In the rancid slum hotel, Justin suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the hotel with mottled walls, he was in a trance for a while.

You know, one second ago, he was still cruising underground in the deep mountains and old forests, searching for traces of orcs; unexpectedly, he returned to the hotel the next second.

The occasional encounter is like a dream, seemingly real and unreal.

It took a long time for Justin to come back to his senses.

He subconsciously activated the Internet, trying to enter [Conquer the Second Plane] again, but unexpectedly, after clicking, a line of warning popped up.

[Warning: Your soul power has dropped to a warning level, please enter after recovering your soul power. 】


Seeing this, Justin was suddenly annoyed.

Although the team they temporarily formed hadn't encountered any orcs after leaving the city through the teleportation array, he was still deeply attracted by the excitement of wandering underground in deep mountains and old forests.

Isn't this the life of adventure he's always longed for?

Dancing on the tip of the knife, singing in the blood!

To be honest, Justin has been deeply attracted by [Conquering the Second Plane], even if everything has not started yet.


Realizing that reality cannot be violated, Justin took a deep breath, trying to calm down his anxiety.

At this time, the night in Azeya continent was dark, but he didn't feel sleepy.

He opened the forum, and was surprised to find that a sub-forum of [Conquering the Second Plane] had already appeared in the forum section.

He clicked into the forum, and this forum, which had not been around for a long time, was already buzzing with people!

There are new posts constantly being refreshed, and everyone is talking about [Conquering the Second Plane].

"It's a big loss, my god, if I knew it, I wouldn't have chosen the first task. His uncle, Wu Yangyang, a large group of orcs rushed over. I didn't even have a sword. Before I could react, I was smashed into dust Scumbag, you are still earning gold coins in the coolie camp! What a miserable word!"

"Brilliant! Manipulating a puppet can also release magic. I stabbed one by one and killed an orc. I got fifty merit points and changed to a two-handed sword."


"Worship the boss!"

"He vomited blood! After leaving the city, I wandered around for a long time and didn't see any orcs. Instead, I was bitten to pieces by a ferocious beast. Is there anything worse than me?"


"Hahaha, I laughed to death."

"Hey, [Battle on the Second Plane] is too real, isn't it? This is simply a new life."

"Great God of the Internet, can I bring weapons there? No, can I buy them with money?"

"I'm so anxious. With the soul power of my magic apprentice, I can only play for four hours? I have to go to class to learn magic during the day, which will consume a lot of soul power. What should I do?"

"You forgot upstairs? You can share the puppet's magic power! This is equivalent to saving the time of cultivating magic power. You can use this time for meditation?"

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it?"

Everyone was excited to discuss many details of [Conquer the Second Plane].

From the use skills of the puppet body, to task analysis, and then to personal experience, it can be described as tireless.

Everyone found that the task of defending the city seems simple, but it is actually more difficult!

Because in this kind of large-scale war, everyone's fighting skill bonus is very limited.

Sometimes, it was so easy to kill an orc on one side, but another orc on the other side smashed its body to pieces.

Of course, it is not easy to choose to go out of the city to harass.

That means going deep into enemy territory, alone and without help.

However, even so, there are still masters who have completed the first kill.

However, his experience is difficult to replicate.

Because he is a great magician himself, after sharing the puppet, it is the magic power of the body that strengthens the puppet's strength.

Not only is the puppet's innate attributes higher than most people, but it can also cast intermediate magic,

Hunting down some lone orcs was a piece of cake.

This caused countless people in the forum to cry.

In reality, he is a master, but he did not expect to be a master in manipulating puppets in the sub-plane.

Seeing this, Justin was also discouraged for a while.

However, he was soon aroused by another kind of speech, and his whole body was even more excited.

"Have you ever thought about it? Since life force and magic power can be shared with puppets, why don't we specialize in soul power, as long as we hunt enough orcs in the sub-plane, then we can exchange for more powerful puppets, which in turn, will Strengthen our strength in reality. Magic practice cannot be tricky, but hunting orcs can be tricky!"

It was this kind of remarks that made Justin see another way out in a trance.

That night, Justin spent almost all his time in the forum, exchanging game experience with everyone, discussing how to hunt orcs.

Overnight, Justin's knowledge of strange pitfalls has increased tremendously, and he is waiting to go online for practice.

It was dawn, and Justin clicked [Conquer the Second Plane] again. It showed that his soul power could log in to the game, but he could only control it for half an hour.

This made him a little discouraged. Just at this time, an old mercenary he knew during his mercenary career sent a voice.

"Hey, brat, I have a shipment to be escorted, two days' journey, five hundred coppers, can I go?"

"Five hundred coppers?" Justin raised his voice. Is this price far higher than the listed price?

"Hey? You're not playing that [Conquer the Second Plane], are you?"

Suddenly, Justin realized why the commission had increased!

Many mercenaries who are not short of money are attracted by the game, how can they have the time to work?

In fact, the emergence of [Conquer the Second Plane] affects more than just the commission price?

After a night of fermentation, this incident shocked the empire!

Almost all sub-forums are discussing this Internet game that "in the name of children's games, the reality of war and killing".

Countless poor people living at the bottom felt the existence of magic for the first time;

For the first time, I saw the horror of a real large-scale war;

It was also the first time to experience a life that is completely different from daily necessities.

Countless people were shocked by this new experience, their scalps were numb, and they were dazzled and startled!

For a while, not to mention the uproar on the Internet, even the streets and alleys were full of discussions.

The top management of the Kavier Empire convened an emergency meeting.


Felix Ring Magic Tower.

The three gods of the empire urgently held a meeting to discuss the powerful strength and influence behind the new functions suddenly updated by the god of the Internet.

"Judging from the information we have now, it is clear that the city of Dorphy was not built overnight. Many details show that this city has a history of at least a hundred years. Obviously, this plane is the god of the Internet."

As soon as Deng Dan'er's voice fell, Zi Moore refuted.

"No, I don't think so. At present, the plane of Dorphy only shows a city. I doubt that this is the God of the Internet invading the plane of the orcs. This city is just moved by him from other planes as a gate for invasion. !"

"Zi Moore is right. The god of the Internet is insidious and cunning. You can't believe what he said in [Battle on the Second Plane]. If this is his plane, with his personality, how could he be so embarrassed that he was killed by the orcs?" The situation of the siege?" Bessie, the god of law, said.

Deng Daner narrowed his eyes: "What you said makes sense, but I was careless. If this is really the God of the Internet's invasion of the orc plane, then he chose to spread magic in our Kavier Empire, which can also be explained Already!"

Zimmer and Bessie looked at each other and said in unison: "This is conscription in disguise!"

Deng Dan'er said: "Not only did I conscript the soldiers, but I, Keweier, also became his fountain of source quality. It's really a terrifying scheming!"

Bessie frowned: "In fact, compared to these, what I care more about is that the plane invasion can still be carried out in this way, which is simply unimaginable."

"Yes, the sharing of the six senses is equivalent to endowing the puppet with a soul, but retaining the characteristics of the puppet who is not afraid of death. As long as there are endless puppets, if the whole people are soldiers, this is simply the best way to fight against the orcs!"

"Not only that, but it will also benefit the Kavier Empire infinitely."

"Ordinary people have limited soul power, and they can log in for up to two hours a day. Not only will this not affect daily life and production, but they will even benefit endlessly from sharing the puppet's magic power and vitality."

“It’s really all about mutual benefit.”

"The people have benefited, but during the two hours of landing time, they also served the Internet God's slaughter and contributed their source quality. At the same time, they also saw the war. If there is a war in the future, the whole people will be soldiers."

"Not only is it very helpful to ordinary people, it is actually a kind of experience for advanced magicians."

"Magic knowledge is dead after all. No matter how advanced the magic is, if you can't use it on the battlefield, you will be a waste after all! [Conquering the Second Plane] is equivalent to giving magicians an absolutely safe opportunity to practice."

"In this way, [Battle on the Second Plane] is not only harmless to the Kavier Empire, but also beneficial!"

"So far, that's true."

After discussing this, the three Dharma gods couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw great shock and great awe in each other's eyes!

I especially remember that when the God of the Internet formulated the low-price food strategy, they were already horrified by the cunning of the God of the Internet and the scheming of the Demon God.

Unexpectedly, behind this strategy, the Internet God also showed a more terrifying and interlocking wisdom.

"Fortunately, we have concluded a contract and become allies." Bessie couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Deng Dan'er and Zi Moore subconsciously nodded in agreement, feeling a bit of fear in their hearts.

Fortunately, I did not refuse the cooperation of the Internet God at that time.

Otherwise, if he invaded the Kavier Empire as the "Dauphy Plane", the Kavier Empire would definitely be in danger!

At that time, the entire empire will gradually shrink into sixteen city-states under the endless harassment of intelligent puppets, and will eventually be eaten up one by one.

"Since we're allies, wouldn't it be good for us to sit on the sidelines when something happens to our allies?" Bessie asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Deng Daner and Zi Moore looked at each other, and instantly understood the meaning of Bessie's subtext.

The god of the Internet is so powerful, if he doesn't show his favor now, when will he wait?

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