he had encountered in the Gray Hat Software in the Nakano District.

Speaking of which, I don't know if the game called "Horror Park" has been released.

Qiao Qiao couldn't help but be concerned about the food and clothing problem of his old friend Shinnosuke Arai.

I won’t mention it here for now, but the clown BOSS is a memetic weirdness that also takes into account the characteristics of an electronic ghost. It is a new type of weirdness.

Because this weirdness has no variability, it cannot even exist outside the framework of the game, so Qiao Qiao easily solved the weirdness with bucket numbers and bugs in the game.

Later, during the Kamamachi incident, Qiao Qiao roughly learned that the electronic ghost was an experiment used by monsters to collect Yin energy. Later, the blame naturally fell on Tamamo Mae, who had been operating behind the scenes all these years.

Now it seems that Tamamo Mae has not stopped developing weird things.

Today's electronic ghosts have mastered the ability to actively evolve and are not bound by the system.

"These files. These simulated brains seem to have backed up themselves and hid several backups in the server. How is this possible!!?"

Caiqian also came to the computer and after checking the records, he couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Well, fortunately our server is physically isolated from the outside network. Otherwise, if it were connected to the Internet, we probably wouldn't be able to control the spread."

Satomi was very calm and said after confirming the status of the server.

"This, is this real artificial intelligence?"

Iwata's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his own eyes.

"Qiao Sang, what can you do?"

Nishino Hiro hurriedly asked Qiao Qiao for help.

"Well, there is a way."

Qiao Qiao showed a kind smile.

"Since this server is not connected to the outside world, it means that these weirdly contaminated simulated brains only exist on this server."

He tapped the rack that held the many blade servers.

"Then you just need to completely purify the server and it will be fine."

"Purification means?"

Nishino Hong didn’t quite understand what Qiao Qiao meant.

"The simplest thing is physical destruction, just blow up the entire server."


The four researchers all had question marks on their heads.

"Explosion? Is this a special term for a spiritual master?"

Cai Qian thought that what Qiao Qiao was referring to had another meaning. After all, every other line was like a mountain. Maybe in the dictionary of spirit exorcists, blasting was actually the abbreviation of some special spirit extermination operation.

"It's literally blasting. I carry plastic explosives and detonators with me, and I'm proficient in blasting theory. I can use the smallest amount of energy to completely destroy this server. There will definitely be no residue. Don't worry, I'm Experts in this field.”


Even the calm Satomi couldn't help but have exclamation marks on his face.

Is this guy serious?

After seeing Qiao Qiao take out a lunch box from his backpack, the four researchers finally understood that Qiao Qiao was not making some cold joke.

But really preparing to blow up the server.

"No, no, no, Qiao Sang, absolutely not!"

Nishino Hiroshi grabbed Qiao Qiao, who was kneading semi-dried chewing gum-like clay into small balls.

"This server contains all the data and backups of our research. If it is destroyed, then our research, the funds invested before, and all the years of hard work will be in vain!"

He said with great emotion.

"Yes, is there a gentler way, Master?"

Caiqian's name for Qiao Qiao has changed.

"Can you use your power, Master, to directly find all the backups and eliminate them?"

Iwata also asked.

"Well, I can give it a try."

Qiao Qiao put away his lunch box.

Put your hands on the server.

Spiritual infusion.

Since he had already roughly scanned the contents of the server before, the killing speed was very fast this time.

At this moment, in that intricate and tiny electronic structure, the tide of spiritual power spreads like a torrent, washing away the entire server, not sparing any small corner.

Those files that simulate the brain that have been eroded by weirdness are like a boat, swaying, drifting, and finally sinking in the storm of spiritual power.

However, as he kept killing, Qiao Qiao discovered that these simulated brains that had been eroded by weirdness seemed to be organizing a counterattack.

"Wait, these things are modifying their own data and structures?"

Satomi couldn't help but said aloud as he watched windows popping up on the screen.

"Not only are they changing themselves, they are also multiplying like crazy."

Iwata was stunned when he saw this scene.

Yes, they take advantage of the computing speed of computers and are constantly iterating their own status and adapting to the erosion of Qiao Qiao's spiritual power.

Perhaps the first time, Qiao Qiao could take out ten backups at a time, but the second time, he could only take out eight, and the third time, he might only be able to take out less than four backups.

This is a rapid evolution using high-performance computers, and it is self-editing that is difficult for all artificial intelligence at this stage to achieve.

No, in fact, by now, these simulated brains are no longer simply out-of-control artificial intelligence.

It is a brand new species based on electronic components and virtual space.

"I once read a novel about a group of scientists who recreated the brains of some dead people in the electronic world. In the novel, the virtual humans in the electronic world quickly established their own country and Civilization relies on the ability of computers to operate at high speeds."

Qiao Qiao didn't panic. Instead, he spoke quite leisurely, as if he was gossiping.

"Human beings are simply unable to resist such a rapidly evolving civilization. In the end, they can only resort to a global power outage to wipe out all these cyborgs."

"Power outage? This is impossible. These things are not in the cache. Even if the power is out, it will only temporarily interrupt their evolution process."

Cai Qian said confused.

On the screen, the entire project file is being tampered with by these simulated brains at a speed that is incomprehensible to humans. With their own evolution, these simulated brains can gradually resist Qiao Qiao's spiritual impact.

"No, if this continues"

Nishino Hiroshi was a little desperate. If this continued, it would be difficult to retain all the data they had obtained in the past. The entire project would be no different from being blown up by Qiao Qiao.

However, Qiao Qiao's process of injecting spiritual power did not stop.

He constantly changes the structure of his spiritual power, suppressing the weirdness in the server at the ultimate speed that humans can achieve.

However, such efforts appear to be in vain.

Nishino Hiroshi saw that all the computer screens were turning red little by little.

Finally, when the last screen turned blood red, a line of words appeared on it.

"I win, human."

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