Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 93 Bite Marks

The figure was lying on the tombstone, motionless.

Hua Mi controlled the scout bee to approach him.

As the distance shortened, a familiar purple robe came into view.


Clark? !

No way.

Hua Mi was shocked and immediately asked the scout bee to turn to the front, and it turned out to be him.

At this time, Clark's head and arms were hanging down weakly, looking lifeless.

In fact, through the sensory sharing transmitted by the scout bees, his heartbeat and breathing can no longer be heard.


The person who was still joking with him yesterday has only been here for a day.

The sound and appearance are still there.

It's touching.

Hua Mi thought to herself, what danger could put him to death?

It’s a bit outrageous to think about.

As an observer, his perception ability is quite high, and he can even see through Alais' space distortion magic with his naked eyes. Under normal circumstances, he should not be able to trouble him.

He should be able to detect ordinary dangers easily.

Of course, having said that, everything has pros and cons, and sometimes having high perception ability is not a good thing.

Especially in this unpredictable environment.


Hua Mi called the flying boat to stop.

A swarm of powerful bees poured out of the cuffs and swarmed towards the corpse below.

These mists should be non-toxic.

The scout bees have been walking inside for a long time, and nothing strange has happened.

The swarm carried Clark's body and suspended it next to the airship.

"There are wounds on his neck." Hilya noticed it keenly.

Hua Mi controlled the bee swarm and adjusted it slightly. The neck of the corpse tilted to one side, revealing two round hole-shaped wounds.

An attack that even an observer cannot avoid must come from a powerful monster.

His skin was pale and he was obviously bleeding excessively, but there wasn't much blood on his body, only some blood scabs around the wounds.

This kind of wound, as well as the state of the corpse, are very similar to the vampire introduced in the book.

But vampires, as undead creatures transformed by the curse of the abyss, are rare.

"Are there vampires in the Black Forest..." Carter was mid-sentence when he suddenly raised his eyebrows and remembered something, "By the way, I remember that a vampire was suppressed under the ruins of the Black Castle, that unicorn..."

The three of them cast their gaze over.

Hua Mi knew what they were thinking and said calmly: "The unicorn is not dead, it just lost its horn."

As long as it's there, the vampire can't get out.

In theory, this is true.

However, could it be that the broken horn weakened the vampire and caused some impact on the outside world?

He couldn't tell.

Moreover, he has not been to the ruins of Black Castle since that time.

There's no telling what changes might happen in the middle.

Now there are two options.

First go to the ruins of Black Castle to explore the situation, or continue deeper into the cemetery.

If there really is a vampire here, it would be irrational to enter rashly.

Even if it is not a vampire, the danger that can kill an observer should be treated with caution.

Hua Mi controlled the swarm to place Clark on the ship.

As he was thinking about what to do next, he heard Hilya say: "Maybe we can ask it."

Hua Mi looked in the direction she pointed.

I saw a translucent milky white shadow floating between the shadowy tombstones in the distance, like a faded human being, with the lower body almost blending into the mist.

"I hate ghosts," Cole muttered.

Carter turned the boat and headed that way.

When passing a big tree, Cole suddenly jumped up and jumped onto a thick branch. Like a monkey, the old god was squatting on the ground.

Carter stabilized the ship's body, which was shaking due to his jump, and frowned at him.

Cole said without changing his expression: "I'll wait for you here."

Silya's words were thorny and she said: "It is a ghost, not an evil spirit. It will not attack people. You don't have to be afraid."

Cole defended: "I'm not afraid, I just don't like the smell of ghosts."

Carter shook his head and continued to drive the spaceship towards that direction.

The ghost looked like a quiet lady, with long hair flowing down, and her hands folded in front of her. She was wearing a dress, which was complicated and not like modern attire.

She noticed the approach of the flying boat, and immediately like a fish in the water, she twisted her body and swam towards the distance, looming in the thick fog.

"We scared her," Silya said. "Slow down this time."

Carter then maneuvered the flying boat to approach slowly. This time, he stopped when he was still a long way away from the ghost, so as not to scare it away again.

The ghost was hiding behind a tree, like a shy girl next door.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Hilya said to it, "What's your name?"

"We have to stop them...as soon as possible..."

The ghost's voice sounded ethereal, close to my ears, yet seemed to come from the distant sky.

"Stop who?" Silya asked immediately, "What happened here?"

"Stop them...please...!"

At this moment, in the mist, a red line of blood suddenly jumped out from behind the tree like a snake hiding in the dark.

The ghost screamed, turned into a ball of invisible light, and fled away.

It runs, it chases.

Both sides chased each other and disappeared in the thick fog in a blink of an eye.

"What... happened?"

Carter pondered for a while: "It seems that someone is capturing the ghosts here."

"Capturing...ghosts? What is it for?"

"I don't know, but if I had to guess, I think they want to use the remaining power of the undead here."

Feizhou returned the same way.

The lycanthrope jumped back onto the boat nimbly and whistled with a relaxed expression, as if he wanted to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Hilya glanced at him: "Everyone is mortal, why should you be afraid of what you will eventually become?"

"I've said it before, I just hate the smell of ghosts." Cole immediately corrected him, sat back in his seat, and talked eloquently, "We are not afraid of anything, not to mention ghosts, even evil spirits... …”

At this time, Hua Mi raised her eyebrows and noticed that the fingers of the corpse on the boat moved.

Immediately afterwards——


The star commentator who was supposed to be dead let out a weak groan and raised a hand tremblingly.


Cole's eyes suddenly widened. Before he could sit firmly on his butt, he suddenly let out a scream and fell backwards from the boat.


With a muffled sound of landing, the thick fog around the landing point was briefly washed away, but then filled back in, submerging Cole's figure in it.

There is a corpse on the boat and Cole falls to the ground.

For a moment, the three people on the boat didn't know which one to focus on first.

Clark had already opened his eyes at this time, saw Hua Mi beside him, and said weakly:

"Sorry, I missed my appointment... something happened."

There will be more later~ I’ll finish writing the cemetery plot and post it together (^~^)

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