It was a hundred times more popular than the post posted by the driver that day.

Osborn knew about this while chatting with the neighbors, and hurriedly returned home to let Eli watch the star network.

There are already people on the Star Online who watched the whole mech battle and wrote everything down, just so that Eli, who didn't know anything, understood everything.

However, it was found that the two people at the center of the matter had not returned until now.

Osborn thought the two were going out to play by themselves, and Eli came back when he was sleeping, so he went upstairs to have a look, and found that the bedroom door was not only unlocked, but it was empty inside Not even a bed.

Eli hurriedly asked all the people Ye Ji knew, but no one knew where the two went.

Zheng Wei couldn't help but say, "They're gone too."

I didn't expect that he would be "calculated" by his good brothers in the end, and they didn't tell him when they left, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Also? What do you mean?"

"The Zheng family all left Emperor Star today, saying that the little prince arranged for them to leave."

Eli frowned, "He has everything arranged? He has long thought of leaving?" They found it and disappeared.

Eli felt this way, he hung up the communication in a complicated mood, and told Osborn about the two of them leaving. To his surprise, Osborn just Xiao Xiao was surprised for a moment, and in turn comforted him, "Don't think too much about it, it is estimated that Peer and Xiao Dai have already made this plan. It's better to leave Emperor Star, after all, Xiao Dai's identity cannot be explained to the outside world. ."

Although they were adopted, the two of them would be criticized when they were together, not to mention that Xiao Dian grew up suddenly.

Even so, how could a father accept the news of his son's sudden departure so easily. Eli thought he knew Osborn, and there must be a secret between them that he didn't know.

The news of the destruction of the Emperor Star Palace spread all over the star network, Ye Heng couldn't sit still, and he would go back regardless of Shen Lao's obstruction.

"His Royal Highness, think twice, no one knows if this is a conspiracy by Caesar, or it's better to wait a while." Shen Lao was really scared by Caesar Now, I always feel that things can't end so easily, maybe Caesar is still holding back his big move.

Ye Heng was anxious, "Old Shen, don't stop me, if my little uncle comes out, then what is Nishizawa Kitazawa's ass, and my father has not already said Is he dead already!"

"That can't be so arbitrary, in case this is another good show performed by Caesar. You still stay here for these two days, our A-level planet is not much worse than Emperor Star, Don't worry."

He can rest assured, he is going home! Ye Heng wanted to cry but had no tears. He had never seen such a person who prevented him from going home.

Since the military withdrew from cooperation with Caesar, they were released from prison, and before he could react, they were put on their starship by people from A-class planets , After flying for a day to the planet managed by Shen Lao, he was strictly guarded.

"It's not Mr. Shen, listen to me, the academy is about to start, I have to go back to class." With his crappy grades, if he delays the course for a few more days, the exam will be again Can be disqualified.

The old face slammed, and Shen Lao waved his hand, "Those furry things taught at Imperial College are nothing special, this old man is not talented, but it is more than enough to be a professor, these few days let the old man come Teach His Royal Highness the grandson!"

What, what, what? No, Ye Heng cried. He was stupid. If anyone knew that the royal family had made such a fool as him, they would definitely die of laughter.

"Ah, my head suddenly hurts, Mr. Shen, I think there must be something wrong with me being locked there a few days ago." Ye Heng rolled his eyes and immediately hugged The head looks like it hurts so badly.

Shen Lao really got anxious, and hurriedly called for a medical robot, helped Ye Heng to rest on the bed, and said, "This slaying thousand knives, Caesar, actually imprisoned the blood of the royal family. Prison, if something happens, what will you do? You see that you have to go back to Dixing to go to school noisily. You have to go to school well, but your health is the most important thing. I think you should lie down these days. Rest here and forget about these things."

Ye Heng hurriedly supported his head and nodded. Old Shen was right, his body was the most important thing.

The medical robot didn't find out what was wrong with Ye Heng, but Old Shen still made him rest in bed, and the freshest food was delivered every day.

Before Ye Heng was happy for two days, Shen Lao told him that Di Xing had come to pick him up.

Is it the father? Ye Heng jumped up from the bed and hurriedly changed into formal clothes.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but was still a little disappointed that it wasn't Elio, but Elio.

"Mr. Richest Man, why are you here?"

Ellio hugged Aggie and looked at him up and down, her complexion was rosy and her skin was shiny, she looked good, "Your little aunt and uncle are afraid that you will be wronged, let I'm here to pick you up, just in time for me to go back to Dixing, come with me."

Ellio turned around and left, Ye Heng stood in a daze for a long time and didn't respond, "This, let's go now?"

"Of course, your father will hold the ceremony of succeeding the king soon, won't you help?"

What can he do to help? It's fine if he doesn't cause trouble, Ye Heng touched his head, but it doesn't seem like he doesn't go to such a big thing as his father, so he nodded, " Then trouble the richest man."

"What's the trouble with this?" Elio waved his hand indifferently, "This guy Ye Ji will leave as soon as he says go, I will have to rely on you and your father to take care of me in Emperor Star in the future. What." He is a businessman, and being able to get in touch with the people above can solve a lot of problems, and he can become the richest man at such a young age, thanks to his friendship with the little prince of the empire.

Listening to Elio mentioning Ye Ji, Ye Heng bowed his head a little uncomfortable, and asked in a low voice, "Did the little uncle really leave with the little aunt? Didn't even find the father?"

"If they don't want to come out, who do you think can find it?" Aggie in his arms snorted twice, and Elio hurriedly slapped it twice as a sign of comfort.

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