? Ye Ji sat up and grabbed the long silver hair that was messed up.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng!"

Where did this robot die.

Since the little nerd came, this guy has paid less attention to him.

I snapped my fingers and made a rattling sound, "I haven't exercised for a few days, I should help it repair it by the way."

The corner of his mouth rose, and he silently counted three...two...one...appeared!


On the external light screen, which occupies almost the entire width of the room, there are pictures of the children of famous families. There is a brief introduction below.

A large silver iron block stood in front of the screen and gave a speech in cadence, and in front of him sat a serious little boy nodding from time to time.

"Yeah, Master, you're awake."

Xiao Feng turned her head ninety degrees and saw Ye Ji with a dissatisfied face.

Well, it's time to find a spouse for the master.

Although his family background is prominent and his appearance is also first-class handsome, but the master's violent temper, no one should be able to stand it.

Xiao Feng once saw many suitors in the school confessing to the master. After not knowing what the master said to them, they all looked like they wanted to live, and never dared to talk to the master again. touch.

It shivered, this inhuman person, it felt that he was too gentle to that classmate just now.

shook his head and continued to educate the little cub.

"So you have to remember that although some people look very kind, they are dark and paranoid." Just like the master and his friends.

Nodding dumbly, as if she understands, why does she feel that Xiao Feng's words are insinuating.

"I said, did you do it on purpose?"

Ye Ji only got one nonsense from entering the door, and the other one ignored him. Displeased inside.

Looking at the two little **** who ate and lived with him and ignored him, it was really annoying.


Xiao Feng tilted her head curiously, why is the master crazy?

Ye Ji felt that he couldn't stay here any longer. How could he feel isolated?

Derry walked over and grabbed his trousers.

Ye Ji looked at her badly, "What are you doing."

Now think of pleasing him?

A white-eyed wolf, didn't we just chat with Xiaofeng in full swing?

Xiao Dui smiled sweetly, which made him a little embarrassed, "Yes, if you have anything to say, say something." Hmph, what a cute thing to sell.


She pointed to the half-sized screen in the air, and now there are only a few avatars left.

She and Xiaofeng specially selected qualified spouse candidates for him.

"Huh?" Ye Ji looked over, his eyes changed a little.

"Master, how is it, do you like it?"

Xiao Feng hurried up to ask for help.

"These are all the young men with great faces in the empire that I and Danny chose, and they are definitely suitable for you~"

Ye Ji squinted, this guy's motherboard burned?


Xiao Dui's eyes widened, "Xiao...Feng..."

The only thing that answered her was the sound of sizzling electricity.

Ye Ji looked at the pile of silver and iron blocks that were about to be scrapped in the corner, and snorted, "If you have a spring, I will ask the Imperial Robot Research Institute to send you a spouse, hehe, if you need it, you can Don't be polite to your master."

Master.... you are so cruel... 

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the image of it in the heart of Xiaodao is all destroyed.

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