Voyager’s Interstellar Journey

Chapter 11: take care of

? Ye Ji put the light button in his trouser pocket and walked to the study next door.

"Woo woo hoo little darling, does it hurt, Xiao Feng will treat you, just give it a shot."

As a super-intelligent robot housekeeper, this little injury is really nothing, even if it is missing an arm or a broken leg, it can be taken back.

It's just that the current object is a fragile pure human cub who has not yet reached the age of one year, especially being so well-behaved and sensible, it really breaks its machine heart.

The wound was healed, and Xiaofeng kept comforting her, fearing that this "violent" master would cast a shadow on the cub's psychology.

Daddy is just in charge of being in a daze.

But obviously Xiao Fengle is in it.

Suddenly, Danny started to write on the paper again while holding the pen.

[Uncle didn't do it on purpose. 】

"You don't need to plead for him, he's arrogant and arrogant, and I don't know how he cultivated it. The humiliation of being born is my stain. Don't worry, Daddy, I will definitely learn a lesson and teach you to be a kind and sensible good boy."

Xiao Feng didn't know if Xiao Daddy listened, she just started to write on the paper again.

[It doesn't hurt. 】

嘤嘤嘤Dai is really a good boy who can answer questions, Xiao Feng is moved, although this answer is a little late.

【Thank you, Xiaofeng. 】

"No thanks, no thanks, the master will be your guardian in the future, then I will also be your babysitter robot, you can give me one hundred and twenty hearts."

[Want to eat the sweet one before. 】

"Oh, yes, the cubs should eat less and more meals, little dude, sit here and wait a moment, Xiaofeng will get you a nutritional supplement."

Dai thinks that both uncle and Xiao Feng are good people.

Good people have to be rewarded, but what can she give them in return?

Xiao Dai tilted her head and thought for a long time, until she was fed the nutrient solution by Xiao Feng, and then was coaxed to sleep, she did not think that she could do anything in return.

Emperor is between two stars. Although it is also rotating, it is bright no matter the day or night.

When the yellow star hung in the sky, the Emperor Star began to sleep.

Xiaofeng put Xiaodao to sleep, and went to Xingwang to buy a lot of things for the cubs. He stopped by the study and looked at the master.

Ye Ji frowned, and patiently read these Rory's wordy books.

If he knew the cub was so troublesome, he wouldn't adopt her.

But she's much better than the kids in this book. Ye Ji rubbed his eyebrows, it should be better to take care of it.

Xiao Feng saw through the crack of the door that the owner was really studying hard, and did his work with confidence.

"Master, do you really need me to go?" Xiao Feng stood at the door and looked at the master who wanted to go out alone with the cub, very worried.

"Don't worry, I finished reading all those books yesterday." Ye Ji looked at the way he was holding the cub. With one hand on the hip and the other around the waist, the standard is very high, and he is really smart.

"But..." Xiao Feng wanted to say that theory does not equal practice, and the master has already left. The machine's eyes were obviously dimmed by a degree, and it was really worrying.

The cubs of Emperor Star must be accompanied by a guardian when they go out, and they must take a special safety car.

The reason for such care of the cubs is simply that they are too few in number. In the interstellar era, high-level species of various galaxies intermarryed each other, and the original pure indigenous people had long since been annihilated from the era. Today's interstellar human gene chain is more high-end, but the reproduction rate is extremely low. And the higher the body level, the harder it is to reproduce. There will be one child or even no one in a lifetime.

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