Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 27 Mutated plants and shocking magic apprentices

"Hey, I thought he was so powerful when he made such a big commotion! Unexpectedly, it turned out that this scene really made us look like lowly farmers?"

After Ajaf walked away, a magic apprentice named Rogier muttered while spawning seeds.

"Isn't it? Let's sign a non-disclosure contract just like this! It's ridiculous, let me say, I can't even say it!"

Another magic apprentice also complained.

"Keep your voice down, be careful if you are heard, we will all be unlucky!" The leader of this group reprimanded.

"I know, I know!"

Rogier responded casually, the dissatisfaction on his face only increasing.

At this moment, not to mention Rogier, most wood spirit magic apprentices were suffocating in their hearts.

On the one hand, I was stimulated by Irene's acquisition of the purple snow wood wand;

On the other hand, this magic experiment also made them feel that they were overqualified, or in other words, insulted!

You must know that the birth of this magic is only the basis of wood spirit magic, it is equivalent to accelerating the growth of plants, other than that, it has no meaning.

Its greatest value is to cultivate some magic plants with too long growth cycle; and through some combined magic, control plants to fight.

Now Ajaf actually asked them to use spawning to speed up the growth of crops. What is the difference between this and the lowly farmers who planed in the soil?

Is this a fucking magic experiment?

A group of magic apprentices dared not speak out, but Irene, who followed Yu Sheng'an, showed a bit of excitement.

"My lord, are you trying to select the best plants through rapid growth?" Irene asked excitedly.

What is her greatest achievement in crop research over the years?

That is the "best theory" she invented.

This is a truth that she figured out after thinking hard.

She believes that plants, like people, are tall, short, fat, thin, good and bad.

Just like a child born to a magician, his magical talent is stronger than that of a commoner.

You have to admit that the bloodline advantage exists.

Therefore, selecting the best-growing plant seeds and cultivating them from generation to generation will definitely produce crops with higher yields.

"Almost, but it's called targeted cultivation."

"Targeted cultivation?"

Irene was shocked, this word almost directly explained her greatest research results, precisely!

At this moment, her eyes lit up when she looked at Yu Shengan.

She was finally sure that she had met a real scholar!

"It can be seen that your research time is not short, how is the result?"

Yu Shengan asked while patrolling the underground laboratory.

"It's terrible. I've been screening for a long time, and I can increase the yield per mu by 10% at most. However, after the offspring of this batch of seeds reproduce two or three times, their advantages will disappear."

Erin looked bleak. The disappearance of the advantages means that each generation of seeds has to be carefully selected again and again. This cost is too high and cannot be popularized at all.

"This is normal. Any plant has both dominant and recessive genes. The plants you grow in the laboratory are equivalent to expressing only the dominant gene. But this does not mean that the recessive gene has disappeared. Two or three generations After that, as the plants pollinate freely, the traits will naturally separate." Yu Shengan said casually.

Erin looked puzzled.

What Yu Sheng'an said made her feel like when she first came into contact with magic in a trance, bewildered, incomprehensible, profound, and in awe!

But her eloquent and logical appearance made her realize that Yu Sheng'an has already done extremely deep research on plants!

"My God, how did the ghost hand melon look like this?"

At this moment, a magic apprentice suddenly exclaimed.

Before Irene looked over,

One after another, exclamations exploded in the laboratory.

"Look, the black valley that I, I, and I gave birth to has a white liquid?"

"Me too!"

"Ah——my carob grows so long!"

The magic apprentices are crazy! Everyone yelled!

As wood spirit magic apprentices, they are very familiar with all kinds of common plants.

Originally, the process of giving birth to plants was quite normal, but something went wrong when they grew.

Even if some leaves grow in a spiral shape, some branches and leaves even come out with juice?

What's even more terrifying is that as the plants bloom and bear fruit.

The final product made them so dumbfounded that they almost bit off their tongues.

Ghost hand melon has become Siamese melon;

Long beans grow longer than humans;

White sap from black valleys;

Almost all common plants have horribly mutated!

Rogier, who had complained a lot before, could no longer complain at this moment.

His pupils dilated and looked at the plants in front of him. The magic experiment in front of him had completely exceeded the limit of his imagination.

It's not that the weird changes in the plants frightened them. As wood spirit magic apprentices, they have cultivated even weirder plants.

What really shocked them was that they didn't interfere with these crops? !

It's just spawning.

As a result, such a terrible change has taken place? !

How can this not make them startled?

Could it be a seed problem?

But before they cultivated, they obviously checked the seeds, are they just ordinary crop seeds?

Fear stems from the unknown.

At this moment, all the magic apprentices looked at Yu Sheng'an in unison.

They realized that they had miscalculated this mysterious being.

The existence that can make the God of Law Deng Dan'er not hesitate to offend a lot of magisters, but also arrange them to assist in the experiment, is really extraordinary!

Be aware that these plants have been twisted.

This is almost equivalent to involving the domain of God!

"Quiet! Why panic? Forget what I said before? Record what you see, observe, and feel. The rest has nothing to do with you."

Yu Shengan reprimanded.


There were sparse echoes in the laboratory, not because everyone disrespected Yu Sheng'an, but because everyone was shocked.

Irene looked at Ajieff with an unbelievable expression, her pupils trembled and her hands trembled.

The scene in front of her completely negated what she thought was "directed cultivation".

This means that Mr. Ajaf has probably explored a new research direction.

From these mutated and distorted plants, it can be seen that he is challenging the authority of God and trying to create a new species!

At this moment, Dorothy also saw that Yu Sheng'an was challenging the authority of the gods.

After all, she is the granddaughter of Doman, the son of the forest, so she still has eyesight.

Didn't her grandfather tell her who Ajeev is?

She kept thinking about it again and again, but she still didn't expect that Ajeev was so terrifying.

A seemingly simple magic experiment completely overturned their imagination of plants!

Is he a god?

Is this the real reason why he was able to mobilize all of Felix's wood spirit apprentices?

Dorothy looked numbly at the twisted and deformed plants in front of her without any magical intervention. The love for children in her mind, Daisova's indifference, and grandpa's sighs were all forgotten.

She realized that she was witnessing history.

In the face of history, everything she has experienced is nothing but duckweed dust, not worth mentioning!

This magical experiment ended in awe.

All the magic apprentices finished their observation reports and left the underground laboratory one by one.

When passing by Yu Sheng'an, the crowd could no longer feel the slightest bit of ridicule.

On the contrary, everyone felt a deep sense of guilt and shock!

Ajayef is a true scholar, a scholar whose knowledge of wood spirit magic far exceeds the limit of their imagination.

He deserves to be respected!

After leaving the forest of magic, Dorothy rushed home. Panting, she knocked open the door of grandpa's study, and shouted in the dissatisfied and astonished eyes of grandpa: "Grandpa..."

She couldn't say the rest.

The confidentiality contract tightly locked her subjective consciousness.

As long as she wants to leak, her mind will go blank and she doesn't know how to speak.

She stammered for a while, then suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, and shouted urgently and incoherently:

"Grandpa, you must participate in Ajeev's magic experiment! Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life! Believe me, you understand, I, I, I can't say, I have a contract with me, you must participate! Definitely!"

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