Truth is everywhere within range

Chapter 499 Chapter 499. I set off a revival of spiritual energy in Tokyo

The foot of Mount Fuji.

Aokigahara sea of ​​trees.

This is the holy land of suicide in Japan. It can be traced back to novels in the 1960s. Since then, the reputation of Shuhai has become more and more famous. Countless people choose to commit suicide here every year, even people who come to Mount Fuji. You will see dead bodies on the roadside.

As for why so many people commit suicide here, relevant scholars have many opinions.

Some people who are a bit metaphysical believe that there is a special power here that will attract people who yearn for death.

To put it more idealistically, this is a manifestation of some kind of collective unconsciousness, and the person who committed suicide unconsciously chose this place.

The more scientific ones say that the Sea of ​​Trees and the Holy Land of Suicide complement each other. As more people commit suicide, the speed at which corpses are found here becomes faster. It is not like some news that no one dies at home for a month, so people Committing suicide just for the sake of its reputation as a holy place for suicide, it actually contributed to its reputation.

A man with a simple and strong appearance wearing hunting clothes is walking among the sea of ​​trees. The environment is deep and inaccessible, showing a peaceful scene.

He was holding an ordinary spear in his hand. At first glance, he looked like a bit player who had snuck out from the filming crew of Dahe Drama. He was walking leisurely towards it step by step.

". We have arrived at the famous Sea of ​​Trees, which is the holy land of suicide in the Republic of China. Now let's find out whether this place is really full of corpses as the rumors say."

A man with a cameraman was saying something to the camera. He looked like an anchor. He was probably from a network or TV show.

Next to him, in a place not captured by the camera, there are skeletons that look very horrifying, but if you look closely, you can see that they are just models from a biological laboratory.

Maybe it’s because so few people have committed suicide recently that the corpses can’t be found at all. In order to create the horror atmosphere of the show, they replaced them with models.

When the man saw the strangely dressed man, he felt a chill go down his spine.

Could it be an ancient resentful spirit?

The anchor forgot to explain and stood there blankly for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

The photographer hurriedly stopped shooting and looked in the direction of the strangely dressed man.

The other party suddenly stopped and glanced here.


The two of them seemed to be running away, but their bodies were unable to move for some unknown reason, as if they were being held down by a ghost.

That simple man seemed to have extremely powerful power, which shocked the two of them and caused them to have an instinctive reaction of suspended animation.

The man just glanced here and continued walking forward.

It wasn't until he disappeared into the sea of ​​trees that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground with weak legs.

"I-I thought I was going to be killed."

The anchor let out a breath.

"Who is that?"

The cameraman was also extremely confused.

But the next moment, his puzzled expression turned into horror.

"You, your body."

The anchor looked quickly at his arm.

The strong arms that had been trained began to turn blue, turn purple, and swell.

Not only that, but his abdomen began to swell, like the belly of a glutton.

Black spots began to spread on the host's face. He rolled his eyes and lay down on the ground. His whole body exuded a strong aura of corruption, and he soon transformed into the appearance of a giant.

At the same time, the photographer also began to corrupt, and the two fell to the ground, no longer breathing life.

At this time, the spirit slayer had also arrived at the top of Mount Fuji.

He waved the Heavenly Spear in his hand, and the volcano, which had been silent for thousands of years, let out a low roar.

But Mount Fuji did not erupt, only violent earthquakes occurred throughout Japan.

In the sea of ​​trees, where the two people died, the trees began to change.

On the dark brown tree trunk, the green leaves withered and withered. Then, blood-red buds sprouted and grew leaves that looked like flesh and blood. They quickly bore fruit and sprouted a human head with a depressed expression.

The tree trunk also turned into white bones, growing crazily.

The spirit-killing master stood by the crater, surrounded by two jade fragments of the Four Souls. The spiritual power burst out from them and poured into the earth through the Heavenly Spear.

"The era of gods has ended, and I will usher in a new era of the Night of the Hundred Demons."

He waved his spear, and with He Guo as the center point, a shock wave of spiritual power spread out.

All spiritual things burst out with unprecedented power in an instant. From the perspective of pure spiritual power, it was like injecting a huge amount of spiritual power into these things, forcibly accelerating the process of turning them into monsters.

Suzuka was able to transform from a deer into a human in just three years, and now, all living things in the world have gained power in an instant.

This is a spiritual resurgence that is spreading across the globe.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the air suddenly increased tens of millions of times.

The increase in the concentration of spiritual energy weakens the basic laws of reality, the abnormality index rises, and the entire world is undoubtedly changing towards a world with higher abnormality levels.

The changes this brings are unprecedented.

In Chiyoda District, an otaku was watching an animation of a girl with cat ears, and his cat jumped up on the table, probably because it had nothing to eat, and it was meowing.

"Change it!"

On a whim, the otaku pointed at the cat-eared girl on the screen and said to his cat. Of course, this was just a joke, so he smiled to himself.

However, the next moment, the cat swelled up and soon turned into a naked humanoid.

"?Really changed?"

The otaku became a little excited for a moment and stood up.

Then, he discovered that his cat was a male cat.

Hokkaido, on the farm.

A farm girl was feeding her cows. The weather was still a little cold, and she couldn't help but shiver.

At this time, the cow in front of her suddenly screamed, and then its body squirmed and turned into a human appearance.


The woman transformed from the turbulent cow sat on the ground and screamed.


In the lobby of a Chinese-owned hotel, Sakura was watching Tom and Jerry on TV.

She was holding a calico cat in her arms. The cat was yawning and seemed slightly bored.

At this time, the spiritual power spread here, and the birds flying in the sky and the neighbor's Doberman Pinscher all turned into human forms.

Even those ancient buildings, electrical appliances and tools imbued with spirituality began to tremble.

Sakura saw the commotion outside and looked at the cat in her arms.

"Tom, why haven't you changed?"

The cat, who was still licking its paws, suddenly froze.

It screamed, jumped off the little girl's lap, slipped out of the door, and went to who knows where.

"Tom's gone!"

Sakura yelled, but her parents stopped her, it was now chaos outside, the animals in human form were starting to cause a commotion.

And the cat came to the beach.

"What are those guys doing?"

It sighed and dived into the sea.

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