Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 2 Moon Sleeping Flower



Hua Mi stood up from the ground unsteadily, fanned away the dust and looked around.

This is a small wooden house with a simple style, which has obviously been abandoned for a long time. There is only a table, chairs, and a wooden bed. The floor and furniture are covered with dust, and some bottles, cans, books and papers are placed randomly.

"Time traveled?"

Hua Mi pinched herself and the pain felt very real, so it shouldn't be an illusion.

He looked at the back of his hand. The place where he was stung by the blue bee no longer hurt, but a light blue line appeared in the center of the wound.

In a moment of bliss, he instinctively raised his hand and drew an oval in the air.

Just like that, a "wormhole" full of psychedelic colors appeared in front of him, and quickly expanded independently into a portal that could allow one person to pass through.

Hua Mi took a deep breath and passed through.

The next second, his feet landed on the soft earth, and a familiar buzzing sound could be heard.

He returned to his flower field.


After realizing that she could double penetrate, Hua Mi became excited.

This time the portal did not disappear immediately, it seemed to be controlled by his consciousness.

After regaining his composure, he walked back into the cabin.

I didn't feel there was any danger, but I wanted to familiarize myself with the environment first.

Hua Mi walked to the only wooden table in the wooden house and looked at the debris on it.

Most of them are transparent glass products similar to test tubes, beakers, etc., and there are also some clay pots, the contents of which have long been oxidized into black mud, and their true colors cannot be distinguished.

The scattered books were all turned into lumps and could not be opened at all. Only the appearance could tell that they were originally books.

Among this pile of rags, the black leather book is particularly special.

The dust has fallen off after being patted, but the surface is still shiny and shiny, and the inside looks like new when opened.

There was a line of text written on the homepage, which looked very distorted. It should be an alien text that does not exist on earth, but Hua Mi miraculously could understand it, and it was very familiar, like a native language, maybe it was given to him by the blue bee. ability.

Translated, it can be replaced by four Chinese characters - "Alchemy Notes".

"Is it the note left by the owner of this wooden house?"

Hua Mi was shocked and confused because he realized that this was probably a magical world.

Alchemy plus these bottles and jars, could the owner of the cabin be the legendary alchemist?

This notebook also seemed to have magical magic applied to it to ensure that it would not be corroded, which further supported his guess.

Hua Mi looked through the notes for a while and found that the content was very simple, just introducing some materials, animals and plants by region.

For example, in the first part of the opening chapter, the place introduced is the location of this wooden house - the Black Witch's Forest.

Referred to as the Black Forest.

"So this place is a forest."

Hua Mi couldn't wait to go out and have a look.

There's so much dust in this shabby wooden house that I'm going to get rhinitis.

There are two doors, one in front and one in back.

Hua Mi didn't think much and walked towards the back door closest to her.


As the wooden door opened, the bright sunshine poured on him, and his whole body felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring, warm.

When his eyes adjusted to the brightness outside, he saw a scene that was like a fairy tale.

The backyard is a flowerbed, planted with some pure white flowers. The shape of these flowers is curved to one side, like a crescent moon. They have been growing wildly without being taken care of for a long time. They have already broken through the wooden fence in the backyard and spread deep into the forest in the distance. go.

Hua Mi opened the notebook, flipped through a few pages quickly, and stopped on one page. The sketch on it was the white flower in front of her.

"Moon sleep flower, the water moon blooms, the water moon peaks, the water moon declines, and the ice age withers... It has a delicate fragrance, can automatically absorb the essence of the moon, is easy to grow, and its growth can be judged by observing the fluorescence in the dark... modulates sleep It is the basic material of hypnotic potions such as potions and brain pills, and can also be used to neutralize the properties of some powerful potions, such as mutagens..."

Sure enough, magic crops.

As a beekeeper, especially coming from Huayu Town, Hua Mi has a special affection for flowers. The sea of ​​flowers in front of him made him intoxicated.

Although the flowerbed is overgrown with weeds, this does not diminish the beauty of the moonflower, but instead highlights its nobility and purity.

The wooden house is surrounded by big trees. These trees are twice as tall as trees on the earth. The crowns are lush, but because they are far apart, the crowns do not block the sun.

What surprised Hua Mi the most was the extremely fresh air here. I am used to breathing the air polluted by industrialization, and when I came here, I felt like I was in a fairyland. It's a truly natural scent, and the fragrance of the moonflower is the icing on the cake.

Hua Mi breathed the air here greedily.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar little figure flying into the flowers. After rising and falling several times, he lay down on a moonflower and began to collect it.

That's a little bumblebee.

She should have been brought here while lying on top of him.

The activity of bees is greatly affected by the environment. The difference between the excited look of the little bee and the wilting look in the original environment is too obvious.

Apparently, as he had intuited, the environment here was perfect for beekeeping and honey production.

"It seems that it's the nectar period of the Sleeping Moon Flower here. According to the notes, it should be...the Water Full Moon."

The division of months here is completely different from that on Earth.

There was no bee seen in such a suitable place for collecting honey just now, which means that there is probably no bee species in this world.

Hua Mi suddenly had a whim. She didn't know what the honey brewed from the nectar of the Moon Sleeping Flower would taste like.

Does the honey of this magical plant have special magical effects?

It is reasonable to infer that it is quite possible.

In Hua Mi's mind, a plan quickly took shape.

He wants to keep bees and make honey here.

Brew all kinds of magic honey, just like an alchemist!

The constant pursuit of better quality flower seeds and honey is like a mountaineer constantly challenging himself to climb higher mountains.

Hua Mi's mind couldn't help but spread out, imagining the most wonderful development.

Anyway, it doesn’t cost money to think about it.

Take action even if your heart beats!

Hua Mi ambitiously opened a wormhole and traveled back to her flower field——

"yue~The air is so polluted."

Without comparison, there is no harm. I suddenly felt that the creatures living in this world are really pitiful.

The sudden appearance startled the bee swarm, and the little bees took off in an attack posture. However, when they saw it was the keeper, they lowered their guard and continued to swoop down to collect honey.

Hua Mi suddenly realized a problem.

It's still daytime now, and the bumblebees behave in a rhythmic manner. They work during the day and rest at night. They are unwilling to return to the box now.

"We can only wait until tonight..."

Bees are not like dogs. They will go wherever they are told. To a certain extent, beekeepers can only rely on biological laws.

But something magical happened again. Hua Mi looked at the swarm of bees in front of him. As soon as he had the idea of ​​​​wanting them to return to the beehive, a current seemed to pass through his brain, and he "porgen" established a certain relationship with the will of the swarm. a connection on a conscious level.

It was a wonderful experience. In this state, he could accurately locate every bee in the swarm and detect the status of each bee. The queen bee, drone bees, worker bees... were all under his control. It's like an extension of my own body.

"Return to the hive" - ​​this command is issued by the mind. The bees stop collecting honey instantly and fly towards the beehive. It only takes a few seconds to completely return to their position.

"I'll go, this is so awesome..."

Hua Mi was shocked by her own hand.

With this skill, why not worry about becoming the best beekeeper in the world?

Ignore the biological habits of bees, go wherever you want them to go, sting whoever you want them to... ahem, collecting honey is the real business.

"Someone was bitten by a spider and gained superpowers and became Spider-Man. I was stung by a bee and gained superpowers. Should I be called Bee-Man?"

It sounds so ugly, just like a cute little girl, without any courage.

No way, compared to creatures like spiders and bats, bees are in people’s minds just a group of hard-working and cute little elves.

However, it seems that he can only control a swarm of bees at a time.

Trying to control multiple groups makes it difficult to focus.

As the bee swarms return to their nests one after another, the buzz gradually subsides, and tranquility returns to the flower field.

Without further ado, let’s start moving!

There are only thirty boxes in total, and he can handle it quickly by himself.

During this period, Hua Mi specifically tested her ability to travel through time.

As long as it is carried by him, he can take it with him, whether it is a dead thing or a living thing like a bee.

However, the time travel can only be done between the flower field at home and the alchemy cabin opposite.

In other words, if he leaves the flower field area here, or leaves the cabin area on the opposite side, he will not be able to draw a "wormhole".

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